Woman Carries Injured 50-POUND Pit Bull Down Mountain To Save His Life! This Is UNBELIEVABLE! I’m In Tears!

13 Aug

By Barbara Diamond

Not only is the beginning of this story unbelievable, but how it ends is absolutely heartwarming. I’m amazed!!! A woman named Andi Davis was hiking along an isolated mountain trail in Phoenix when she spotted an injured Pittie with bullet wounds. At first, she was hesitant to do anything — but the dog slowly raised his head and looked at her water bottle, and Andi knew she had to do something.

What she did was incredible. She gave him water — and then lifted his 47-pound body into her arms, and spent the next hour carrying him down the mountain. Is …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


I Gave My Dog His First Carrot, And His Reaction Was PRICELESS! I Can’t Stop Laughing Hysterically!

13 Aug

By Ginger Divine

Meet an adorable Frenchie named Phife, who just experienced the joy of tasting a carrot for the first time. Luckily for us, his owner was fully prepared for what was about to happen and caught it all on camera.

Once Phife gets that sweet, sweet orange bit of deliciousness in his cute little mouth, it’s almost as if a rocket was ignited within him! He almost immediately starts running around in circles at full speed! He goes so fast that he can barely stay on his cute little feet!

Don’t worry, his owner said shortly after this beautiful moment was captured she …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


This Abandoned Dog Has The Most INCREDIBLE Rescue Story! And Wait Until You See The Transformation. WOW!

13 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

Sonya the dog was abandoned on the streets of Los Angeles years ago, but after the stray golden retriever was spotted in a local Google Street view, locals staged the ultimate rescue.

It all started one day when Patrick Pittenger pulled up the map on his computer to show his girlfriend where he worked, and he saw the dog all alone on the street. Realizing the dog had no home, he decided to call Hope For Paws, a local animal rescue, to pick up the dog and find her a good home. Two days later, they were able to save the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Touching


I Can’t BELIEVE What This Woman Did To Her Guide Dog! This Is HYSTERICAL! I Can’t Stop Laughing!

13 Aug

By Barbara Diamond

Okay, now this is funny. Some pranks are just solid, and this is definitely one of them! Unsuspecting strangers got roped into the most bizarrely funny prank when they walked by a blind woman and her guide dog. The blind woman (who’s not actually blind, but played the role for this gag) convinced passer-bys that she was lost, and her dog was able to read and understand directions.

When I saw people kneeling down to the dog and attempting to direct him via map, I couldn’t contain my laughter! They’re so gullible — yet it’s clear, these are truly kindhearted people …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Look What I Caught My Husband Doing With Our Puppies! Oh My God!

13 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

Stop everything you’re doing and get ready for the best 60 second distraction.

In this adorable video, a man and his wife decide to entertain 11 puppies while Mama pup was resting, and the result is amazing! The guy, dressed in a bathrobe, runs through the kitchen while the fluffy little pups chase after him in the ultimate stampede! The guy jokingly “screams” as they chase after him. Aww! This is too cute for words!

If this video made you smile, please SHARE with all your friends on Facebook.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


The #1 Most ADORABLE Video EVER! When You See What This Kitten Does To The Dog, Your Heart Will MELT!

13 Aug

By Barbara Diamond


When this video begins, we see an adorable kitten sitting right beside a big ‘ol Lab. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but just moments later the cutest thing ever happens right before your eyes. The kitten crawls into the dog’s arms and nestles itself in the cutest, most coziest embrace. AWWW!!!!!

What comes next is just a whole bunch of love. That’s it — just love, cuddles and sweetness between cat and dog, and I can honestly say this simple video has me hooked. Sometimes it’s the least complicated stuff that makes for the greatest moments

Please SHARE this adorable …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, Heartwarming


My Dog Jumped In The Lake After A Fish – I Can’t BELIEVE What They Did Next!

12 Aug

By John

When Sasha the Labrador Retriever saw a big fish swimming in Lake Mead near Las Vegas, she did what a lot of dogs would want to do: she jumped in after it. But what she did next is the last thing her pet parent expected! And the way the fish acted is even more shocking!

I’ve never seen anything like this happen between a pup and a fish, have you? They’re actually swimming around and playing together, and the fish doesn’t seem frightened in the least! These two have to go down as one of the strangest friendships of all time, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny, Wild Animals


This One Photo Will Make Your Day! Seriously, I Can’t Stop Laughing!

12 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

Dogs love their treats, so this Corgi has found the cutest possible way to make sure he always gets one.

This snapshot has been making the rounds on Reddit after Zac Mayeux snapped the cute corgi named Oscar at the Newfields Country Store in New Hampshire. Apparently, all the dogs get treats when they come into the store, and this Corgi caught on pretty quickly. This specific time, Oscar got right to business, running up to the counter and making this priceless face as he waited patiently for his doggie treat. Aww! How cute!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious post …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


These 10 Puppies Just Doing What Puppies Do Best Are Here To Brighten Your Day!!

12 Aug

By Maia McCann

Some days are harder than others, so we compiled some classic puppy goodness that’s guaranteed to make you smile whenever you’re feeling down. When all else fails: PUPPIES. That’s our philosophy. After all, nothing is as sure-fire to cheer you up as a happy puppy prancing, right? Don’t forget to SHARE with your friends. I think EVERYONE can use a pick-me-up!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


What Kind Of Person Would Abandon These Cuties?! This Completely SHOCKS ME!!!

12 Aug

By Caroline

Eldad Hagar and his amazing team at Hope For Paws are at it again, saving the world one homeless animal at a time! In this video, Hagar got a huge surprise when a routine call turned into a very busy day of rescues!

Hagar got the call from his friend and fellow rescuer, Mary, that she and a police officer were trying to catch a stray running around in a busy part of Los Angeles. He was surprised to find that the Cockapoo was a sweet dog who was tame and completely calm. Many times, strays are afraid of their rescuers, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog