Dog Destined To Be EUTHANIZED Gets Second Chance And Is Changing The WORLD. What A Heart Warming Story!

31 Jul

By Amber James

Ten years ago, a black Lab named Tucker was abandaned and set to be euthanized. Thankfully, he was turned over to Conservation Canines at the University of Washington where he was given a very unique job. The adorable pup was “hired” to assist a group of scientists to sniff out exotic orcas so they can gain more information and research about the elusive animals. With the help of his acute sense of smell, Tucker can sniff out these mammals.

This pup looks like he’s having a fun time sailing the seas with his handlers. It’s so heartwarming to see how this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog


My Dog And Daughter Have A Very Special Relationship! Look What I Just Caught Them Doing!

31 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Whoever said the Bull Terrier can be a vicious animal has never seen this video! Just watch as this sweet dog takes food, ever so gently, from this little girl’s mouth!

I seriously can’t get over how adorably sweet this dog is! Maybe it’s because she is hopeful for more food, or maybe it’s because she is head over paws in love, but the way this pup looks at this little girl really makes my heart melt.

There is nothing greater than the bond between a dog and a child and something tells me these two are the best of friends!

Enjoy and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


This Baby Was Rejected By His Mother – You’ll Never Guess Who Adopted Him!

31 Jul

By Jessica

At Saint Simeon’s Retirement Center in Tulsa, OK, Rocky the baby peacock was rejected by his mother, and had no one to care for him. The retirement center usually adopts out their baby peacocks once they’re old enough, but Rocky needed a friend while he grew to the proper size.

The first thing Rocky saw when he hatched from his egg was the house dog Simone, and ever since that day, followed her around like she was his mom! Simone didn’t seem to mind, and the two spent a lot of time together while Rocky was growing up.

Even though …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: birds, Dog


I Picked Up A Newborn Puppy And You’re Not Going To Believe What He Did In My Hand!!

31 Jul

By Erin Lynch

If this moment doesn’t warm your heart, than I honestly don’t know what will!

After their adorable poodle gave birth, this owner picked up one of the babies, placed it in the palm of his hand, and then….wait for it…it fell asleep and started dreaming!!! How amazingly adorable is that???

A dreaming, angelic, newborn poodle in my hand? It literally is all my childhood dreams coming true!

Please enjoy this awesome video and SHARE it with your friends, you know they’re gonna love it!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


My Dog Just Stole My Underwear… The Results Are HYSTERICAL!

31 Jul

By Amy

Maverick the English Bulldog was just totally busted! He stole his mom’s underwear, and the proof is wrapped around his head! Now, he doesn’t know what to do, but you know what? That’s what he gets! LOL!

If I walked in on this predicament, I think I’d like Maverick stew for a few moments, too. Not only is it hilarious, but it’s also kind of adorable. What a silly goof! Think he learned his lesson? Yea… me either.

Please SHARE this funny moment!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


My Dogs Saw Something Floating At The Bottom Of The Pool. When You See It You’ll Be Amazed!

31 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Talk about man’s best friend… This adorable Vizsla named Tucker will do whatever he can to protect his owner, especially when he takes a dip in the family pool. In fact, Tucker gets so worried when Eric is under water for a long time that he can’t help but jump in to make sure he’s okay!

Watching Tucker just melts my heart. You can see how much he loves his buddy Eric and wants nothing to happen to him. What a good boy!!

The Vizsla is a lively, affectionate, and loyal breed, so it should come as no surprise that all his …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Dying Man’s Final Wish Was To Be Reunited With His Dog. I’m Speechless.

31 Jul

By Amber James

A cancer-stricken man’s final wish to be reunited with his dog one last time was granted thanks to the help of a local non-profit.

Roger Calvert traveled from his home in Florida to Pittsburgh for a routine visit, when doctors told him that he only had days to live. Unable to return home, he told friends and family that more than anything, he wanted his best friend Bailey by his side. When Nick Petti of Family Hospice and Palliative Care heard about Calvert’s plight, he made an urgent call to volunteer group Pilots N Paws. That call set in motion a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Touching


Undeniable PROOF That Dogs Are Loyal Forever. My Heart Goes Out To This K-9 Companion.

31 Jul

By Caroline

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, more commonly known as “The Mounties” has been serving and protecting Canada for nearly 100 years. They are one of the most professional police organizations known to man and they even have some of the hardest working canines on the force.

When Constible David Ross was killed on the job, his canine partner, Danny, was lost and destroyed. Danny did something so incredible to honor his fallen friend. During a police procession to the funeral, Danny walked behind his master’s hearse. When Danny was led inside the Moncton Coliseum for the RCMP officer’s funeral, he stood …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


These Three Angels Were Dumped In A Parking Lot And Left For Dead. What Happened Next Is Amazing.

31 Jul

By Caroline

The hits just would not stop coming for three sweet Chihuahuas in tough-as-nails South Central, Los Angels. Two females and one male Chihuahua were dumped in a parking lot, left for dead, when they were attacked with a BB gun.

Luckily a woman saw the animals and began feeding them. She called the amazing rescue organization Hope For Paws to come to their rescue and once again Eldad Hagar and his team saved these sweet abandoned babies. Once the dogs were away from their own living hell, they were cleaned up and taken to the veterinarian. Marty, Brooklyn and Penny were …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


I FINALLY Let My Dog On The Bed – What He Kept Doing Made Me LOL!

30 Jul

By John

Whether they’ve got two legs or four, the chance to jump around on a bed is a little too tempting for any kid to resist. I’ve just never seen one jump around quite like this! I have NO CLUE why this little goofball wanted to do this over and over, but he was having the time of his life!

Even though there’s no sound to this video, I can’t get enough of it! What a goofball! I’ve been known to faceplant into bed at the end of a long Monday myself, but I usually don’t jump as high as I can …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny