He Started Playing Guitar – And His Puppy Had The SWEETEST Reaction! My Heart Melted!

05 Aug

By Rachel

It must feel great to have your biggest fan under your own roof! This guy can practice his guitar as often as he pleases, and with confidence, he knows his skills are appreciated by at least one precious soul. Every time he picks up his guitar and strums, this faithful furry friend hurries right out and plops down on his leg for a listen! This puppy is not only adorable, but such a sweet listener! AWW!!

Bring a smile to your friend’s faces and please SHARE this cute puppy!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


Puppy Gets A New Bed, Her Reaction Is PRICELESS!

05 Aug

By Jessica

Kate the Great Dane puppy just got a big surprise – a new dog bed! She’s so happy, she just can’t contain herself, and just wants to dig and play around with it until her little puppy attention span runs out!

Great Dane puppies may be adorable, but did you know that owners should try to minimize their activity at times, especially while they’re growing, because of how fast they grow and some health problems that can be associated with that? This friendly, non-aggresive breed has to be carefully watched when they’re puppies to make sure their growth spurts are measured …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


My Dog Does The Most UNUSUAL Thing When We Go Outside. So FUNNY!

05 Aug

By Amber James

This adorable dog named Bibi has a cute way of getting around. When he is let outside to play, the pup actually crawls on his stomach doing a doggy paddle. At first, it appears the dog may have trouble with his back legs, but by the end of the video, he’s up running around on all fours.

Watch as he crawls across the grassy lawn to his owner. He really seems to be enjoying himself!

If this video brought a smile to your face, please SHARE with your Facebook friends.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Sleeping Dog Has The Longest Tongue In The World. This Is CRAZY!!!

05 Aug

By Caroline

Forget about pulling this dog’s tail… check out the tongue on this colossal canine!

When I first laid eyes on this pup, I couldn’t even believe what I was seeing. Is this some kind of alien disguised as a dog or does this canine truly have the longest tongue on the planet?! I’ve seen a lot of strange animal videos in my day, but I’ve NEVER come across anything like this one!

This video of an owner pulling on his dog’s tongue weirdly brings me back to childhood. It looks exactly like this dog has a roll of Bubble Tape in his …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Is What Happens When A Pit Bull Raises Baby Chicks.

05 Aug

By Amy

An animal lover named Helen has something of a pet menagerie at her home in Texas — where dogs, cats and chickens alike live together as one big, adorable and happy family. In this video, Helen brings her slew of baby chicks over to their friend Shiva’s house. Shiva is a Bull Terrier.

But get this: these baby chicks that you see here, they don’t technically belong to Helen. They belong to Sharky, Helen’s Pit Bull! Sharky is raising these chicks like they’re her very own, which is why the tiny birds are so comfortable and at ease with Shiva. I …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, birds, Dog


Our Dog Loves My Husband So Much, He Won’t Let Him Leave In The Morning!

05 Aug

By Jessica

Bucky the Miniature Schnauzer loves the man in this video so much, he gets angry when he leaves!

If you watch this video all the way though, you see the man’s morning routine, and as he gets dressed, and especially when he’s on his way out the door, Bucky starts to get more and more agitated, finally jumping up and barking as the man is headed out to his car! Bucky does not want him to go, and even tries to get in the way of the door!

When the video fast forwards to the end of the day, Bucky …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Our Little Girl Ran Up To Our Doberman Before We Could Stop Her – We Were Stunned By What Happened Next!

05 Aug

By Jessica

Dobermans have a bad rap – a lot of people think they’re mean, aggressive, and even dangerous dogs. But this is another case of the owner, not the breed! As this video shows, Dobermans can be as kind, gentle, and patient as any other dog!

When this baby makes a run for the big dog sitting in front of her, she goes for a very delicate part of him, his tongue! Ever curious, she tries to touch it and pull it, and this patient dog does nothing but tuck it safety back in his mouth – almost as though he completely …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Babies, Dog


You’ll NEVER Guess What’s Underneath These Covers! There’s NOTHING Cuter!

05 Aug

By Amy

Peek-a-boo, I see you! As soon as mom lifts the blankets, what she reveals took my breath away — just because it’s so darn adorable, and so very unexpected!

Not only is Brutus the Great Dane taking his afternoon nap… but snuggled up right on top of him is PIGGY! Piggy, the family pig! OMG, so adorable, they were sleeping together under the same blanket. As mom and dad say, “These two are never-ending cuteness!”

They look so cozy! Now, get outta here Mom and Dad! Your kids are getting their beauty rest!

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


Puppy Meets Her Big Brother, What Happens Next Is ADORABLE! Oh My Goodness!

05 Aug

By Amy


Jazzy Girl is a young Golden Retriever puppy who was recently welcomed into her new forever home. Lucky for her, there was a big brother waiting for her arrival: Tie, an older Goldie who was anxious, and a little nervous, to meet baby sis.

What you’re about to see is Jazzy and Tie’s very first encounters, and it’s nothing short of beautiful AND adorable! It’s as clear as day, these two instantly fell in love and will be best friends for life! I love the way Jazzy burrows into Tie’s fur, and by the end she’s climbing all over him in …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


The Way My Dog Eats His Breakfast Every Morning Is Hysterical…I Just HAD To Record It!!

05 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Every single morning there is a sound of a commotion happening in Sonia Lee’s kitchen. It’s not her running late for work, or her kids getting ready for school. Nope, it’s her poodle Louie enjoying his breakfast in the most unusual way.

Louie, like most dogs, enjoys dry food mixed up with wet food to create the perfect morning dish. Although there is one little snag for Louie’s parents: he has to do it himself!

That’s right, according to Louie’s mom, he won’t eat his food if they try to mix it up for him. He needs to have one bowl of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny