Look What I Caught My Bird Doing To My Dog! This Is So Adorable!

03 Aug

By Amy

AWW!! I love the combination of birds and dogs, especially when the bird is as loveable as Rosie the Cockatiel, and the dog is as huge and gentle as Bart! Watch as Rosie serenades Bart with the sweetest little song while he enjoys his dinner. A little entertainment while you dine, perhaps? Yes, please!

I have a sneaking suspicion this isn’t the first time Rosie has sung to Bart while he eats. What a spoiled pup! What an awesome duo! LOL!

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, birds, Dog


Family Finds Out Why Their Dog Is Overweight. You’ll NEVER Guess What They Found!

02 Aug

By Alex

The dog in this video is named Molly, and her parents have tried every single diet under the sun to help her lose weight, but to no avail. No matter how much they restrict her calories, she seems to never shake the weight. Finally, after several years, Molly’s parents stumbled onto the reason why she’s chubby, and it’s the fault of the family cat, named Meggie.

Watch the video below, and you’ll see what happens.

Isn’t it amazing how clever and smart animals can be? We always underestimate their intelligence, but they can be quite cunning!

Please SHARE these cutie …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog


HILARIOUS! This Puppy Just Proved Why Everyone Should Have A Dog.

02 Aug

By Alex

If you are an animal lover, then you will adore this video! My dog acts exactly the same way when we share the bed together. What’s mine is hers, and what’s hers is hers! It doesn’t matter if its my arm, my leg, or my pillow, when she wants to lay on it, she lays on it!

This video really made me want to give my pup a hug, because it underscores how amazing they are!

Please SHARE this hilarious video with your friends and family!!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog


You’re Not Going To Believe What I Found My Dog Doing On The Couch!!

01 Aug

By Erin Lynch

Dog’s certainly have the life! While we are at work all day our furry, four-legged friends get to lounge around the house and enjoy the peace and quite until we get home and the pack is complete.

But some dogs think it’s perfectly OK to kick back and relax at all hours of the day, regardless if we are home or not! Just take Dudley the Greyhound for example, from the looks of it, he has no interest whatsoever to do anything other than what he is doing on the couch!!

Of course, according to Dudley’s owner, this footage was captured …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Firefighters Rescue Frightened Dog From 2nd-Story Ledge. You Have To See This To Believe It!

01 Aug

By Amber James

After New Jersey residents noticed a frightened dog stuck on a of a second story, they called the local fire department for help.

The harrowing rescue was all caught on camera, as two firefighters climbed up a ladder to carry the scared dog down. The dog got down safely and wagged its tail as its paws hit the ground. Whew. That was a close call.

Please SHARE this video.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Pets in the News


Shy Dog Saves Orphan Baby’s Life By Adopting Him Off The Streets! INCREDIBLE!

01 Aug

By Jessica

Cheena the dog is being hailed as a hero in Argentina after saving a baby’s life. After hearing an infant’s cries one night on the streets, Cheena went to investigate, and found a newborn baby that had been abandoned by his teenage mother. Having just had puppies of her own, Cheena’s motherly instincts kicked in and she somehow managed to drag the baby back to her nest of puppies, and kept the little baby warm until his cries alerted human neighbors.

Doctors say that despite a few scratches, the baby is now doing well, but probably would have died had it …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Dog Stuck Between Boulders Is Free After Owner’s CLEVER Trick Saves The Day! I Can’t Believe THIS Worked

01 Aug

By Amber James

It was a race against time when Carl Birtwistle and Paula Gerrard realized their curious cocker spaniel wedged himself in between two boulders and got stuck.

The couple’s leisurely walk suddenly turned into a dog rescue. They called the fire brigade for help, but learned the nearest RSPCA office was 90 minutes away. Frustrated, the dog owners took matters into their hands and used car jacks to separate the rocks and free the Eric from his confinement. Thankfully, the nine-year-old pup was okay and did not suffer any injuries.

Please SHARE this video if you were amazed about the owner’s clever trick …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


AWW, This Is The Cutest Little Angel! He Completely MELTS My Heart!

01 Aug

By Jessica

Mickey the Pomeranian is tiny – he’s so tiny, he’s even small for a Pomeranian! At birth he weighed 2.2 oz, and these days he’s about the size of a hand!

He’s so small, his owners have to watch out for him all the time to make sure no one is going to accidentally step on him or close a door on him! When your puppy is this tiny, you have to give them extra special love and attention!

Does Mickey the Pom just melt your heart? I want to pick him up and carry him around in my pocket!

Please SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


These Animal Rescues Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity. I’m Speechless!

01 Aug

By Amber James

A dog is stranded on an iceberg. A kitten stuck on a roof. A whale is caught in a tangled net. What would you do if you saw animals in distress? Chances are you’d seek help to rescue them.

In the following clip, you will watch a compilation of incredible animal rescues that will restore your faith in humanity. This video is so powerful. I love a happy ending!

If you enjoy this heartwarming video, please SHARE it with your friends.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Cat, Dog


I Can’t Believe What This Adorable, Clever Pup Can Do! She Blows My Mind!

01 Aug

By Caroline

I’ve seen dozens of videos of dogs doing mind-blowing tricks, but I’ve never seen a dog look THIS cute while doing them!

Meet Misa Minnie, an adorable 9-month-old Yorkie puppy, who is not just gifted with beauty, this dog has brains, too! A lot of times, teacup dogs like Yorkies are not known for being the smartest canines, but this clever and cute pup breaks all the rules.

In this video, Misa Minnie masters over two dozen different commands… and she is still just a young puppy at the time. Minnie began performing at only 3 months old. Today, she can compete …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog