His Dog Peed Off The Balcony, And It Landed On Her HEAD! OMG, This Is HYSTERICAL!

12 Aug

By Julie Di

What would you do if you were walking to work, minding your own business, when someone suddenly calls out from a balcony for you to grab a bucket. You grab the bucket, only to have that person have their dog pee directly into it!

That’s what happened to a bunch of people who were pranked by the show Just For Laughs, and their reactions are hilarious! I can’t believe people kept holding on, even after the pretend dog started peeing!

What would you do in this situation? Would you be as polite as these people?

Please SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


She Went To Adopt A Senior Dog. Nothing Prepared Her For What Came Next. I’m In Tears.

12 Aug

By Amy

A woman named Kim wrote to us, wanting to share her incredibly moving story. After reading her words, we knew we had to oblige her. You see, Kim is an animal lover and dog rescuer who went to pick up an old, ailing dog at a kill-shelter. After bringing Holly home, Kim’s life was forever changed.

Here is the letter she wrote to Holly’s previous owners.

To Holly’s Previous Owners,

When did you decide you could no longer care for Holly? When you knew she had Lyme disease that had gone untreated? Did you decide you’d just keep her until the Lyme disease …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


When She Brought Her Rescue Dog On Stage, No One Expected THIS! OMG. Incredible!

12 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

Golden Retriever Rookie is a dancing machine, but he wasn’t always this way.

This adorable rescue dog was once scared of people and lived in fear, but his adoptive mom Texas-born Carolyn Scott brought out his true talent. The pair quickly bonded over music and before long, Scott had taught Rookie some amazing dance moves! The duo have traveled the country dancing in freestyle competitions and even won national awards! This is such an awesome story, especial when you see how happy Rookie is! In the clip below, Rookie and Scott dance to “You’re The One I Want” from Grease… and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


I Can’t Believe What He Let This Dog Do To His Wife!

12 Aug

By Julie Di

I’m not the biggest fan of alarm clocks, but if you have to wake up early some way, this is better than most of them!

What happens in this video is simple – a guy wants to wake up his girl, and the best way to do it: with a hyper dog! As soon as he lets the dog into the room, she does what dogs do best, uses her absolute cuteness to wake everyone up!

There’s really nothing better than waking up to a happy animal that just wants to love you! That’s why dogs are so wonderful. No matter what …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


THIS Is The Only Way My Dog Wants To Drink Water – I’ve Got Video To Prove It!

12 Aug

By Julie Di

Some dogs want to drink out of the toilet, and others want to drink from the hose. But this dog? He only wants to drink from the sink!

In this hilarious video, a big dog has figured out how to turn on the sink faucet, and now does it every time he wants a drink! Even when his owner shuts the faucet off, the dog uses his paw to turn it back on! And finally, he rests his paw on the faucet, as if to say, “let me finish drinking here!”

Watching this video is enough to convince me that animals are …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


This Brilliant Pitbull Did Something UNBELIEVABLE To Save A Disabled Veteran!

12 Aug

By Maia McCann

Terry McGlade suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan, and got a dog named major to help him cope with his PTSD and anxiety. Little did he know, his labrador retriever-pitbull mix would wind up saving his life. Major is trained to sense when McGlade is going to have a seizure, and to help him in situations where his PTSD causes anxiety…but no one expected him to call 9-11 when his owner suffered from a debilitating seizure that could’ve taken his life!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Pets in the News, Touching


Adopted Dog SAVES Owner From Certain Death… This Is Incredible! Dogs Truly Are Man’s Best Friend!

12 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

Nearly twenty years after Guy Harrison saved Smokey’s life, his canine friend saved his!

As storms blew through their town, rescue dog Smokey begged for attention, dragging Harrison out of the bedroom of his motor home. Harrison said it was just 30 seconds before he moved into the living room, when a 100-year-old oak smashed through the end of the home. Now Harrison is giving his best friend Smokey all the credit for saving his life!

Watch the full story below and please SHARE this incredible story with all your friends on Facebook.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


A Shelter Wanted To Find A New Way To Get Their Dogs Adopted – It Ended Up Working Miracles!

12 Aug

By Julie Di

Kissing booths are popular at state fairs, but I’ve never seen a kissing booth quite like this!

The Indiana State Fair and Helping Paws teamed up to bring attention to dogs who need adoption by setting up a Dog Kissing Booth, and as you can see from the video, it was a pretty popular attraction!

I admit, if there was a kissing booth like this at the state fair around me, I’d definitely partake! There’s nothing better than a little puppy lovin’! And what a great way to bring awareness to dogs who are looking for a new home!

Please SHARE this sweet …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Adorable!! This Dog Is Doing Everything He Can To Fight Off Sleep…Can He Do It?

12 Aug

By Erin

Sweet little Quyt the Bull Dog – he never wants to miss out on the action…regardless of whatever action that may be; he just has to stay awake!

Watching this little fella try to fight off sleep with everything his has is just ridiculously adorable – he is reminiscent of a little kid!

No matter how heavy his eyes get, no matter how low his head begins to bow, now matter how weak his legs get, he is going to fight off sleep with all his might!

Enjoy and please SHARE this adorable video with someone who might need a smile today.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


This Dog Waited All Day For A Sick Cat To Come Home From The Vet. Watch What She Did Next.

12 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

Yellow Lab Camila became visibly upset when the family cat Tobias became gravely ill and was sent away to the vet. Every day, she’d sit and wait for her to return home — and knew something was wrong.

Doctors gave Tobias only a 20% chance to live, but Camila continued to hold out hope and waited patiently by the fence. Finally after three days at the vet, Tobias returned and was greeted with the most amazing welcome home from Camila. This is a sweet reunion and proves that cats and dogs can make the best pals.

Enjoy and please SHARE this video …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog