Archive by Author

Six Corgis Ran Wild On A College Campus. The Video Nearly Killed Me With Cuteness!!!

07 Aug

By Caroline

It’s no secret that spending time with animals can help reduce stress and make you an overall happier human, but up until now I only thought this was a great idea for therapy patients.

A new trend is popping up at college campuses around the US and it’s definitely something I could get behind! Organizations are bringing pets to college campuses to help students de-stress and find comfort in adorable little ones.

In this sweet video, six Corgi puppies visited the Georgia Tech campus, where they had a blast exploring the school’s grounds and interacting with some of the students who stuck …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Every Time It Rains My Dog Does The Funniest Thing…I Just HAD To Record It, He’s HILARIOUS!!

07 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Some dogs get down in the dumps whenever it rains. To them, it usually means no long walks around the neighborhood, no romps in the yard, and the dog park is absolutely out of the question. So, they sit by the window and look longingly at what they cannot obtain: outside.

But this dog in Annapolis is not your everyday pup! No sir, this dog likes to make the most out of a very gloomy situation. Instead of getting sad and moping around the house, he turns the rain into what is probably the best game ever.

Enjoy and please SHARE this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


This Dog Is Trying His Best To Catch Raindrops, And He WILL Make You Smile!

07 Aug

By Amy

It’s a short video — 13 seconds to be exact. But yet it was long enough to put a big smile on my face. Rainy days can make us feel down-in-the-dumps, at least that’s the effect they have on me. Dogs, however, tend to live in the moment, making each one count more than the last.

Take this pup, for example. It was a rainy day in Annapolis, and he and his pet parent had to seek shelter while out for their daily walk. Instead of sulking away, this dog turned the rain into a fun adventure, and as you can …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


We Were So Nervous When Our Kitten ‘Attacked’ The Pit Bull, But We NEVER Expected This Reaction!

07 Aug

By Jessica

When Haven the kitten suddenly jumped at Apollo the pit bull, their family wasn’t sure what to do! Even though Haven is only a kitten, she still has claws, and she went right for Apollo’s face! After a few tense moments, however, everyone realized that Apollo was one of the gentlest dogs around!

Instead of fighting back, Apollo seemed to realize right away that Haven was only a kitten, and the two began to play fight in the cutest way ever!

Whenever I see two animals like this – especially a big dog and a little kitten – I get the feeling …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog


I Just Discovered The BEST Way To Keep A Puppy Busy! This Is ADORABLE!

07 Aug

By Amy


Gia may be just a pup, but she’s already discovered her passion in life: TRAINS!! HA! Little fluffy puppies are bundles of energy, and when you have kids it can be tough to play with everyone until they’re worn out and ready for bed. So, one day, Gia’s mom turned out the electric train she bought for her son, and guess what? Gia was captivated! She could run around that train all day!

As soon as Mom realized her puppy’s energy could be expelled with the flip of a switch — without having to monitor her too closely while she tends …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


They Were Warned Pit Bulls Were Vicious Dogs. When There’s Met The Baby, THIS Happened!

07 Aug

By John

This has got to be the sweetest video I’ve ever seen. Really. Between the soothing music and the big dog and baby cuddling together, it’s almost too much! I just hope everyone who thinks Pit Bulls are “vicious” dogs or ticking time bombs sees these two together.

Did you know that Pit Bulls have often been called “Nanny dogs” because they’re such great guardians of kids and babies? And this big sweetie, Ruby, lives up to that title for sure!

Be sure to turn your speakers up when you watch, and don’t forget to SHARE!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


This Is The Moment An 11-Year-Old Cancer Patient FINALLY Gets Her Wish. It Left Me In Tears.

07 Aug

By John

11-year-old Brooke has osteosarcoma, an aggressive type of bone cancer that often develops in growing teenagers. When she was given the chance to have a wish granted with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Australia, the only thing she wanted was a little Yorkshire Terrier puppy to keep her company in her wheelchair.

She’s been waiting patiently to meet her new friend, and the moment has finally arrived! Watching her hold her new puppy Coco brought a tear to my eye. They just look so sweet together! I’m sure they’ll be best friends for a long time to come! Congratulations on your new …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Kids, Touching


Her One Wish Was To Have A Puppy To Keep Her Company In Her Wheelchair. When It Finally Happened, I Cried!

07 Aug

By John

11-year-old Brooke has osteosarcoma, an aggressive type of bone cancer that often develops in growing teenagers. When she was given the chance to have a wish granted with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Australia, the only thing she wanted was a little Yorkshire Terrier puppy to keep her company in her wheelchair.

She’s been waiting patiently to meet her new friend, and the moment has finally arrived! Watching her hold her new puppy Coco brought a tear to my eye. They just look so sweet together! I’m sure they’ll be best friends for a long time to come! Congratulations on your …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Kids, Touching


[Caught On Camera!] This Guilty Dog Is Completely In Denial. I Can’t Stop Laughing!

07 Aug

By Caroline

Let’s see… who is the guilty party that pulled down the blinds in the living room?!

Unfortunately for Sam, there isn’t even a good excuse to get him out of this mess! It was the blind leading the blinds in this mess. In this hilarious video, Sam was caught red-pawed with the blinds dangling around his body by his owner, Youtube user vffjeff1983. Fortunately for Sam, the blinds can easily be replaced and the pup was not hurt!

It’s important to be careful of blinds and drapes with dangling cords, as animals and small children can get caught up in the cords …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


My Dogs Do The Funniest Thing When I Tickle Them. THIS Is Hysterical!

07 Aug

By Amber James

Most dogs love a getting a belly rub, and these two adorable mini dachshunds are no exception. But their reaction to getting tickled is just too funny!

In this adorable clip, the cream mini dachshund loves getting scratches and can’t seem to control his excitement kicking his back legs into the air. Of course, his older brother is fighting for some attention too and knows right where to lay down so he gets his own neck and ear massage, thanks to his brother’s kicking feet. OMG. These two dogs are so cute!

Enjoy and please SHARE with all your friends on Facebook.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny