All Animals Are Now LEGALLY ”Victims” In The Court Of Law In One Genius State!

26 Aug

By Giovanna Boldrini

Lora Dunn, staff attorney for the Animal Legal Defense Fund in Portland, put it best: “To acknowledge that animals are victims of crime, that’s really common sense to us!”

We couldn’t agree more. It’s a groundbreaking moment in animal rights history, but to animal lovers, this distinction doesn’t even seem necessary. Why wouldn’t animals be seen as victims?

Unfortunately, the ruling was made on the case of a man who was convicted of starving 20 – yes, 20 – horses and goats on his property. The perpetrator alleged that he couldn’t be charged with separate counts for each of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Cat, Dog, Farm Animals, Pets in the News, Touching


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