I Brought My Dog Into The Pool, His Reaction Was PRICELESS! I Can’t Stop Laughing!

11 Aug

By Amber James

When Danielle Cracchiolo decided to teach her little dog how to swim, she surely didn’t think it’d go viral!

In the hilarious footage, she holds her adorable, little chihuahua above the water, as he begins to doggy paddle. She never lets go, but he makes the most hilarious face into the camera and continues to do a some “air swimming.” The video is only six seconds long, but be prepared to watch this on repeat. It’s sure to bring a smile to your face. This is one video you don’t want to miss!

Enjoy and please SHARE with all your friends on …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


My Dog Caught A Fox Playing With *His* Toys In The Yard! His Reaction Is HYSTERICAL!

11 Aug

By Amber James

This adorable Rottweiler has the funniest reaction about what he saw happening outside, but it’s not exactly what his owners expected…

When the dog peered out the window, he realized that a fox had gotten a hold of his toys and tennis ball!! The dog barks, hoping to scare the fox and get him to run away. He definitely isn’t happy to see this sneaky fox! But to the family’s amusement, the fox has discovered how much fun the dog’s toy is, throwing it into the air and chasing it around. It’s obvious, the fox can’t get enough, and stays out …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Wild Animals


This Is How Dogs React To Magic! I Can Not Stop Laughing At What They Do!!!

11 Aug

By Caroline

Have you ever seen a dog react to magic? It turns out they get just as surprised, spooked and excited as humans do!

In this video, Finnish magician and mentalist Jose Ahonen pulls the old floating hot dog trick for a crew of very different unsuspecting pooches. Ahonen lured his furry friends over and whipped out the levitating sausage, much to their surprise, and filmed their reactions.

Some of the dogs stopped to check out exactly what the floating treat was all about and others just made a quick run for it. Either way, this video is completely hilarious and you need …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


When You See What This Puppy Does At :26, Your Gonna Lose It! So Adorable!!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

French Bulldogs are always an adorable breed. They have those expressive eyes, those pint-sized powerful bodies, and they are always full of so much love.

While Frenchies are melting the hearts of everyone they meet, there might be one that takes the cake! That’s right, get ready to meet a two-month-old Frenchie named Uggy!

Watching this little cutie play in the sand will take your breath away, but just wait until you see what Uggy does at the :26 mark! It seriously is one of the cutest things to be recorded on video.

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


When You See What My Dog Is Afraid Of, You’ll Lose It! He’s HILARIOUS!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Watching this adorable dog get totally freaked out by an unassuming little feather just might make your day!

While his name is Ambrosius, which is Latin for divine and immortal, this little guy seems more like a cautious dog on this particular day. He has no idea what to make of this feather and he’s just not too sure how close he wants to get it either!

The best part has to be the unassuming cat in the background who has no idea the hilarity that is going on right in front of him!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


I Guarantee This Confused Pup Will Make You Laugh In 6 Seconds! Hysterical!!!

11 Aug

By Caroline

There is nothing funny about teasing an innocent animal, but as you can see in the following video, a little fun filming never hurts!

In this adorable video, a sweet Golden Retriever is very excited about having a little snack, but the dog just can’t seem to get himself to figure out where the snack goes.

Silly pup Beau somehow got the cracker stuck on top of his nose and now he has no clue what is going on. His confusion absolutely cracks me up. I have NEVER seen a dog act like this before. Check out the quick clip below and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Every Time My Family Celebrates A Birthday, My Dog Does THIS! He’s HILARIOUS!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

While most people look forward to their own birthdays, this adorable Jack Russell named Jackson can’t wait to sit around the table and celebrate someone’s big day!

To him, there is nothing sweeter than gathering with friends and family and singing “Happy Birthday” on the top of your lungs! Watch as dear old Jackson takes part of one of the cutest renditions of “Happy Birthday” to ever be recorded!

Oh, and it’s not just “Happy Birthday” that gets Jackson excited, according to his owners, he is rather fond of the Vonage commercials theme songs too!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video with …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


You Won’t Believe What Happened When My Pup Met A GIANT! This Is HILARIOUS!

11 Aug

By Caroline

Whether you’re a fan of big, burly dogs or teeny, tiny pups, there is no denying that ALL animals bring such joy into our lives. In this video, two very different looking dogs meet each other for the first time and the result is priceless!

Up until now, 12-week-old Chihuahua Lilly hasn’t known many other doggies. In the following video, Lilly meets a dog who might as well be a completely different species. Vago the Great Dane feels like a GIANT compared to little cutie Lilly. Surprisingly, Vago is way more relaxed and easy than little Lilly is! She immediately freaks …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Pit Bull Saved His Best Friend From A Coyote, And Now He Won’t Leave Her Side!

11 Aug

By Jessica

Jack the pit bull started living with Sherree Lewis after Jack’s owner, her son, was deployed to Afghanistan. One night, Jack saw Sherree’s outdoor cat, Kitty, being taken away by two coyotes, and without a second thought, ran after them. Jack managed to save the cat, and she was rushed to an emergency vet where her life was saved.

“He probably feels like he’s the caretaker. He checks on her every day and sniffs her, seeing what kind of shape she is in,” Sherree says, going on to say that Jack hasn’t left Kitty’s side while she’s been recuperating from brain …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Cat, Dog


My Dog Just Learned The Coolest Trick, You Have To See All The Things He Can Balance On His Head!!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Maymo the Lemon Beagle, also known as one of the world’s most favorite internet dogs, is back and this time he’s back showing off an unbelievably hilarious new trick: balancing over 100 fruits and vegetables on his head!

You have to watch as he balances anything and everything you would find in your local grocery store’s produce department such as peppers, kale, cactus, limes, carrots, lettuce, mushrooms, and yes, even an avocado! How does he do this?

Of course, in true Maymo fashion, the balancing act doesn’t last long, but its still impressive to say the least!

Keep these videos coming Maymo, the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny