We Spent SO Much Money On Expensive Toys, But THIS Is All She Plays With! Hysterical!

13 Aug

By Barbara Diamond

One of our readers sent this video to us, and we couldn’t help but love it, and share it!

Just like a kid, Barkly’s family buys many, many expensive toys for her (as you can see) but she loves a toilet paper roll the most. Of course!!! Ain’t that the way it goes… Look at her play with that thing, and ignore all the rest of her toys! So funny!!!

And it looks like this funny pup comes with the most heartwarming backstory! Barkly’s mom says, “My last Pom of 18 years died in January. My father could only remember her because …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


A Friend Challenged Me To Watch This Without Yawning. I Tried Twice And FAILED!

13 Aug

By John

It’s impossible to watch this sleepy pup’s 29 yawns and not feel the need to stretch and let go of the biggest yawn of all time yourself. I’m convinced! The first time I watched I made it to yawn number 8, and the second time this little pug had me giving up the battle by number 5!

No matter how far you get, be sure to keep watching all the way through. There are some EPIC ones in here for sure. Number 14 is my absolute favorite! Now it’s time for a nap!

Be sure to…YAWN…SHARE this tired li’l pup with all …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


You Won’t Believe Where You Can Take Your Pets In Germany, I Am Not Sure How I Feel About This!!

13 Aug

By Ginger Divine

What do you get the dog or cat that has everything? Well, if you’re in Germany, you take your pampered pet and head straight to the Treats In Pets Deli.

This one-of-a-kind restaurant serves up some of the yummiest beef, turkey, and, wait for it, kangaroo meat your best friend will ever eat!

Gourmet treats cost anywhere between $2.24 to $2.99 and yummy cupcakes cost about $4.49, which is moderately priced considering you’re taking your furry family member out to eat! While your pet is snacking on foods that are designed specifically for their own personal nutritional needs, their owners can sip …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Caught My Brother Doing Something Hilarious With His Dog! I Can’t Stop Laughing!

13 Aug

By Julie Di

Everyone likes dancing, but when was the last time you saw a dancing Frenchie?

In this funny video, a man has taught his dog a few hip hop dance moves, and after a little prompting, the dog is able to bust them out just as good as his owner! I love the Frenchie head tilt! There is just nothing cuter!

My favorite part of this video is the end, where the guy realizes he’s being recorded! That means he was just dancing with his dog for fun, which is basically one of the sweetest things ever!

Please SHARE this hip hop doggie!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


A Small Minnesota Town Elected A New Mayor, But You Won’t Believe Who They Picked! OMG!

13 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

A recent election in Minnesota has gone to the dogs.. literally! Duke is a seven-year-old Pyrenees… and has just been elected as the new mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota. Yep, that’s right!

The 12 people in the village each paid a dollar to cast a vote, and Duke the dog won by a landslide. He’ll be officially sworn in Saturday, Aug. 16. As for the mayor’s “salary,” Duke will get a year’s supply of kibble for his service.

What do you think of this interesting election? Tell us below, and be sure to SHARE this video.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Man Turns Classic Hollywood Films Upside Down By Reenacting Famous Scenes With His Dog! Hilarious!!

13 Aug

By Ginger Divine

One man has figured out how to make some of Hollywood’s most legendary romance films even better by adding the most delightful character, a dog!!!

Taking those classic scenes that everyone remembers from Titanic, Spider-Man, The Notebook, and The Graduate, just to name a few, Chris Naka and boss’ dog Wrigley have decided that they should be the ones on the big screen and it couldn’t be anymore amazing!

While the photo series started off a joke, it has now taken a life of it’s own with Naka’s co-workers getting in on the action by figuring out new scenes that he and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


No One Believes Our Dog Does This, So We Caught It On Video! Oh My God, It’s SO ADORABLE!

13 Aug

By Barbara Diamond

Meet Baxter, a long-haired chihuahua who happens to be the most adorable vocalist in the world. You see, Baxter’s parents recently discovered he has a serious passion for singing! Apparently, all Dad has to say to Baxter is “Sing, Bax” and he immediately starts showing off his musical prowess! Here he is, listening to one of his favorite songs while enjoying a relaxing car ride with Mom and Dad. With every sound he makes, my heart melts a little more.

Baxter’s dad adds, “My wife is a professional violinist and I need to take Baxter for walks when she practices because …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


This 3-Year-Old Girl Was Lost In The Woods For 11 Days… But What Happened Next Is Truly INCREDIBLE!

13 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

A brave little girl survived more than 11 days in the woods thanks to the help of her loyal dog.

The ordeal started when the three-year-old girl trailed into the forest and quickly became disoriented and lost. Living on fresh berries and water, the little girl clung to life, as her dog kept her warm and protected at night.

After nearly a week, the pup finally ventured back to the village and was able to lead the family back to the little girl. Thanks to the loyal dog, the girl was safely rescued her from the bear-infested wilderness. Although she had several …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog, Kids


Paralyzed Dog Gets His Second Chance, Thanks To The Staff Of… Home Depot?! This Is SO Amazing!

13 Aug

By Ginger Divine


When Rebecca Pierce went to pick up her believed Rat Terrier named Wally from the kennel after a short vacation her entire world shattered. Although the vet and kennel staff have no explanation for what happened, her sweet, dear Wally was suddenly paralyzed without the ability to move his hind legs.

With the medical community suspecting it was due to a slipped or herniated disc, there wasn’t much that could be done for Wally. The paralysis had caused Wally to drag his back legs as he walked, a heartbreaking scene for Rebecca.

Refusing to let her and Wally’s minds go to a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Pets in the News, Touching


This Dog Rescue Started A Hilarious ‘Human Walking’ Program For Office Workers…And It’s Working!

13 Aug

By Maia McCann

Tired of all of those depressing animal shelter ads? Sick of seeing rescue dogs as powerless victims? Well, I guarantee you’re going to love this brilliant campaign coming out of lovely Melbourne, Australia. While most dog rescues appeal to our pity to make us donate or adopt, this campaign granted office workers in Melbourne the opportunity to be taken for a lunch hour walk by a rescue dog. Thus, it was named the Human Walking Program! When you see what happened to the dogs who were a part of the revolutionary Human Walking program at 1:35…well…I think it’s sure to …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming