I Wanted To Record Myself Playing Drums – But My Dog Had Other Ideas!

08 Aug

By Jessica

It’s not unusual for someone to upload a YouTube video of themselves playing an instrument, but what is unusual is a dog having an opinion about it!

In this hilarious video, a Boston terrier has something to say about his owner’s drum playing, and it’s pretty hilarious! I’m not sure if this was set up or what, but it seems like someone wants a little piece and quiet!

How many parents wish they could do this when their kid is practicing their instrument a little too loudly?

Please SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Stray Dog From Russia Brought Me To Tears, And I Never Cry!

08 Aug

By Alex

He’s only known by the name “White,” and apparently he lives nearby a gas station on the outskirts of Russia. No one knows how long he’s been on the streets, or where he learned all of the tricks he knows, but both the regular customers at the gas station, as well as the owners of the gas station try to take care of him as much as they can, providing him with food and water whenever he asks.

This video was recorded by customers at the gas station who noticed the dog, and they were shocked by how kind he …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Our Bulldog And New Kitten Just Met For The First Time – This Is Adorable!

08 Aug

By Jessica

When Louie the English bulldog was first introduced to Mia the kitten – no one was really sure what would happen!

Luckily, Louie took an instant liking to Mia, and to everyone’s surprise, Mia didn’t run away from him like she usually did when it came to new animals or people! The two actually bonded, and as you can see in this video, Louie seems very concerned with making sure that Mia is safe and comfortable!

I love it when I see bigger animals taking such good care of smaller ones! Animals really do understand how to love a baby – even …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog


My Puppy Just Learned To Howl… And It’s The CUTEST Thing In The World. OMG!

08 Aug

By Amber James

This new french bulldog puppy just learned how to howl and could not be any cuter!

Watch this incredibly cute moment when the little pup show us his pipes and howls for the first time. It’s like she’s a wolf puppy howling at the moon. Get ready for your heart to melt.

Please SHARE this adorable video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


No One Wanted This Older Shelter Dog – Until She Met Her Soul Mate For Life. I’m In Tears.

08 Aug

By Jessica

Fancy had been stuck at the shelter for awhile, and because she was middle aged, no one seemed to want to adopt her. When Andy Mathis saw that no one was coming forward for her, he decided to foster her. The two enjoyed an immediate bond, and Fancy had a second chance at happiness!

After she was adopted by another family, Andy felt a little sad, but in about 2-3 weeks, Fancy was back. Her foster situation didn’t work out, and she needed a home. Andy took her back in, and gave her just as much love as last time!

Fancy eventually …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


Dog Clings To His Adoptive Sister For Support, A Day After Being Rescued. Watch What Happens Next.

08 Aug

By Amy

When we meet Walnut in this video, it’s a day after he was adopted by his new loving family. Still scared and hesitant around people, Walnut clung to his new sister Mufie for support in the days following his adoption.

Considering his new home is full of love — and a menagerie of caring cats and dogs that helped Walnut become healthy and socialized — it didn’t take long for Walnut to come out of his shell and start enjoying the life he’d always wanted. Look at that smile! This video made me so happy! Adoption is such a powerful thing, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


Heroic Pit Bull Sacrifices Leg In Order To Save Her Family! This Is INCREDIBLE!

08 Aug

By Rachel

The love dogs and humans share for one another is often astounding. One Virginia pit bull would do anything for her family and one night she proves it. Four intruders crept into the family home while parents and children were asleep. One of the armed men pointed a gun at the father of the house, but their amazing pit bull jumped in the way, taking the bullet for his owner! The gunshot shattered her shoulder and ripped the soft tissue from her front leg. She was rushed to the hospital, but her leg could not be saved. The family also …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


Big Dog Meets The Smallest Piglet In The World! Cutest Thing I’ve EVER Seen!

08 Aug

By Rachel

Try your best to contain yourself during this video! I have an obsession with small things and this miniature pig is making me squeal! Precious Manuka is 12-days-old here and ridiculously adorable! Manuka has a lot of excitement ahead of her as she forges relationships with all of the creatures in the house, from her human owners to this sweet dog here! I love watching them discover each other, I’m sure the dog is wondering what this teeny tiny piglet is all about!! This precious clip cannot be missed! Please SHARE these critters with your family and friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


This 2-Day-Old Kitten Was Trapped And Covered In Maggots. When You See Who Rescued Him, You’ll Be Blown Away.

08 Aug

By Rachel

If it wasn’t for puppy dog Opie, this baby kitten would have died. One day when Opie was exploring the field behind his apartment building, he came across a kitten. The baby, only 2 days old, was stuck under a log and covered in maggots. Opie refused to leave his side until help came. Thanks to Opie, this kitten, later named Roscoe, made an emergency trip to the vet and survived! What follows is the amazing rescue story of Roscoe’s road to recovery! This dog is an absolute hero! If Opie was my dog I would be so incredibly proud …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Cat, Dog, Heartwarming


She Lived Most Of Her Life At The Pound. You Won’t Believe What This Rescue Dog Does Now!

08 Aug

By Amber James

This dog is an absolute marvel with an even more amazing story that will have you reaching for the tissues. Tina Humphrey rescued the abandoned Boarder Collie Chandi from the pound in 1997 and started teaching her beloved pup new tricks and eventually dancing routines.

The rest is history! The pair eventually landed on “Britain’s Got Talent,” where they showcased the dog’s love for ballet. It’s so sweet their amazing bond. You can see the pup is having a really fun time and gets lots of positive rewards. This pup is so talented!

Enjoy and please SHARE this great video with all …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog