This 9-Year-Old Boy Faced His Fears And Rescued Something From This Sewer. When You Found Out What You’ll Call Him A Hero!!

14 Aug

By Ginger Divine

While playing outside Grant Snodgrass, 9, heard that his neighbor’s 15-year-old Shih Tzu named Macy had somehow fallen into a storm drain near his house.

Wanting to check out the scene, Dylan ran to the drain and found his neighbor lying on the ground, trying to lasso a leash over his beloved 10-pound baby. He couldn’t get the leash over the dog’s head, every time he tried the dog, scared, would back away.

The owner continued this for nearly 45-minutes before realizing it was time for another plan. That’s when Grant’s father decided to try to reach the dog through the nearby …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Kids


My Dog Has Just Discovered His New Favorite Toy – This Is The Most Adorable Thing Ever!

14 Aug

By Julie Di

If you’re a corgi, there are very few things you like more than running around and around!

And this corgi has found the best way to satisfy that need to run – a merry-go-round! You would think this little guy would get dizzy from going in circles, but he just seems to want to run all day long! And when his owner comes along for the ride, he’s more than happy to do a little jumping!

The energy of corgis always makes me smile – they’re such excitable little dogs!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Pitbull Had A One Percent Chance Of Living… Wait Until You See Her Transformation. Truly INCREDIBLE!

14 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

When Xena the pitbull arrived at an animal shelter in Georgia in September 2012, she weighed four pounds and was close to death. The pup, whom doctors believe must have been locked up somewhere with no food or water at all, was given a one-percent chance of survival.

This little pitbull was a survivor though — perhaps knowing she had much bigger work ahead of her. After she was nursed back to health, one local woman found Xena’s story irresistible. Linda Hickey thought maybe the pup would be a good companion for her son, who was diagnosed with autism. Well, within …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Kids, Touching


Look What This Hidden Camera Caught Her Doing With Her Dog! We NEED More Responsible Dog Owners!

14 Aug

By Julie Di

A resident of a nice Brooklyn neighborhood is tired of pet owners being disrespectful, so he’s decided to do something about it.

Abby Weissman recently set up a hidden camera, and a Facebook page entitled “Dog Walkers Hall of Shame,” to highlight a bunch of dog owners who don’t pick up after their pets.

“We live in a world where people think they’re entitled to whatever,” Weissman told news outlets, saying that he’s doing this because he wants people to take responsibility for their dogs. “If you can’t clean up after your dog, you shouldn’t have one.”

What do you think about this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Adorable Puppy And Cute Kitten Are So Full Of Love Your Heart Won’t Be Able To Take It!!

14 Aug

By Ginger Divine

OK, this has to be the cutest three minutes to ever hit the internet!! There can’t be anything cuter than this. Seriously, nothing!

This video has it all, a cute and cuddly Snow Bengal kitten and an adorable Labrador Retriever puppy who are the cutest best friends. As soon as they start to cuddle with each other you’re not going to be able to contain yourself.

To make matters even more adorable, just wait until the 2:17 mark when the puppy falls asleep!!! Even the toughest person on this Earth will not be able to hold in an “awwww” after seeing …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


Big Doberman Guards Tiny Baby Birds! SO Adorable!

14 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

While there are plenty of animals with unlikely foster moms, Sugar Tree the Doberman might have one of the sweetest stories.

The playful dog’s motherly instincts kicked right in after the family brought home several quail chicks, which were hatched in an incubator. With no mother, the chicks quickly attached to the family dog. The sweet doberman stepped in to make sure these adorable chicks were protected and kept a close watch over them. With a watchdog like that, these little guys have nothing to worry about. They’re so lucky to have an awesome “mom” like this!

Enjoy and please SHARE …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog, Farm Animals


This Adorable Pup Perfectly Describes The Struggle. I Can’t Stop Laughing!!!

14 Aug

By Caroline

Admit it, at one point in life you’ve had that awful feeling of desperately wanting something that you just can’t have. This dog perfectly describes that indescribable pain.

Blanky is an adorable French Bulldog knows this struggle is real. He wants something so badly, but it’s literally out of his little reach and you can’t help but feel his puppy pain. This cute canine really, really wants to play with the tennis ball on the couch – it’s right in front of his face – and there’s nothing he can do about it!

While I definitely have a bone to pick with …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


After He Passed Away, His Service Dog Walked In His Place At Graduation. This Is SO Touching.

14 Aug

By Julie Di

This is such a heartbreaking news story, but it shows just how valuable service dogs are to the families they help.

Josh Kelly suffered from epilepsy, and had a service dog, a pit bull named Cletus, who followed him everywhere. Cletus saved Josh’s life multiple times, alerting friends and family whenever Josh was having a seizure. Unfortunately, Josh was hit hard by his disease and passed away before he was able to graduate, but that doesn’t mean he was forgotten.

Josh’s dad, and Cletus, were on hand to collect Josh’s diploma on the day of graduation. Even though Josh’s dad wasn’t originally …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Her Husband Thought A Dog Could Help With Her Alzheimer’s. They’re First Meeting Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes.

14 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

When June was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, her husband decided to get her doggie companion that would help her find her way back when she goes for walks in the neighborhood. After months of waiting, the couple are about to see if one service dog named Sadie is a good match for June.

In the clip, June and Sadie meet for the first time… and there is an instant bond! The pair almost started rolling around on the floor together becoming the closet and best friends possible. These two are so sweet together!

Alzheimer’s service dogs can be trained to assist their …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Grandparents, Heartwarming


You’re Not Going To Believe What I Caught My Cat Doing To My Dog, It’s Hilarious!!

14 Aug

By Ginger Divine

This has to be one of the cutest moments ever captured on video! While this was probably the last thing anyone expected to see a dog and a cat do alone together, the internet is giving their owners a resounding thank you because it is just too darn adorable!

While watching this kitty give her best dog friend a chest message is downright too cute for words, just wait until around the :41 mark and then the real cuteness begins!

Whoever said dogs and cats can’t be friends, clearly never saw this!

Enjoy and please SHARE this little lovefest with your friends!! …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, Funny