My Pit Bull Approached The Baby, I Can’t BELIEVE What Happened Next! Oh My GOD!
By Amy
Okay, we can all go home now — we’ve officially found the most adorable video of all time. 10-week-old baby Eisleigh and 8-week-old Pitbull puppy Clyde already have the most beautiful relationship, it’s like their genuine twins! They absolutely adore one another!
The moment I saw the puppy approaching the baby, I didn’t know what to expect. But this video is so short, and my curiosity quickly turned to a feeling of elation when puppy climbed right in next to his best friend, snuggled in close and saw Eisleigh light up in complete comfort. OH MY GOD. Cutest moment, ever. Can …read more
Source: PetFlow Blog
Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog, Heartwarming
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