
Sophie’s Choice vs. A furParent’s Choice

19 Nov

Betty laying on her mommy

Sophie’s Choice vs
A furParent’s Choice

Most of us remember the movie Sophie’s Choice starring Meryl Streep, who played a Polish immigrant mother who had a split second to make a decision about which one of her children would be killed in a gas chamber or live in a labor camp. For those of us who saw that movie, we gasped and watched in horror when she chose to have her daughter killed and let the son live.

Do we think about what we’d do given that same type of choice between our loved ones and furry children?

Whether we are faced with the inextricable tragedy of a natural disaster or the loss of a job causing us to lose our homes, do we really have to choose which of our children come with us to safety? How do we choose who goes and who stays?

Recently, I was served with an unlawful detainer to move out of my townhouse near the ocean because I refused to get rid of my two beloved cats, Betty Boop and Trevor. Apparently, I cannot get reasonable accommodations from the property’s management to have them.

I left New York City amid Hurricane Sandy in an effort to find a peaceful new life for me and my furFamily. At the time, I had two dogs and two cats. My two dogs were trained to provide me with services for my invisible disability. One was bred specifically for the purpose of being my therapy dog. The other acts as a meter to gauge my levels of fear and panic when I am out in open spaces. For years, I suffered with this debilitating issue. My only source of healing and emotional well-being began when I started caring for three colonies of stray cats and adopting two cats of my own. When it was time for me to leave New York, I made full provisions for the colonies of stray cats to be cared for through the supervision of the NYC Feral Cat Initiative.

I then traveled cross-country with my two adopted cats, who had been with me for years, and my two dogs. My therapist wanted us to continue with my treatment by getting out of the city and going to a place by the water where I could work toward going outside and acclimating back into society. My home had been my only haven of peace and tranquility. But I found the fresh air to be amazing. The ocean breeze was healing. After a year of rebuilding my life and enjoying the outdoors more with my animals, though, my treatment took a major hit. There I was being accused by my home’s building property owners of wanting to “collect” animals.

Living with my animals has been my alternative to living with depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. The first time I was in bed and this overwhelming feeling of fear hit me, my whole body began to shake, and I experienced shortness of breath. My curious cat, Betty Boop, slowly walked up to me, sniffed my ear and my nose, and then somehow instinctively knew to lie down on my chest. It was the warmest touch that I’d felt during a panic attack, and I was so overjoyed by my cat’s concern for me. I noticed that my breathing became relaxed, and that intense feeling of fear dissipated. Today, she just sleeps on me, and I am okay with that too.

Each one of my four furry love-bugs offers a healing touch or performs a task that benefits me in such a way as to making my life more fulfilled and giving me a sense of wellness.
Asking me to move out of my home or get rid of my cats is like asking me to halt my recovery, contend with sleepless nights, and endure endless frightening panic attacks and lose my sense of well-being. It’s like choosing which one of my kids gets the gas chamber.

Just as my animals have been a huge gift to me emotionally and mentally, I have also committed myself to being a stable and loving provider and parent to them. It is not a choice. They are a part of me, and where I go, they will be with me until their last breath.

I created the furLifeLiving company out of my gratitude and amazement for what our animals bring to our lives. They are not to have just for recreation or until they come of age. They might give us 12 years or 15 years of their lives if we are fortunate. Our animals live the life we give them. Let’s choose to give them a great, full life. #furLifeLiving
The furLifeLiving website and community aims to share with the world the benefits of our relationships with our furry children. To learn more, visit our website at www.furlifeliving.com. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Califa Anu Bey, Founder


The Benefits of Pet Ownership

06 Oct

Most people who love pets already know about the basic benefits of pet ownership—how animals help to stave off depression, reduce anxiety and blood pressure, and how they make us smile and live in each moment.  They teach us true patience and make us feel loved and needed no matter how little we see in ourselves.

Today, while walking with my Australian Shepherd on our normal daily stroll, he observed my inner thoughts and saw that I was deep in my head while on the walk.  He knew I didn’t have much in me to offer passersby in terms of simple kindness—not a great quality but wonderful when you can see yourself in your animal’s behavior.  While I was deep in thought, a sweet little lady spoke to me, and my dog immediately sounded off on her to leave us alone.  I was a bit embarrassed by his abrupt tone toward this nice woman, but I realized he was speaking for me.  He knew I was in my head and had little to offer by way of simple kindness.

In that instance, when I saw my dog respond for me, I snapped out of my head and became present in the moment, deciding that the walk was a chance to exercise, see people out and about, and enjoy my time with my furry companion.  Once I became aware of the beauty around me—the beach, the nice people, the lovely trees, the sunny skies, and the great weather—seeing other people walking their beloved pets brought me back to the walk.  I opened myself up to experience the blessing of being alive. After that, my faithful dog, connected with my current state of mind, welcomed people who approached us.

What I learned in that moment was how to be aware of the signs our animals show us about what’s going on inside us.  Our pets not only need us to care for them and take the lead, but they also give us a glimpse into our state of mind.  Let’s keep paying attention instead of disciplining their behavior. Let’s take a moment to look at ourselves and see what we could be asking them to do on our behalf.

