A Puppy Was Trapped In A Pipe Underground, So These Heros Decided To Dig Until They Found Him!

07 Aug

By Jessica

The Michigan Humane society recently got a call that a four-week-old puppy had fallen into a pipe underground and had been stuck there for an entire day. Chris Ouwerkerk, an emergency driver for the humane society, was the first person to arrive. When he couldn’t get the puppy out himself with just a shovel, he decided to call for reinforcements.

Using an excavator, Chris and a team worked to dig up the spot where they could hear the puppy barking. Eventually, they were able to dismantle the pipe and get the little one out – and not only that, they were …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


What This Woman Does With Her Dog Is Mesmerizing, I Can’t Stop Watching This!!

07 Aug

By Erin Lynch

This has to be one of the weirdest, yet most adorable things to have hit the internet in a while! Who knew dogs had such an amazing hidden talent?

The way this woman strums her dog as if it was a guitar is too perfect for words! Not only is the dog the most amazing instrument but watch as he keeps the beat with his paw! It’s just so adorable how patient he is too!!

Keep on rockin’ little man! Keep on rockin’!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Dating Site For Romantic ‘Hook Ups’ Is Helping Abandoned Dogs Find Forever Homes! This Is BRILLIANT!!

07 Aug

By Amy

Ever heard of a dating app called Tinder? The latest craze in romantic encounters, Tinder quickly matches users with potential hook-ups by “swiping” through the app until you find a match. Now, Tinder is doing something that’s truly awesome, by teaming up with an animal rescue center to match its users with abandoned dogs for a new app called ‘Puppy Love!!!’ How genius is this?!

Romantic rendezvous are sweet, but giving a dog a home for life is even sweeter. Bravo, guys! Now, where’s MY match?!

Please SHARE this video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog


I Went For A Swim, But My Dog Jumped In After Me And Only Wanted To Do One Thing!

07 Aug

By Jessica

Brock the Boxer has discovered a fun way to get around the pool: Ride on someone’s back!

Who can blame him? The lazy days of summer are certainly a time to kick back and relax, and what better way to relax than to have someone carry you around the pool? In all seriousness, I wonder how Brock learned this trick – did his owner just put his paws on his shoulders one day? Brock can obviously swim, so maybe it’s just his way of giving a little doggie hug before hopping out and doing something else!

If this lazy boxer made you …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


We Just Got Our Dog A Very Adorable Birthday Present – Wait Until You See What It Is!

07 Aug

By Jessica

Rhett the Golden Doodle just got a birthday present – a puppy!

That’s right, his owners decided to bring home another Golden Doodle, Scarlet, on Rhett’s birthday, and instead of acting jealous that there was another dog in the house, Rhett welcomed her with open arms (or paws)!

The excitment Rhett has over the new puppy is just the cutest! I love how he runs around outside, almost like he wants to show her everything at once, and how she just sits there, trying to take it all in! According to their owners, Rhett and Scarlet get along like best friends now, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Dog Was Born With A Birth Defect That Left Her Unable To Eat, But How She Was Saved Will Melt Your Heart!!

07 Aug

By Erin Lynch

When John Yerty first got his beautiful dog Bella he was baffled as to why she couldn’t eat. Every time he would put food down, poor Bella would attempt it but she literally couldn’t swallow the food. Puzzled, John and his wife brought Bella to the vet to try to figure out what was going on with their precious pooch.

After a few x-rays and tests they could not believe what they found. Poor Bella was born with a birth defect called megaesophagus, which paralyzes the esophagus and leaves Bella unable to swallow her food. John knew that if left untreated, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Hilarious! Every Time I Say One Particular Word, My Dog Does THIS!

07 Aug

By Jessica

Mango the pug loves bath time. He loves it so much that even just saying the word can send him into a pug head-tilting frenzy!

The pug head tilt is one of the cutest things about these dogs, and no matter how many times you see one of them do it, you just want to see them do it again and again! That’s probably why the lady in this video keeps repeating the word “bath,” because she knows she’s going to see that little head move!

Is your dog as big of a fan of baths as Mango? I’ve never seen a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


THIS Is The Best Present You Could Ever Get A Dog! You’ll Never Believe What’s Inside!

07 Aug

By Amber James

This has to be one of the best surprises you can give to a dog.

In the clip, Louie gets a BIG present from his owners: another puppy companion. What makes this surprise even better is that the new beagle puppy is Louie’s 14-week-old baby sister. How precious! She and Louie have the same dad and come from the same family/bloodline. Now he has a smaller version of himself to play around with. They make such a cute

Enjoy and SHARE with all your fellow dog lovers.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Man’s Dog Photobombs His Craigslist Ad! It’s Absolutely HYSTERICAL!

07 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Thousands of people have been flocking to take a peek at a recent Chicago Craigslist ad for a two-bedroom but it’s not because of the ambience, the cheap rent, or the location. Nope, it’s because of there is a little gem hiding right before your very eyes in each picture.

It’s almost Where’s Waldonian or a newer, furrier version of the game I Spy, but instead of a man hidden away in a sea of people, it’s an adorable dog poking out in the most random of places!

No one is sure whether the dog’s photo op was intentional or not, the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Retired Service Dog Comforts 11-Year-Old Puppy Mill Victim! This Brought Tears To My Eyes!

07 Aug

By Amy

I love that this moment was captured on video. The dog you see on the right is 11-year-old Cocker Spaniel Will, who spent years confined to a puppy mill cage before finally being rescued as a senior dog. Blind in both eyes from his years of neglect, Will is now in a safe and loving home — and as you can see, he receives daily healing licks from his constant companion, a retired service dog named Tieli.

Dogs can truly be the greatest medicine. This brought a tear to my eye.

Please SHARE this incredibly heartwarming video.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming