This Puppy Is ADDICTED To Belly Rubs! Watch What He Does With His Brother!

04 Aug

By Amy

My goodness, this is SO adorable! It’s no secret that dogs love their belly rubs. It’s one of their favorite things in the world, next to a good steak dinner. This little fluffy pup is having the best day ever while out playing with his friend. As you can see, every time the young man playfully escapes his grip, the dog tears after him, flips over and immediately begs for more! He couldn’t be more excited if he tried, and I just LOVE watching this cute, funny interaction!

Please SHARE this adorable video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


We Took Our Dog To Her Favorite Place On Earth – THIS Is How She Reacts Every Time!

04 Aug

By Jessica

Ellie the Great Dane loves the beach, and as you can see from this video, can’t wait for any opportunity to run around in circles on the sand! It’s one of the only places where she can run free as fast as she wants!

While some people have remarked on Ellie’s weight, her owners say that their vet told them that being on the thinner side is actually better for dogs her size. When large dogs gain even a little bit of excess weight, it can be hard on their joints, and can make them age faster. Ellie’s owners obviously love …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Can’t Believe What My Dog Did When He Encountered A Sneaky Lion. Absolutely Hilarious!

04 Aug

By Caroline

Usually dogs are the ones getting sneaky and bullying the cats, but not in this hilarious video!

In a clip posted to YouTube by Shaun Swingler, two unsuspecting canines are just hanging around the ranch at the Cornellskop Animal Training Farm in Bot River, Western Cape, South Africa. The two pups have NO idea that they are about to get the shock of a lifetime!

This absolutely made my heart jump! You can see a teeny, tiny lion cub sneak around the left corner and give one of the easygoing dogs a big fright, as you see the other pup sneak far …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny, Wild Animals


There’s Always ONE Party Pooper. 20 Seconds In, I Started Cracking Up!!!

04 Aug

By Caroline

In the few months since Gary Weir posted the following video on YouTube, its popularity has skyrocketed through the roof, and it’s easy to understand why.

Everything feels like a normal birthday party. With cake, balloons, singing and good friends, it has all the makings for the perfect event, but there always seems to be one party pooper who has to be a grouch.

Set to Mozart’s Requiem, this hysterical clip is absolutely perfect. I’ve never seen a little doggy look so angry like this guy does. I could not stop cracking up!!!

If this video made you laugh, please SHARE it with …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


No One Wanted This Retired Race Dog, Until Something AMAZING Happened! His Story Touched Me!

04 Aug

By Caroline

When racing Greyhounds get too old to run anymore, they are extremely difficult to place with families and often end up at high-kill rate shelters.

This was nearly the case for Magilla, a former racing dog who has spent almost his entire life at the track. Racing Greyhounds are trained to be in perfect shape to perform, however they have many health problems as they grow older.

Greyhounds are not good with small animals, making them difficult to find families to adopt these otherwise sweet animals. Although Magilla is enjoying the retired life, he still needed the perfect home.

When a man who …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


Our Tiny Kitten Wanted To Sit Next To Our Pit Bull – We Couldn’t Believe What They Did Next!

04 Aug

By Jessica

This pit bull and his tiny kitten have been friends ever since the little cat came to the family – they even dress the same!

A lot of people still think that pit bulls can be dangerous, but all you need to do is watch this video to realize that they’re not dangerous as a breed at all! If they’re raised right, they can be as gentle as any other dog, and can be left alone with cats and kids alike!

These two have formed a close bond, and it’s clear that this dog would never hurt this tiny kitten. If you’re …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


We Showed Our Huge Dog A Tiny Kitten! Look What Happened!

04 Aug

By Alex

The little kitten’s name is Gavin, and this is the first time that he is meeting the family’s dog, a 60-pound Samoyed named Vidor! The results are nothing short of amazing as the tiny little critter jumps all over Vidor and treats him like his toy!

I’m sure these two will have a long and loving relationship, and the little kitten will have a great and strong brother to grow up with! No one will ever lay a mean hand on this kitten when the Samoyed is around.

Please SHARE these cutie pies with friends and family. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Heartwarming


Adorable Puppy Learns To Howl For The First Time! This Is So PRECIOUS!

04 Aug

By Amy


Oh my goodness, what an adorable moment! Laika was only born five weeks ago, and her parents just got her two days ago — and she already has a special talent! Watch this incredibly cute moment when Laika shows us her pipes and howls for the first time after Dad gives her her last lesson in howling. It’s like she’s a wolf puppy howling at the moon!

Lucky for us, we get to watch along with her parents; Laika’s Dad says this was the one and only time she howled! I guess this one time will have to do

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


This Puppy’s Got The Hiccups, And It’s Completely ADORABLE! He Stole My Heart!

04 Aug

By Rachel

What could possibly be cuter than sweet rottweiler puppy, Nemo? Well, Nemo — with the hiccups! I was instantly captivated by Nemo’s adorable face and soft, cuddly body. When he started hiccuping, however, it took all the strength I had not to melt! Nemo has such an innocent look on his face, I’m sure this is the first time he has ever had hiccups and he was a bit confused… They probably surprised him as much as they surprised me!

Though this video is only 27 seconds long, I could fall into his innocent little eyes in a matter of moments. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Two Baby Goats Meet A Great Dane, Their Reaction is Hilarious!

04 Aug

By Alex


The Great Dane is a big and powerful dog, but his reaction to two cute and adorable little goats will surely put a smile on your face. My favorite part is when the little orange goat tries to headboop the Great Dane! Thankfully those little horns didn’t do any damage, but you have to give them credit for being so brave!

Can you ever have a video that’s cuter than a pair of baby goats and a Great Dane with his tongue sticking out? It’s not possible Enjoy!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny, Goats