I started the furLifeLiving website and community to share with the world the benefits of our relationships with our furry children.  Just like taking a yoga class or practicing meditation, we have to learn how to find that center outside our yoga sessions and meditation and use those lessons in our daily lives minute by minute.  My animals show me where I am, and I practice finding the place of calm and peace and compassion because it is a lifestyle change.  #furLifeLiving encourages visitors to focus on our loving relationships with our pets and to share the same unconditional patience with the people in our lives.

The furLifeLiving website and community gives everyone the same access to the unfettered antics and simplicity of the lives of our animals.  Try it out!  It keeps my soul at peace just being present with my animals. We have cameras all around the house catching everything from their perspectives 24/7.  It is guaranteed to make you smile! #furLifeLiving #MakeitaLifestyle


Grandma Was Heartbroken After Her Beloved Dog Died – So The Family Got Her A Puppy. Her Reaction Is Priceless.

03 Sep

By Alexis Morgan

Six months after grandma and grandpa lost their beloved Labrador Retriever, the family decided to surprise them with a tiny new puppy — not to take the Lab’s place, but to begin a new chapter and fill in that empty space in their hearts.

In the clip, the family puts the puppy in a ventilated box just seconds before presenting the “gift.” When grandma opens up the gift and sees a little puppy pop out, she is shocked and starts to cry, overwhelmed with joy! It’s definitely love at first sight for both grandma and grandpa, who even get some adorable …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Grandparents, Heartwarming


Our Dog Is The Only One Who Can Make Our Baby Laugh Like This! ADORABLE!

03 Sep

By Alexis Morgan

There is nothing cuter than the bond between this boy and his dog.

In this adorable clip, the baby boy sits on the floor throughly enjoying the company of his energetic dog Pumpkin. The Shetland Sheepdog wants to play tag and hilariously runs away and then comes back to the baby. The young tot is very amused and starts laughing hysterically. It’s so adorable. These two are too cute for words and sure to put a smile on your face.

Enjoy and please SHARE this with all your family and friends.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Babies, Cute, Dog


This Is The BEST Trick I’ve Ever Taught My Dog. I Love It!

03 Sep

By Alexis Morgan

This affectionate Bernese Mountain dog has a lot of love to give, so his owners taught him a few cute tricks that are sure to melt your heart.

Every time Toby’s owner comes home, the gentle giant gives out hugs and kisses whenever he is asked! Thankfully for you, they filmed their lovable dog in action so everyone can enjoy! The mountain dog just loves his owner, wrapping him in a big hug and showering him with wet kisses. Aww! How sweet is that? Toby seems so happy! This is by far the most adorable trick a dog can do.

Enjoy and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


So Beautiful, This Dog Teaches Puppy To Use The Stairs!

03 Sep

By Barbara Diamond

A little tough love goes a long way, and this video is proof!

Under their pet parent’s supervision and with the loving care of this stern and concerned Goldie, the pup eventually makes it safely down the stairs for the very first time like a pro! I love how the big pup gently prods the puppy downstairs, not allowing him to give up even when he wants to turn back — and waits at the top of the stairs to monitor the situation. Dogs are so amazing, and I couldn’t love this video more. Congrats to this lovely family on their …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cute, Dog, Heartwarming


WATCH: German Shepherd Gets Bored of Police Training And Makes Everyone Laugh Instead!

03 Sep

By Ruby Valentine

Every time I see a police car pass me on the street with the words “K9 Unit” on the side, I have instant respect for both the officer and the dog that are in that car. Being a police dog requires immense amounts of training and dedication from both the dog, as well as his handlers.

Training to become a police dog depends on the intellect and skills of the dog, however, most dogs can be trained and ready for certification in as little as 12-16 weeks. This time frame can be shortened if the dog has …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Stray Dog Was Starving And Suffered A Broken Leg. His AMAZING Transformation Blew Me Away!

03 Sep

By Alexis Morgan

Meet Bruno. This pup with a broken leg was abandoned on the street and forgotten by his owners. When he was finally discovered by an animal rescue group, he was starving and in bad shape.

The rescuers took him to a local shelter, where he received the proper veterinary care. He slowly began to heal, but the pup still had a long road to recovery. After a long wait, he was adopted and given a second chance! Wait until you see how happy and healthy Bruno is today. It is so heartwarming! It’s lovely to see his tail wag as …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


This Is How REAL Men Treat Their Dogs! WOW!

03 Sep

By Julie Di

Vuchko the puppy may only be four months old, but he already knows exactly who he loves, and why!

Every day, this mini red short-haired dachshund named Vuchko greets his Dad the same way, and Mom was sure to have the camera ready — so many welcome home cuddles and kisses! This video is definite proof that even young dogs know who loves them, and if you treat them well when they’re little, they’ll love you forever no matter what!

A lot of guys might feel weird about showing a puppy or dog affection like this, but honestly, this is how a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Every Time My Boyfriend Comes Home, My Puppy Greets Him In The Sweetest Way – I’m So Jealous!

03 Sep

By Julie Di

Vuchko the puppy may only be four months old, but he already knows exactly who he loves, and why!

Every day, this mini red short-haired dachshund greets his owner the same way – with so many welcome home cuddles and kisses! This video is definite proof that even young dogs know who loves them, and if you treat them well when they’re little, they’ll love you forever no matter what!

A lot of guys might feel weird about showing a puppy or dog affection like this, but honestly, this is how a real man takes care of an animal! Showing your nurturing …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog