I Was Filming Views Of The City, But NEVER Saw This Coming! At :16, I Had To Do A Double Take!

10 Aug

By John

Here’s a good rule of thumb when visiting Russia: expect the unexpected. At all times. You never know what’s going to happen over there!

Take these tourists, who were walking down one of the busiest commercial streets in St. Petersburg. I bet if you gave them a million guesses as to what they were about to witness, they wouldn’t have even come close to getting it right. I know I was shocked!

Please SHARE this crazy moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Farm Animals, Funny


Puppy Stranded By Rising Tide Rescued By Paddle Boarder!l This Is Incredible!

10 Aug

By Amy

I have NO idea how it got stranded like this, but a Shih Tzu puppy named Bam Bam was lost at sea and faced certain death as it was stuck on a rock as the tide rose higher. Frightened and shivering, Bam-Bam was saved by an incredible paddle boardner and water sports instructor Charlie Head. The 33-year-old hero managed to video the rescue in real-time, capturing the wonderful, triumphant moment he saved the shivering pup from the rocks. Thank God for this brave, incredible man! I’m so happy Bam Bam is safe!

Please SHARE this amazing rescue!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


I Was Nervous For This Chicks In The Pool With A Pit Bull… Then I Was Just Amazed.

10 Aug

By Rachel

Sweet Pit Bull Sharky was taking his daily swim in the pool when his fluffy friends show up! I got nervous for these vulnerable baby chicks as they floated on by on a raft. Yet one by one each chick dropped off into the water, swimming towards their adoptive dad! This is one Sharky you needn’t be afraid of!

You see, Sharky is raising these chicks as if they were his very own, under the supervision of their pet parent. Sharky always plays with these chicks in the sweetest way ever, and constantly watches out for them making sure they’re safe. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, birds, Dog


Aww! My Puppy Crawled Into My Lap And Started Doing The Most ADORABLE Thing!

10 Aug

By Rachel

If you aren’t careful, this video may just melt your heart! Meet this 12-week-old miniature Dachshund pup, full of tiny squeals! His favorite spot to cuddle and play is in dad’s lap where he fits in perfectly between his legs! Once this puppy starts to playfully bite his own cute feet, I lost it! The way he sits in a little ball with his sweet eyes staring upwards makes me instantly fall in love! If you aren’t careful, you might also!

Please SHARE this adorable puppy with your friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


I Walked In On My 2-Year-Old And Dog, Look What I Caught Them Doing!

10 Aug

By Amy

AWW! What an absolutely adorable moment Mom was able to capture on video! 2-year-old Layla is happy as a clam cuddling up to her best friend Alfie, a Bull Terrier that loves his afternoon snoozes with little ‘sis.

This kissing, hugging and snuggling is endless in this video, and although most of it is one-sided (Layla is definitely in control of this cuddle session) it’s clear that Alfie is gentle, loving and more than happy to indulge her in these adorable moments. Mom must have been so delighted to see this, I know I am!

Please SHARE this video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


I Rescued A Baby Duck… And It Thinks My Dog Is Its Mother! ADORABLE!

10 Aug

By Amy

After Harold rescued an adorable fluffy duckling, he brought it home to care for it for a few days — and in that short time, who else but Harold’s big Labrador became surrogate mother? I mean… father! LOL! I love how the baby quickly follows after ever step the dog takes, that pitter-patter is SO cute! And the dog’s expression is one of care and confustion — he doesn’t understand what this “parenthood” thing is all about, but he’s trying!

The duck was released at a bird sanctuary (to be with hundreds of others ducks) a few days after this video …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, birds, Dog


A 5-Week Old Husky Just Tried To Howl For The First Time, I Can’t Handle It!

09 Aug

By Alex

He’s only 5-weeks old, but he’s already breaking hearts all over the country with his sweet voice! Huskies are known to be a very “vocal” breeds, and there are thousands of videos all over the internet of them making the cutest sounds. This, however, is the cherry on top of the cake!

Watch what happens when this little baby channels his inner wolf and howls for the world for the first time ever! Precious, right?

Please SHARE this cutie pie with others!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Grandpa Was Lonely After His Wife Of 63 Years Passed Away – So His Family Got Him A Puppy. His Reaction Left Me In Tears.

09 Aug

By Amy

I think it’s impossible to watch this bittersweet video without getting teary-eyed. After his wife of 63 years passed away, this Grandpa was understandably heartbroken. He was torn to such pieces that his family decided to come together and do something that would hopefully make his life a little brighter — they got him a puppy.

His reaction is so incredible — you can tell he’s still mourning the loss of his wife, and seeing the puppy brought out so many emotions for him. As soon as his family says, “You’re not alone anymore,” I pretty much lost it. He’s going …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Grandparents, Heartwarming, Touching


If This Isn’t Enough To Make You Put Your Phone Down, NOTHING Is!

08 Aug

By John

Everywhere you look, people are on their phone. All of the time. And I’m not the exception. But sometimes, it’s important to put it down and reconnect with the things in life that truly matter… like our furry friends! Besides, what’s more fun to pet? A smartphone or a soft belly with a wagging tail? No contest!

I just had to immediately walk over and give my loyal tail-wagger a great big hug after watching this, and tell him I’m sorry for any time technology has gotten in the way of hugs and cuddles!

Please SHARE with your Facebook friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


He KNOWS He’s Not Allowed On The Bed – I Can’t Believe I Came Home To THIS!

08 Aug

By John

This sneaky pup knows better than to be on the bed, but he thought he could get away with it this time. He didn’t expect his pet parent was just about to BUST him. But when you’re snoring that loud and you look that silly, you can get away with A LOT!

There should definitely be a new rule in the house though: anyone that gets to snooze like that should also have to help pay the bills. Or at least make room for someone to climb up on the bed for a cuddle!

Please SHARE this silly pup with all of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny