Homeless Pit Bull Shows Incredible Gratitude After Being Rescued From The Streets. WOW!

11 Aug

By John

When the Hope for Paws team gets a call about a homeless animal, they never know quite what to expect. Sometimes, it’s a dog who’s been abused or injured. Often it’s one who has doesn’t trust humans and does everything she can to avoid them. Sometimes it’s a dog like Maisie.

It’s obvious this sweet pit bull was a little bit terrified of people at first, but her need for food won out. You can see it in her body language that she’s afraid of getting too close. Who knows what her past has been like. But this time, her trust …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


This Has To Be One Of The Most Determined Dogs I Have Ever Seen, This Is Pretty Hysterical!!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

As the great Yoda once said, “Do or do not, there is no try.” Well, this Weimaraner appears to have taken the Grand Master of the Jedi Order’s advice because there was nothing stopping sweet Maya from getting her frisbee out of that pool!

She stretched for it, she teetered on three legs for it, and she almost slipped in the pool a few times but none of that mattered to this adorable little girl!

With a little determination she was able to get her favorite toy back from the watery abyss also known as the swimming pool!

Enjoy and please SHARE …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


We Knew Our Dog Would Be Excited To Meet The Kitten, But We NEVER Expected THIS! Oh My God!

11 Aug

By Amy

When you bring home a new kitten, you can only hope your dog will be open-minded to the new four-legged presence in the house. After all, a meeting like the one you’re about to see doesn’t happen very often!

Kip and Lizzie just met for the first time, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen a dog more excited to meet his new feline sister. She seems baffled by his enthusiasm, yet I have a feeling these two are going to get along just swimmingly. Could this be any more adorable and entertaining? The ending is just icing on the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, Funny


This Guy Found A Dog Being Eaten Alive By Maggots And Did Something Unbelievable…

11 Aug

By Maia McCann

When Wilson Martins Coutinho found a dog being eaten alive by maggots, he did something unbelievable. He scooped him into his arms, he gave him a hug, and he PROMISED he would save him.

The hero in this story, Wilson Martins Coutinho, lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This incredible man makes saving abandoned stray dogs his life’s work. Below, we share photos of one of the most gripping rescues we’ve ever witnessed.

The story began when Wilson found a sweet stray in dire condition. He named the pup Francisco – and soon realized that the poor sweetie was on the brink …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog, Heartwarming, Pets in the News, Touching


You’re Not Going To Believe What I Caught On Camera In My Backyard!! I Was Not Expecting To See This!!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

OMG…this is absolutely hilarious!!

While videotaping her baby chickens hanging out in her backyard, Mercedes Kehoe, of Boca Raton, Florida, got an unsuspecting surprise in the form of her chocolate lab named Clyde!

With the camera rolling, the chickens were enjoying a little bit of fresh water when suddenly, coming out of nowhere, Clyde comes crawling in the background in what could only be the cutest photobomb ever!

The best part? He makes no move to look or smell the chickens or to acknowledge the camera. This clearly was a case of hamming it up for the camera!

You’re too much Clyde!!

Enjoy and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Tiny Puppy Adorably Responds To Polish Commands. This Is Unbelievably Cute!!!

11 Aug

By Caroline

Meet Maximus! This adorable tiny Pug may only 8-weeks-old, but he’s already completely adorable. When I saw this tiny cutie’s face, I completely melted… but just wait until you see what he can do!

YouTube user Flyeroz posted the following video to the site thinking he could show a few family and friends, but his adorable little Pug completely took the internet by storm! Maximus lives in Poland with his family, who likes to teach the small dog fun tricks.

In this adorable video, you will hear Maximus’ aunt say to him in Polish “show your tongue”. His reaction is just too …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Pit Bull Puppy Who Spent Her Entire Young Life In A Crate Needs A New Loving Home!

11 Aug

By Jessica

Kathy Guminski loves pit bulls so much that she started Pit Stop Rescue, which allows her to foster pit bulls until they can find a happy family. When she came across 7-month-old Maya at a local shelter, she knew she needed to step in. Maya was born with a spinal deformity that makes it difficult for her to use her back legs, and she had spent most of her time at the shelter in a crate, sometimes sitting for days. Before Kathy fostered her, Maya was set to be euthanized.

“This dog has more try, more determination than any pit …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


In 6 Seconds, I Guarantee This Puppy Will Put The Biggest Smile On Your Face.

11 Aug

By Amy


OMG! This is the most adorable thing I could ever imagine! Here’s a Boston Terrier puppy that is very excited to see you. Just watch as he comes bouncing up to the camera — like a bunny rabbit!

I could stand this to be about five times as long, but this will have to do. If you watch it five times in a row, that should suffice

Please SHARE this adorable bunny pup!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Homeless Stray Wanders Onto Major League Baseball Field! What Happened Next Is AMAZING!

11 Aug

By Caroline

While at spring training in Arizona earlier this year, a stray dog stumbled upon the Milwaukee Brewers’ field and found a forever home with the team. It’s a true Cinderella story for the dog, who was rescued by the organization and officially became an honorary member of the team on March 14, 2014.

General Manager Doug Melvin said that Hank was one of the few walk-ons the team has accepted, before presenting him with a tiny jersey. Since finding him on February 17th, the tiny white pup named Hank T. Dog has had made a major impact on the MLB team. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


A Stray Dog Was Found On This MLB Team’s Field. I Can’t Believe What Happened Next!!!

11 Aug

By Caroline

While at spring training in Arizona earlier this year, a stray dog stumbled upon the Milwaukee Brewers’ field and found a forever home with the team. It’s a true Cinderella story for the dog, who was rescued by the organization and officially became an honorary member of the team on March 14, 2014.

General Manager Doug Melvin said that Hank was one of the few walk-ons the team has accepted, before presenting him with a tiny jersey. Since finding him on February 17th, the tiny white pup named Hank T. Dog has had made a major impact on the MLB …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog