11-Year-Old Boy Meets His Rescue Dog For The First Time. His Reaction Moved Me To Tears.

14 Jun

By Amy

This video makes me feel all warm and fuzzy – I guarantee you’ll feel the same. At just 11-years-old, Nolan is already a huge animal lover – he’s even a vegan! This is the very moment he meets the dog his family adopted. The expression on his face and the gentleness with which he approaches his new best friend is one of the most amazing, moving sights I’ve ever seen. This video is less than a minute, but it was powerful enough to move me to tears.

Please SHARE this wonderful meeting of two beautiful souls.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Kids, Touching

No One Wanted A Deformed Dog – Until She Met A Little Girl Who Saw Her As Perfect. I’m In Tears!!

14 Jun

By Amy

Rikki was born with a deformity in her front legs. When the Animal Rescue League of Boston took Rikki in, they knew she would need to find a forever home that accepted Rikki for who she is – and that’s exactly what she found.

The instant this amazing little girl saw Rikki’s picture on the computer as her and her dad searched for adoption pups, she knew Rikki was her soul mate. She says, “Most people would want dogs that walked on four legs and looked normal, but Rikki is normal. I never had any doubt the minute I saw Rikki …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Kids, Touching

I Wasn’t Sure If My Dog And Cat Got Along… Until I Walked In On Them Doing This!!

14 Jun

By Amy

Well, if this doesn’t completely melt your heart… here is a dog, and here is a cat – and here is what you call true love. These two are locked in the most adorable embrace as they rest and snooze the day away. I think it’s safe to they they love each other! They’re spooning, face-to-face!

My favorite moment is at :42, when the comfy cat stretches her paw across her best friend, and keeps it there. SO heartwarming.

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog

My Cat Stole The Dog’s Bed… The Dog’s Reaction? Priceless.

14 Jun

By Amy

AWW, look at this sad pup! When his sister stole his comfy, soft, billowy bed, the dog was just a little bit peeved, and a lot devastated. Here he is, looking up at mom with the most pathetic puppy eyes, quietly begging for her to help him out. The funny thing is, the cat is fast asleep, and the dog is so sweet that he doesn’t want to wake her! What a darling!

It worked out in the end, though. Eventually little miss woke up, returning the bed to its faithful owner.

Please SHARE this video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Funny

Hilarious! I Caught My Dog Doing The FUNNIEST Thing!

14 Jun

By Amy

There’s something about a dog’s stare that I find so funny – I think it’s how seriously these goofballs take certain things. This beautiful Golden Retriever, for example, is caught in a staring contest with a tennis ball. Seriously. The ball is sitting directly in front of pup’s nose, yet for an entire 60 seconds, he stares intensely at his “prey” while Dad holds back the giggles and videotapes the battle.

Finally, after a whole entire minute, the ball loses its battle. It’s time to play. And it’s hilarious! Does your dog do anything like this?!

Please SHARE this funny moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny

These Kittens Met Their Very First Dog – I Can’t BELIEVE What They Did!

13 Jun

By John

Need proof that cats and dogs can get along? No one can deny after seeing this sweet little encounter! These precious Ragdoll kittens were only 5 weeks old and have just started exploring their surroundings. Imagine their surprise when they saw this giant walking toward them!

Mari the German Shepherd is such a gentle giant though. I love dogs like this! All she wants to do is snuggle and take care of them. If you think these new friends are too cute for words, please SHARE this clip!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog

Food Kept Disappearing From My Kitchen, So I Set Up A Hidden Camera To Find Out Why. BUSTED!!

13 Jun

By Rachel

Wow! These dogs are so brilliant, I don’t know if I could even be mad! When a woman’s snacks kept going missing, all signs pointed to her two dogs. Yet one question remained: how did they reach the cookies, all the way on the counter top?! The dogs can’t jump that high, and there’s no way to get up there!

The curious owner sought out to prove the thievery by setting up a camera during the day while she was gone. Sure enough, mere minutes after she leaves, these two clever pooches make their onscreen debut! When the sweet Husky pulled …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog

My Dog Does This EVERY Single Night… I Can’t Believe How Much She Loves Me!

13 Jun

By Amy

One day, Lakota came up with a brand new favorite thing: jumping up with her dad after he got home from work and enjoying the most adorable cuddle session, ever! It became a tradition. Every single night after he gets home, she lays on the couch with him and gives him the biggest hug, just like a human!

He’s right – Lakota loves him dearly. Just more proof that dogs show genuine care and emotion for their beloved moms and dads. SO wonderful!!

Please SHARE this amazing clip!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog

NOTHING Is Sweeter Than This Proud Dad Teaching His Puppies Some Tricks. I Dare You Not To Smile!

13 Jun

By Caroline

Say hello to Sonny, a French bulldog who is taking his fatherly duties very seriously, right from the very start! You can tell he is so proud of his precious litter and enjoys showing them how to have some fun.

This video is exactly what being a dad is all about! The little ones love him so much. At first, they are so confused by Dad, but a few moments later, they have already caught on! Nothing is sweeter than this. If this put a smile on your face… and you know it did!… SHARE this video with friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming