This Dog And Pony Have A BEAUTIFUL Friendship! Look At What They Do!

06 Aug

By Jessica

This baby horse’s mother must really love this dog, because she lets him get really close to her little one!

This little horse has been best friends with her dog pal since she was born. Immediately, the dog took interest in the little fowl, and has followed her around ever since, acting like her surrogate parent when her real mother isn’t around!

I love it when I see two different kinds of animals acting like they’re best friends – it really makes me believe that animals feel emotions and think the same way we do! They love the same way, and enjoy …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


He Showed His Dog A Picture Of Julia Roberts, I Can’t BELIEVE His Reaction!

06 Aug

By Erin Lynch

This is Achmed and although the rest of the country might think she is America’s Sweetheart, he has a deep phobia for none other than Julia Roberts! Yep, that Julia Roberts!

One night while hanging out and watching some TV, Achmed’s owner was flipping through a magazine and out of the corner of her eye saw her sweet little Husky jump up for dear life. It turns out, Achmed saw an ad in the magazine with Julia Roberts’ face on it and he lost it!

Not sure if it was a fluke or not, Achemed’s owner showed him the picture again and, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Baby Monkey Rejected By Its Mother … Gets Adopted And Makes ADORABLE New Friends! OMG, So Cute!

06 Aug

By Amber James

When baby monkey Mubi was just two-weeks old, she was rejected by her mother. But today, she has been given a second chance and has made some pretty adorable playmates: two Jack Russell puppies.

Wildlife expert Simon Jeffry, who is head of the primate section at Port Lympne Reserve in Kent, decided to step up and adopted the endangered African drill monkey. (There are only about 45 of these species in captivity, Jeffry says in the video.)

After taking Mubi in, he decided her to introduce her to his two dogs, which is the best thing that ever happened for those animals …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Wild Animals


Hilarious! This Televised Softball Game Was Hijacked – By A Dog!

06 Aug

By Jessica

A nationally televised college softball game was completely hijacked by someone who slipped onto the field undetected!

Somehow, a playful pit bull managed to get onto the field, and before anyone could stop him, went from player to player, stealing gloves! When they tried to get them back, the dog just ran faster, enjoying the game of fetch, not caring an ounce that he was stopping the game cold!

Finally, someone managed to get the happy dog under control, but if a game has to be stopped for any reason, I think this is a pretty funny one!

Please SHARE this funny sports …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Had No Idea That THIS Is What It Meant When A Dog Wore A Yellow Ribbon, Everyone Should Read This!!

06 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Have you seen a dog with a yellow ribbon tied to his leash or collar? Like most people, you probably thought it was a fashion statement on the owner’s behalf; while it is eye-catching, there is a reason for it and it’s one that everyone needs to know about.

The yellow ribbon is actually a warning to anyone who is coming into contact with that dog that it needs it’s space. In order to spread this important message, The Yellow Dog Project was created to educated the public on how to approach a dog you do not know.

No one should …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Rescue Pit Bull Puppy Joins His Brother On The Treadmill! Cutest Thing I’ve EVER Seen!

06 Aug

By Amy

Peace, Love and Pitbulls is a rescue organization that takes in stray, abused or abandoned Pit Bulls — and they just took in their newest member, a tiny puppy named Bandit!! Bandit is incredibly adorable, as you can see here, but he’s even more adorable when he attempts use a treadmill for the very first time — as one of the older Pits is getting his daily workout! I LOVE watching Bandit go back for more trips down the machine — he’s in heaven, and his new brothers and sisters are making sure he’s safe!

Pit Bulls are very high energy …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


This Pit Bull Was Abused And Disfigured, But NOT Broken. Her Story Left Me In Tears.

06 Aug

By Amy

Lucy was used as a submissive dog to train fighting dogs. She had missing teeth; they were pulled out so she wouldn’t be able to defend herself. An evil kick left her with a broken jaw, hence her twisted face. One day, Lucy was rescued by a man who found her wandering the streets, pregnant and starving. She was eventually taken to a rescue organization called Stray From The Heart, who wrote:

Hi my name is Lucy! I’ve was rescued from the streets of Bogota, Colombia and lived in a foster home over there for about 6 months before …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


Hero Dog Saves Missing Toddler In The Nick Of Time! Such An Amazing Story!

06 Aug

By Jessica

After a toddler went missing, an entire Indiana town set out to find him. They used heat sensors, helicopters, and lots of man power – but still, they turned up nothing. As the hours went by, people began to panic.

That is, until Grace arrived. Grace is a seven-year-old Bloodhound who has been working with Sgt. William Carter, of the Indianapolis Metro Police, on missing children and elderly cases for years. Often, she is the reason these individuals are found. Luckily, in this case, as in many other cases, Grace was able to pick up the scent of the toddler …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


We Brought The Baby Home And Our Dog Started SMILING At Him! This Is ADORABLE!

06 Aug

By Amy

It can be a tricky thing to bring home a newborn baby when there’s a dog at home, and when Leyanne brought home her 2-day-old newborn, she wasn’t sure how her dog would react. But as soon as Coco, her little Pom-Chi mix, met the baby, she immediately began kissing his head, running around him excitedly — and then she did the best thing, ever — she started smiling at him! OMG!!

Mom Leyanne says, “I honestly think this is one of the cutest things ever!!!” I couldn’t agree more, Mom! Seriously!

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


You Won’t Believe This Woman’s Musical Instrument! I Just Had To Tap My Feet!

05 Aug

By John

Silly pups and sillier pet parents just might be the greatest combination of all time. There’s no telling what’s going to happen when the two get together. But if it’s anything like this, the world is guaranteed to love it!

I can’t decide who looks like they’re having more fun… the woman playing her dog like a lute, or the pup kicking his legs because she’s tickling him in just the right spot! Either way, it’s music to my ears! With a little more practice the pup might even be able to howl along!

Please SHARE these musical pals with all of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny