Her Dog Died In Less Than A Year! THIS Is The Reason Puppy Mills Should Be Abolished! EVERYONE Should See This!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

When lifelong animal lover Theresa Strader heard about an animal auction nearby she went to check it out, thinking about possibly adopting a dog or two to join the home she shares with her husband and four children. When she got there, her heart sank. The dog auction was none other than the site of a huge puppy mill sale.

Horrified by the conditions, Theresa adopted 13 dogs that day, including a Italian Greyhound who was in very rough shape named Lily. Soon after the adoption, Theresa formed the National Mill Dog Rescue in honor of Lily and all …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Her Dog Died In Less Than A Year! THIS Is The Reason Puppy Mills Should Be Abolished! EVERYONE Should See This!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

When lifelong animal lover Theresa Strader heard about an animal auction nearby she went to check it out, thinking about possibly adopting a dog or two to join the home she shares with her husband and four children. When she got there, her heart sank. The dog auction was none other than the site of a huge puppy mill sale.

Horrified by the conditions, Theresa adopted 13 dogs that day, including a Italian Greyhound who was in very rough shape named Lily. Soon after the adoption, Theresa formed the National Mill Dog Rescue in honor of Lily and all …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Open Letter A Puppy Mill Breeder Will Make You Angry…Which Is Exactly Why You Need To Read It.

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

When lifelong animal lover Theresa Strader heard about an animal auction nearby she went to check it out, thinking about possibly adopting a dog or two to join the home she shares with her husband and four children. When she got there, her heart sank. The dog auction was none other than the site of a huge puppy mill sale.

Horrified by the conditions, Theresa adopted 13 dogs that day, including a Italian Greyhound who was in very rough shape named Lily. Soon after the adoption, Theresa formed the National Mill Dog Rescue in honor of Lily and all …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Who My Dog Refuses To Take Treats From Is Hilarious!! This Is Proof Dogs Understand English!!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Dogs love treats and most of them, if the treat is delicious enough, will end up taking a snack from just about anybody. However, for this adorable pup, there is one person who he absolutely refuses to accept any treat from, no matter how tempting it may seem. This footage is absolutely hilarious!

While the dog will gladly accept a treat on anyone in his pack, including aunts and uncles, if anything that comes his way is from one particular person he just can’t bring himself to do it! In fact, he won’t even look at the treat!

Whoever said dogs can’t …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


These Neglected Dogs Just Got Life-Saving Makeovers! Look At Them Now!

11 Aug

By Jessica

When some dogs come into a shelter, it can seem impossible that they’ll ever find a home. Usually, it’s how they look – years of living hard, neglected lives can make them seem “unappealing” to people. That’s why Wahl Pets, a pet grooming and supply business, along with GreaterGood.com, an independent charitable organization that works to help the planet, people, and pets, decided to join forces to give hundreds of shelter dogs a second chance!

Together, these two organizations worked together to find shelter dogs that needed major makeovers, and after a good bath, a few snips, and a few nice …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog


NOTHING Can Top This Slow Motion Video Of A Dog Running. Hysterical!

11 Aug

By Amber James

Navi the floppy-eared Basset Hound is sure to bring a smile to your face today. In this clip, the adorable pup is seen taking her standard morning run, but it’s all captured in slow motion. This might be the most beautiful — and funny — footage of a dog ever!

To make this story even sweeter, Navi is a cancer survivor. Navi was given three months to live after having her tumor ridden spleen removed, but after her owners started feeding her organic food and vitamin supplements, she now appears to be cancer free. How amazing! Now we see why she’s …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


When You Find Out What My Dog’s Favorite Toy Is REALLY Made Of, You’re Going To Be SHOCKED!!

11 Aug

By Erin Lynch

These pictures have been making rounds around the internet lately and once you figure out what you are really looking at it should come to no surprise why. A super crafty dog owner decided to take his dog’s fur and turn it an artistic goldmine by making a mini version of his Husky.

The details on this doll are insanely accurate right down to the various markings on the fur to the way the dog lays spread out on the floor. People have been known to make scarfs, winter hats, and even wool sweaters out of their dog’s fur, but this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Puppies Help Scared, Injured Rescue Dog To Heal! This Is SO BEAUTIFUL!

11 Aug

By Amy


A street dog named Tony arrived at Animal Aid Unlimited in India barely alive, with a huge gash on his face and one leg severed to the bone — his condition was so terrible that we decided against posting the disturbing photos. While many considered Tony a “hopeless case,” Animal Aid Unlimited knew he still had life in him yet, and all he needed was a chance. Unfortunately, the hospital had to amputate his leg, or else he would have died from infection.

At first, Tony was scared, aggressive and refused to eat or make contact — but as time went …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


Watch These Dogs React To Floating Weiners! I Can’t Stop Laughing!

11 Aug

By Amy

Jose Ahonen calls himself a “magician and mentalist,” and one of the things he’s famous for is doing magic tricks for dogs!

In his newest video, Jose makes a hot dog “levitate” in front of a few dogs, and then watches what they do. The way the dogs react made me laugh out loud, especially when some of them seem uneasy! If I was a dog, I’d probably have the same reaction! I mean, sure, it’s food, but what dog has ever seen his food float before?

What do you think of Jose’s trick? It’s kind of impressive in itself, but when …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog, Funny


Dog And Baby Caught In The Most Adorable Argument!

11 Aug

By Amy

Sometimes dogs and babies are in a conversation all their own — like these two! Baby girl is getting a bit fidgety, but this dog is trying to calm her down by talking to her. Before you know it, there’s a full-blown conversation going on, and it’s hilarious to watch!

There are two things I love most about this video: The fact that every time the dog starts talking, the baby gives a look of bewilderment, and immediately stops talking back. And the way the dog looks straight into the camera every time he talks to the baby! SO perfect! LOL!

Please …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog, Funny