These Puppies Just Met Their Dad For The First Time – You Won’t Beleive How They React!

01 Aug

By Jessica

In this lovable video, Zeus is playing with his puppies – Hercules, Apollo, and Achilles – for the first time, and I think it’s safe to say that everyone is really excited! The way they jump around and playfully nip at him, all the while jumping over each other, is just the cutest thing! It’s like puppy popcorn!

I love it when I see big, tough dogs play with their little puppies, especially tough-looking dad dogs! You can see where these little ones get all their energy from!

Have you ever seen puppies grow up with their parents? Is the bond …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I’ve Never Seen A Commercial This Cute! It’s Hilarious!!

01 Aug

By Alex

This commercial from Subaru just hit the airwaves, and it is already being called one of the cutest commercials ever made. I usually fast forward through commercials when I watch TV, but I can honestly say that if this one came on, I would watch it from beginning to end.

Have you seen it? Please COMMENT below if you love this one too! Would a commercial like this make you go to the Subaru showroom to check out their cars? Let us know!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


He Traded A Beer For This Dog. You Won’t Believe What They Do Together Now!

01 Aug

By Jessica

When someone asked Gary Miller if he wanted to trade the beer he was holding for a dog, Miller decided to say yes, and since then has taken the Labrador / Pit Bull mix he affectionately calls Dog with him everywhere.

While it’s not so unusual for someone to take their dog to work, what is unusual is how Gary and Dog get to work: by motorcycle! Equipped with his own pair of motorcycle glasses, Gary says Dog isn’t just balancing – he’s actually holding on! Something Gary taught him how to do.

While some people might be wary of the way …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


I Was Nervous When She Put The Kitten Down… But Watch What Happened Next.

01 Aug

By Amy


You may think this dog is chomping at the bit to take a nibble out of this tiny kitten, but you’d be way off. This is actually a dog with the most incredible motherly instincts, and she’s chomping at the bit to nurture her new “baby!”

Chelsea says: “Our dog, Baby, loves to nurture animals, especially kittens. She raised one of our other cats from kittenhood and still cleans her every few days. Baby found a kitten in a pipe today and all on her own got the kitten to come out and starting cleaning it. Baby has been mothering it …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, Heartwarming


The Bond These Two Have Is Amazing! I’ve Never Seen A Dog Do This Before!

01 Aug

By Jessica

Charlie the Great Dane and three-year-old Brianna Lynch have an amazing bond. After Brianna’s older sister saw how much her dog seemed to care for Brianna, she actually ended up giving him to her, so Charlie could take care of Brianna full time.

Brianna has epilepsy, and without any formal training, Charlie began to understand when Brianna was about to have a seizure, and since then has been her protector night and day, making sure her parents are alerted if something is about to happen.

“His behavior completely changes,” Brianna’s mother said about Charlie, “he gets really worried.”

This story is …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Kids


I Asked My Dog Who Her Best Friend Is… Her Response Is ADORABLE!

01 Aug

By Amy

This video may be short and sweet, but it gets the message across: Lilly has a best friend, and she wants to tell it to the world! Mom knows whenever she asks Lilly, “Who’s your best friend?” that her hairless brother Gus will be standing right there next to her, as always — and that Lilly won’t hesitate to answer. SO cute!!

These two truly are best friends, and they were even featured on Animal Planet together! How wonderful!

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


I Cried At The End Of This Commercial… And IMMEDIATELY Hugged My Dog!

31 Jul

By John

I admit: I’m a sucker for commercials that tug at the heartstrings. They’re the best part of television. And if a company wants to hook me, what’s the best thing they can do? Put in a scruffy looking pup! Few things bring out the “Awww sooo cutes!” like a loyal tail-wagger.

This UK commercial for Cesar dog food is gorgeous. Anyone who has ever loved and lost someone will be able to relate. Especially if they have a furry friend who is still walking beside them! There really isn’t anything quite as good at giving comfort than a dog who never …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


Three Abandoned Kittens Find Unusual New Mother! OMG, So Precious!

31 Jul

By Amber James

Three tiny abandoned kittens have found an unusual new mother. Mary, a beagle-mix dog at the Animal Shelter in Jasper, Georgia, has stepped up to foster the adorable felines — in addition to her own litter of seven puppies!

After the three kittens were dumped off at the shelter, the mama dog quickly bonded with them. In the video, you can see that Mary is diligent with her motherly duties, caring for the kittens like they’re her own. She even sleeps with the kittens and continually carries them back to the pile of puppies when they try to scamper away. So …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, Heartwarming, Pets in the News


I Caught My Puppy Doing The Cutest Thing Ever! He’d Be So Embarrassed If He Knew I Recorded Him!

31 Jul

By Jessica

Little French bulldogs can be the cutest things ever – and this video is no exception! I caught this little guy falling asleep in the cutest way! Sure, maybe he wouldn’t like it on the Internet for everyone to see, but when you’re as cute as him, you have to be shared!

When my older dog was a puppy, I remember he used to fall asleep on his back all the time, right under the kitchen table while he was waiting for scraps! It was always the cutest thing!

Did this little guy make you smile?

Please SHARE!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


He Crossed The Country To Save His Dog’s Life! What An INCREDIBLE Hero!

31 Jul

By Amber James

Nothing can come between a man and his dog, his best friend. When Scott Clare learned that his newly adopted 14-month-old dog Buck-O had a rare heart condition, he went to great lengths to save his four-legged companion. Clare decided to travel 2,300 miles to Cincinnati, where Buck-O could undergo ventricular ablation, a complicated surgery that has NEVER been performed on a dog!

Eight hours and more than $10,000 later, Buck-O is now on the way to a full recovery! This amazing story shows the true bond between a man and his best friend. You can continue to follow Buck-O’s …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching