Archive by Author

My Dog Does This EVERY Time She Hears The Word ‘Squirrel,’ And It’s UNREAL! WOW!

03 Jul

By Erin Lynch

We all know some dogs go absolutely crazy for squirrels but for this dog, crazy is an understatement!

Coco’s mom decided to tell her there was an imaginary squirrel outside and just like any amazing guard dog, Coco needed to investigate! Who knew she would do so by channeling her inner cat!

You just have to watch as Coco bolts outside at the mere mention of the world “squirrel” and heads straight for the highest branch of the first tree she sees! I can’t believe how high this dog can climb!

Coco, you are amazing and you make it look so effortless!!

Please …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


I Guarantee These Patriotic Pugs Will Make Your Day. Hysterical!!!

03 Jul

By Caroline

Now here’s something I bet you haven’t seen before. Someone made the most amazing video for the good old USA using who else but some happy Pugs! These fur babies look beyond confused as they bop along to the music, but I can’t get enough of it. How did they get these doggies to sit and stay like this?!

This video made me laugh out loud – it’s the perfect Independence Day shout out! Honestly, does anything get your American-made engine going like these little pups? I love this! I’m going to be playing this for all my friends for the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


No One Believes Me And My Dog Do This Together… Here’s Proof!

03 Jul

By Amy

This is a classic tale of a boy and his dog… and their banana. LOL! Just wait for the big moment where their impressive trick is revealed. Apparently these two do this all the time, and have it down to a T. Here’s just another reason why Boston Terriers are of my favorite breeds!

I won’t give it away, especially since this is such a short clip. Just wait for it… wait for it… then bamn! Is this something you could ever see yourself doing with your dog? I don’t know, I may have to try this trick out with my …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


THIS Is How My Dog Tells Me I’m Working Too Hard. It’s Amazing, She Always Knows!

03 Jul

By Jessica

Whenever my collie thinks I’m spending too much time in front of the computer, and not enough time enjoying the outdoors or taking her for those walks she loves so much, she’ll do a little something to remind me that I’m working too hard, and letting life pass me by! The first time she did it, I thought she was just trying to get me to shake her paw, but she does it all the time now, so I know she means it!

It’s kind of amazing that animals always know when we’re stressed or have had a long day, and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


ADORABLE! Kitten And Puppy Meet, Become Best Friends Before Your Very Eyes!

03 Jul

By John

Watch as this Snow Bengal kitten and Labrador puppy become fast friends. It doesn’t take long for the cuteness to reach epic levels with these two furry snowflakes! Just a few seconds in and I was hooked. Especially when the puppy decided to take a little nap and the kitten cuddled up next to him.

These two are instant therapy; three minutes watching them and everything is right with the world.

Please SHARE this cute clip with all of your Facebook friends!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


Rescued Stray Makes Human Contact For The First Time – Now He’s Looking For His Forever Home!

03 Jul

By Amy

A three-year-old pup named Lion was living on the streets, very skittish and terrified of people. This video marks the first time Lion had any human contact in months. By sealing the dog in with a portable fence, Eldad Hagar (an amazing dog rescuer) was able to win Lion over with one hamburger and some patience and care. Watch how this dog transforms from a pile of nerves to a pile of love — it’s all he ever wanted, and his second chance is finally here!

This is a new rescue story, so please SHARE this video to help get Lion …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


I Can’t Believe What My Dog Just Did To My Son! Wait For It… Wait For It…

02 Jul

By Amy

Hoss is hungry. The only problem is, his little brother James is the one with the tasty sandwich. Hmmm… what do YOU think is going to happen here?! Gee, I wonder… LOL!

I’m glad James has a great sense of humor, and is so kind to his canine companion. These two are best friends, I can tell just by watching this funny moment caught on camera.

Please SHARE this hilarious moment!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny, Kids


I’ve NEVER Seen A Dog Dance Like This Before. He Stole My Heart!

02 Jul

By Jessica

Nathan the hairless dog is pretty spectacular on his own – He looks like a character from a Jim Henson movie! But then add in some amazing dancing, and the cutest little sweater ever, and you have the best dog video I’ve seen all week!

Nathan is one of the rescue dogs housed by, a resource for hairless dog adoption (since they’re not the most common of breeds, nor the stereotypically “cutest” breeds). But after seeing this video, I think more than one person will consider adopting a pup that looks like him. After all, sweet dance moves will be …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Funny


Hidden Camera Catches A Couple Buying A Pit Bull For Dog Fighting! At 5:40, My Faith In Humanity Was Restored!

02 Jul

By Erin Lynch

I’m so relieved this didn’t happen the way I thought it would. ABC’s “What Would You Do?” set up hidden cameras at a pet store in New Jersey to see just how everyday people would react to a couple attempting to buy a Pit Bull — not for a loving home, but for dog fighting.

As you can see in the video, the couple is blatantly obvious about their intentions. However, only a few people speak up. I was so disappointed… until 5:40, when an amazing man finally stands up for those animals without a voice. You have to see this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


INCREDIBLE Reunion Between A Soldier And Her Beloved Dog. I’m Moved To Tears!

02 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This has to be one of the most beautiful moments I have seen in a long time. This soldier has just returned from a tour in Afghanistan and her family greeted her at the airport. They even brought one very special friend: her dog Sissy.

However, no one could have predicted this amazing, heartfelt, and tear-jerking reaction. This adorable puppy cannot contain herself as she clutches to her owner, crying tears of joy, and giving those sweet, sweet doggie kisses. It makes me well up with tears!

With over 8 million views, its pretty easy to see why this might be one …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching