This Tiny Dog’s Genius Tricks Blew Me Away. I Can’t Believe This Sweet Girl!

30 Jul

By Caroline

Meet Misa Minnie, an adorable 1.5-year-old Yorkie who is proof that training a pup with positive reinforcement can have some pretty awesome results! This little one is such a good girl, she makes my heart melt.

Although Minnie is still just a little girl, she is wise beyond her years! On her owner’s YouTube channel, Misa Minnie plays soccer, closes a door, she makes a sad face, and even prays… all on command!

Misa Minnie has a pretty nice life in Southern California, where she is trained at home and works as a therapy dog for children and adults in hospice. So …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


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