My Dog Was Exhausted When He Came Home From The Dog Park Today – Now I Know Why!

05 Aug

By Jessica

Beagles are natural hunters. They love the chase, and they were bred to chase small game like rabbit and deer. They also love to run in packs. So what do you get when you let a pack of Beagles loose in a dog park, and then turn on a remote control car? A hilarious, never ending game of chase!

I knew that Beagles liked to run, but I actually never knew they could run this fast! Watching them zip up and down this field, chasing the car no matter where it went, made me want to get out there with them …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Couple Welcomes Their New Addition In The Most Adorable Way – You’ve NEVER Seen Baby Pics Like This Before!!

05 Aug

By Erin Lynch


When a new bundle of joy comes into the house, doting parents everywhere go all out for their first baby announcement pictures. These much anticipated pictures not only give those who have yet to meet the angelic newborn their first look, but they also give parents memories that will last a lifetime.

However, one Alabama family decided to put their own spin on these baby pictures and introduced the world to their bouncing, four-legged, baby boy named Snuggles.

That’s right, Jan and Chase Renagar decided to have a little fun with their Jack Russell and create a series of professional and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Walked In And Found My Two Pit Bulls Doing THIS! There’s NOTHING More Adorable!

05 Aug

By Amy

I’ll be shocked if I see anything cuter than this today. I LOVE it! Watch as these two loveable best friends — two pit-bull terriers — do what they love to do best. Every day, these two take naps on the couch, side-by-side, upside-down and sprawled out in the funniest positions! Mom made sure to finally capture this cute moment on video. After a hard day of running, jumping and playing out in the hot Florida sun, this wonderful pair climbed up on the sofa and took a load off.

How cute and funny are they?!

Please SHARE this ADORABLE moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Found What Looked Like An Injured Dog In The Park…When I Got Closer I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes!!

05 Aug

By Erin Lynch

This is Bucket, an adorable dog who not only has the greatest name ever, but he also likes to travel in the most unconventional of ways!

When most dogs see a hill, followed by a luscious green lawn, they tend to think FREE RUN and take off with wild abandonment!! However, Bucket is not your everyday dog. You see, this little guy just plops right down on the hill and scoots all the way down. He’s a gliding machine! You can tell by the look on his face and by his giant tail wag that he is having the time of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


I Can’t Believe What This Lion Cub Did To The Dogs!

05 Aug

By Alex


This video was filmed at the Cornellskop Animal Training Farm in South Africa. On this farm, there are many animals living side-by-side, and in this video, a real life Simba is practicing his stalking on his unsuspecting canine friends. The result, however, is the cutest gave of peekaboo I’ve ever seen. All that’s missing from this video is a little head boop!

According to the video’s description, all animals on the farm are loved and cared for and completely socialized to one another as they often play together. The farm works very closely with conservation authorities …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Wild Animals


No One Believes My Dog LOVES Doing This, So I Caught Her On Video! Here’s Proof!

04 Aug

By Amy


This is SO adorable! Lena the Rottweiler loves taking showers more than anything in the world, and here’s the video to prove it! Mom wanted to show everyone what happens when Lena gets in the shower, so she turned it on, walked out of the bathroom once Lena was all settled in and walked back in — only to find Lena, happy as a clam, holding her face into the streaming water. She’s in heaven, it’s safe to say

I’ve seen dogs enjoying their baths before, but never a shower! I love her.

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


What He Found Beneath An Abandoned House Was SHOCKING! I’m So Glad He Looked!

04 Aug

By John

When a man living in the desert outside of LA heard cries coming from beneath an abandoned shack, he had no idea what he would find. For most people, the rest of the story would go: “so he turned around and got the heck out of there as fast as he could.” For the nine PUPPIES he rescued beneath the shack, this angel-in-disguise made the right decision.

Though he didn’t have enough food to feed himself, he gave all that he had to the young pups and three other dogs who were with them. In my book, this makes him a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Babies, Dog, Heartwarming


This Dog’s Reaction To A Blueberry Is Nothing Short Of Hilarious!

04 Aug

By Alex


There’s one thing that Sidney loves more than belly rubs, and that’s blueberries. I personally think that her momma could have just given Sidney the blueberry to enjoy, but if that were the case, we wouldn’t have this video to enjoy! Dogs love to play games, and they’re happy to play this game all day long!

Of course, pugs aren’t necessarily the best to reach blueberries on a flat surface, and you can easily tell from this video Show Sidney some love!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


[Gone Viral] Police Officer Gets Call About ‘Vicious Pit Bull’. What He Does Next Restored My Faith In Humanity!

04 Aug

By John

Sergeant Gary Carter has always been a big fan of dogs. Now, because of his recent actions, at least one dog is a big fan of his as well. Millions of people around the country are, too. After receiving reports of an aggressive pit bull, Sergeant Carter realized that wasn’t the case at all.

“He was friendly,” Carter said. “He was trying to make friends with people”. Sergeant Carter brought the pit bull, Jeffrey, back to the station and after learning the dog had a microchip was able to track down the dog’s owner. In a time where officers have been …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


You Have To See This Card Trick I Taught My Dog. She’s So Smart!

04 Aug

By Amber James

Meet Jilli. She’s a tiny Yorkshire Terrier with a big talent. She actually does a cool magic card trick with her trainer Rick Caran.

This amazing 5-pound Yorkie is one of America’s top trick dogs, and she’s got her poker face down! This is just too cool! She is such smart little dog. And most importantly, she looks like she’s having so much fun performing her tricks.

Enjoy! Please SHARE with your friends.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog