Dog Stuck Between Boulders Is Free After Owner’s CLEVER Trick Saves The Day! I Can’t Believe THIS Worked

01 Aug

By Amber James

It was a race against time when Carl Birtwistle and Paula Gerrard realized their curious cocker spaniel wedged himself in between two boulders and got stuck.

The couple’s leisurely walk suddenly turned into a dog rescue. They called the fire brigade for help, but learned the nearest RSPCA office was 90 minutes away. Frustrated, the dog owners took matters into their hands and used car jacks to separate the rocks and free the Eric from his confinement. Thankfully, the nine-year-old pup was okay and did not suffer any injuries.

Please SHARE this video if you were amazed about the owner’s clever trick …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


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