This Puppy Was Born With A Birth Defect. But When You Meet Him You’ll Fall Madly In Love.

07 Aug

By Amy


Meet Lentil — and prepare to fall in love. The only surviving puppy out of his litter, Lentil was born with a cleft palate and survived life-saving surgery. When he’s not playing and being cute and silly, he now helps to honor kids with craniofacial differences.

Mom says on Lentil’s own Facebook page, “Lentil is a french bulldog pup who was born on 2/2/2013 with a severe cleft hard/soft palate, lip, and nose. Although, at times, it seems as if all odds are against him — this kid is a fighter! He was being fostered through FBRN. Lentil’s Mom …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Can’t Believe What This Family Did For Their 15-Year-Old Dog! You HAVE To Hear This!

06 Aug

By Amy


The Alvarez family doesn’t do things the typical way. Their dog Gabriel has gotten very old — 15-years-old to be exact! And they want to make sure they honor their best canine friend as he lives out these remaining Golden Years. “Gabey the Poop” is a theme song written, recorded and performed by his family, who clearly loves him so much that they wanted to celebrate his elderly years with love, style and music

With funny lyrics like, “Chubby little guffy all stuffed with fluff” and “Willy Nilly Silly old dog” it’s obvious this family is a little eccentric, a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


We Were Just About To Leave The Park And THIS Happened. OMG!!

06 Aug

By John

It never fails. The furry four-footer plays for an hour at the park and stays relatively clean, and then right before it’s time to get back in the car… well… this pet parent can tell you the rest! I’ve never seen a dog that loved mud SO much. I swear he thinks he’s a pig!

He sure is acting like rolling around in it is the best feeling in the world. I’m sure the other pups’ parents are thanking everything there is to thank that there little tail-waggers are keeping their distance from this one. Or maybe they’re just like mine …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Pup And His Pet Parent Are Up To Something Silly. At :45 My Face Was BEAMING!

06 Aug

By John

It’s always great to see the fun stuff that pups and their pet parents do together, and this… this has got to be one of my all time favorites! When he gives his loyal pal a biscuit for being such a good sport and scratches his neck, I had to immediately go give my dog a hug!

There’s just nothing quite like the bond between people and pets. That’s why EVERY family should have a dog. Life just doesn’t seem complete without one!

Please SHARE this piano-playin’ pup with friends and family!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


I Introduced My Rescue Dog To An Unlikely New Friend. What Happened Next Was Absolutely AMAZING!

06 Aug

By Amber James

After five-year-old dog Chloe was rescued, she only had eyes for one unlikely new pal: a 14-month-old cheetah named Eden.

Chloe, who comes to work with her owner at the Cheetah Experience in South Africa, quickly bonded with the wild cat, and the pair have been inseparable ever since. Now they spend hours playing, nuzzling and caring for one another. This adorable duo are best friends and, as the video shows, Chloe is always giving lots of wet kisses to her pal. Aww! These two prove that furry friends can definitely come in all shapes and sizes.

Enjoy and please SHARE this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Wild Animals


A Pit Bull Puppy Was Paralyzed And Left For Dead. Her New Mom Wrote A Message For The People Who Abandoned Her.

06 Aug

By Amy

A post on Craigslist titled “I have your dog and you can’t have her back” gained a lot of attention after it called out the former owners of a puppy they left for dead. Brandi Glaske, founder of Saving Argo Dog Rescue, adopted the puppy — now known as Honey — from the animal shelter. She said, “They have no idea what they missed out on.” Honey was a four-month-old Pit Bull puppy at the time she was adopted and tragically, she was paralyzed as the result of suspected abuse. Her new family calls her “Honey the Hopeful Pit Bull,” …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


My Dog Likes To Nap In The Strangest Of Places, You’re Not Gonna Believe This!!

06 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Dogs have been known to take a siesta in the weirdest of spots; sometimes it’s a tiny bed built for a cat or sitting like a human on the recliner, but planking in between two pieces of furniture has to be a first!

That is exactly where Bella, an adorable and sleepy Boston Terrier, likes to take it easy. Her parents captured Bella’s love for favorite spot and in true internet glory put it to the theme song to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

It truly is captivating and guaranteed to make you laugh.

Enjoy and please SHARE this with everyone you know. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Funny


At First I Thought My Dog Was Stuck But As I Got Closer I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes!! It’s HILARIOUS!!

06 Aug

By Erin Lynch

One of the biggest attractions at a salvage yard in California is not the vintage furniture, the river rock turned kitchen sets, or even the rare household items that they sell. Nope, it’s all about Axel the Bulldog and his favorite toy, a bucket.

You see, at the salvage yard, whenever Axel runs around with his toy it’s affectionately called “The Bucket Show” because it provides daily entertainment for the shoppers and employees of the shop.

It’s quite common to see Axel running through the grounds with the bucket in his mouth, on his head, or watching him toss it up in …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Little Boy Does The Sweetest Thing For A Dog When He Thinks No One Is Watching!! Just Adorable!

06 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Get ready to catch a serious case of the feelings, because this video is absolutely amazing!

While staying at a friends house while his owners were away, a beautiful Black Lab named Burt became a little homesick and missed his family. While he was in the care of his family friends, poor Burt would sit by the window and wait for his pack to return.

Knowing how sad his new friend was, an adorable little boy named Jack was found doing his best to comfort Burt. Thankfully, this beautiful moment was captured on video.

Watching these two wait by the window and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Kids


Homeless Shelters Refused To Take Him In Because Of His Dog. What Happened Next Restored My Faith In Humanity.

06 Aug

By Caroline

Just a little over a year ago, Alex had a nice life going for himself. He had a steady job, a home and had found love, but when all of that suddenly disappeared, his life was understandably turned upside-down.

Many people don’t consider exactly what must have happened to homeless persons to get them to such a desperate place. Relationship and money issues are things each and every person likely experiences at some point in life, but for Alex the burden was too much to bare and he was left with nothing but his loyal dog on the streets. Incredible organizations …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching