Best Friends Dumped At Shelter Nearly Ran Out Of Time. Their Story Fills Me With Hope!

01 Aug

By Caroline

For older dogs living at animal shelters, life is constantly a ticking clock, as they wait for their time to run out in one way or another.

Often times, senior pets are some of the best behaved and most loving animals you can find, but people continue to choose the young ones. This was exactly the case for Maisy and Bear.

The two dogs were inseparable at the shelter and they were both slated to be euthanized, when they were adopted – together – by a woman who knew there was more to these gentle souls than met the eye.

Their story gives …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


Abandoned, Bow-Legged Dog’s Story Proves Angels Are Everywhere. I’m Truly Moved!

01 Aug

By Caroline

Not long ago, 10-month-old Sandy couldn’t walk, due to his crippling bowed legs that caused him unbelievable amounts of pain. Abandoned by his owner in Greece, sweet Sandy could barely move and didn’t stand much of a chance.

Thanks to a team of rescuers and miracle workers, Sandy was flown from Greece to the Hertfortshire, England, where he received life-saving surgery to fix his terrible bow legs. Veterinarians believe that the German Shepherd was abused by his former owner and deprived of good nutrition, causing his extreme disfiguration.

Sandy’s miraculous story brought so much hope to my life! If complete strangers can …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


A Woman Put Her Dogs In A Photo Booth. What Happened Next Was The CUTEST Thing EVER!

01 Aug

By Amber James

Photographer Lynn Terry wondered what would happen if she put her two adorable dogs in a photo booth. Well, with perfect timing, she captured some amazing moments. But she could never expect how sweet the results would turn out to be.

Terry’s first shoot featured her two rescue Pit Bulls gained a lot of attention, so she continued the photo series with other pets. The results continued to be priceless!

If you love these photos, SHARE this with all of your pet loving friends.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog, Funny


Dog Demands Belly Rubs From Dad In The Most HYSTERICAL Way! I Can’t Stop Laughing!

01 Aug

By Erin Lynch

How adorable is this Golden Retriever? All his owner wants to do is sit down, relax on the couch, and read his book; but this cute little doggie has another thing in mind.

It’s belly rub time whether his owner wants to or not!!!

I love how he just hops up, takes one look at his owner, and just flops backwards! This is why I love dogs so much – they have no shame in being total goof balls!!

Enjoy and please SHARE this funny video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Family Abandons Pregnant Pit Bull, But What Happens Next Is Simply BEAUTIFUL.

01 Aug

By Amber James

Lollie, a pregnant pit bull, was abandoned on the streets after her family moved away. Pregnant, hungry and in need or urgent care, she needed help before giving birth. When a local dog rescue employee tried to help, the dog crawled under a home and didn’t want to come out.

Finally after hours of trying to get the dog, Lollie was saved and taken to the vet to receive care. Five days later, she gave birth to nine healthy puppies!

Please SHARE this beautiful rescue story with your Facebook friends.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Pregnant Pitbull Abandonded After Family Moved Away. What Happened Next Is Simply Beautiful.

01 Aug

By Amber James

Lollie, a pregnant pit bull, was abandoned on the streets after her family moved away. Pregnant, hungry and in need or urgent care, she needed help before giving birth. When a local dog rescue employee tried to help, the dog crawled under a home and didn’t want to come out.

Finally after hours of trying to get the dog, Lollie was saved and taken to the vet to receive care. Five days later, she gave birth to nine healthy puppies!

Please SHARE this beautiful rescue story with your Facebook friends.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Dog Was Abandoned On Christmas Day, But Being Rescued Was The Greatest Gift Of Her Life!

01 Aug

By Caroline

On Christmas day, Luz was found abandoned in an alleyway and on the verge of death. If you don’t believe in miracles, think about this… of all the people who could have encountered Luz that day, it was a Veterinarian who found her.

Luz was rushed to the Animal Medical Center of Southern California, where her life was saved. Today, Luz, which means “light” in Spanish, warms hearts every where she goes. The once homeless Dachshund is now one of the most amazing success stories I have EVER heard.

Watching this video was such a blessing. I’m so happy Luz is finally …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Facebook Just Saved This Dog’s Life. Try To Guess What The Scumbag Owner Did!

01 Aug

By Amber James

One woman used the power of Facebook to save this yellow Lab, who was left and locked inside his owner’s car on a scolding hot summer day. After Xochitl Dalton pulled into the parking lot of the Wet’n’Wild Splash Town water park, she noticed a dog panting inside a nearby SUV.

She decided to post a picture of the dog to several Facebook groups and was amazed at how many people wanted to rescue the dog. In fact, about a dozen people from all over town rushed over to the water park to help! Finally, a park employee squeezed his hand …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Animals in the news, Dog


Every Time I Try To Change The Bed, My Dog Does THIS!

01 Aug

By Amy

Frank the Tank is a Bassethound that lives a life of luxury. You see, not only does Frank enjoy his morning naps from the comfort of Mom and Dad’s bed, but even when Mom has to come around to change the sheets for laundry, Frank shall not be disturbed! He takes his naps very seriously!

I think this video is just adorable. Not only does Frank not budge as Mom pulls away the sheets and blankets — with Frank planted smack dab in the middle of the bed — but Mom is so careful as not to ruin Frank’s slumber. What …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


This Puppy Was Dumped And Left To Die… But His Comeback Will Make You Cry Tears Of Joy!

01 Aug

By Amber James

Bubba and his siblings were left to die in a central California field. Luck was on their side though when they were discovered and taken to an animal rescue group. Bubba was on the brink of death and his left eye was so crusty, he could barely open it to see. Doctors gave the dog a little TLC and kept him in the hospital to heal.

Today, Bubba is healthy and happy after being adopted by one of the vets who took care of him.

Watch Bubba’s amazing transformation in the video below and SHARE with your friends on Facebook.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching