I’ve NEVER Seen A Dog And Parrot Show Friendship Like THIS Before! AMAZING!

30 Jul

By Caroline

Here’s an unlikely love story for you! Sure, dogs are man’s best friend, but when it comes to food, they aren’t so picky. Here’s proof that dogs and parrots can hang, too!

In this video, the very generous Cockatoo and his four-legged friend had a real ‘Lady and the Tramp’ moment, when the Cockatoo shared his spaghetti with the Alaskan Malamute. The Mackinaw Cockatoo, who is known as Queenie, got a hold of some noodles and decided she didn’t want to keep them all to herself, so she shared it with the pup of the house, Kenzie.

The way these two completely …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: birds, Dog


Foster Kitten Adopts Tiny Rescue Puppy! This Is The Cutest Thing I’ve EVER Seen!

30 Jul

By Amy


I’ve never seen a more adorable love story! Let’s hear from Kimberly, who can really tell it best:

“A little ginger kitten named Cheech used up a couple of his nine lives before he was saved by Amanda and brought to his foster home back in 2009. He was much smaller than his age, but the little guy was getting stronger every day. Then one day, he was introduced to a teeny tiny five day old chihuahua puppy named Casanova who was an orphan. From that point on, something remarkable happened between the two.

Cheech took to the little puppy …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


I Can’t Help But Laugh At This Dog Who Can’t Reach His Favorite Treat! What He Does IS Hilarious!

30 Jul

By Rachel

This must be torture for this pomeranian!! His favorite sausage is on the table, emitting smells that tantalize! Yet pomeranian is too small to reach it and try as he might, that sausage is just far enough out of reach! My dog would be going crazy, that is certain! This fluffy white pup puts in a hilariously good effort, I must say! Does he get the treat in the end? You’ll have to watch and find out! Please SHARE this cute pomeranian with your family and friends!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


You Won’t Believe What This Dog Did For An Injured Rescue Puppy! This Is LOVE!

30 Jul

By Amy

This is a prime example of love in motion. Mr. Lan of China recently rescued a tiny homeless puppy with a broken leg. He was rehabilitating the pup, but wasn’t sure what to do with him while he was at work. After all, he didn’t want the dog to be using his leg before being perfectly nursed to health. What happened next is absolutely incredible.

You see, Mr. Lan has another dog, a bigger dog, named Black Tiger. For years, Mr. Lan took Black Tiger to the market with him, where the dog happily helped his Dad carry vegetables back home …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


My Dog Does The Most Adorable Thing Every Time He Goes Outside, I Can’t Take It!!

30 Jul

By Erin Lynch

It appears to me that Geno the Bulldog might not be a fan of mornings! Just look at what he does when he goes outside!

According to his owner, instead of sunning himself on the porch or the lawn, adorable Geno smashes his face against the glass sliding door because he doesn’t want to hold his head up! He just sits there, head pressed against the glass, waiting for someone to let him in. I can’t take it!

We’ve all been there Geno, sometimes we just need to mellow out and take a load off!

Please SHARE this funny video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


This Is PROOF Pit Bulls Will Do Anything For Their Owners. Amazing Story!

30 Jul

By Caroline

Pit Bulls have gotten a bad reputation over the years and I’m sick of it! The Pit Bull breed has been called many names, but usually caring, compassionate and heroic are not some of them.

However, these are the exact words to describe Champ, a senior Pit who came to his owner’s rescue – without hesitation – when she was attacked by a potential robber. Millie Fiser of Little Rock, Arkansas was picking up trash outside her home when a man pushed her to the ground from behind and demanded money, according to ArkansasOnline. She called for her loyal dog, who …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


My Dog Does The FUNNIEST Thing When He Plays! Have You Ever Seen This Before?

30 Jul

By Jessica

Stella hasn’t quite mastered the whole “stopping running like a regular dog” thing. Whenever she stops short, her back legs do the stopping first, and then the rest of her body follows! There’s nothing wrong with her, it’s just how she’s taught herself to stop running!

This video made me laugh out loud, and reminded me of my own black lab who always used to sit like that whenever she was really relaxed. We used to call her chicken legs because that’s what they looked like!

Does your dog have his or her own unique way of doing something? Different doesn’t always …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Owner Dies And Leaves His Heartbroken Dog Behind. What Happens Next Is A MIRACLE!

30 Jul

By Rachel

When Woody’s owner died, his family sold his house and left little Woody behind. For a year Woody was abandoned, waiting for his owner to return. Finally, some loving people learned about the dog and decided to save his life! When they found sweet Woody he was dirty, starved, and scared. Thanks to their calm and loving act, Woody was rescued. What happens next is truly a beautiful thing to see.

What they do to save Woody from starvation and death makes my heart sing! It’s good people like this that make the world a better place! And they remind us …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


This Tiny Piglet Felt Completely Rejected – Until She Met A Rescue Pit Bull.

30 Jul

By Amber James

After being rejected by her litter, tiny piglet Pigalina has made an unlikely friend. The three-week-old teacup piglet became fascinated with her owner’s pit bull terrier and claimed the four-week-old rescue dog Levi as her best friend. Aww!

The playful interactions were captured by owner Melissa Susko at her PIGS Animal Sanctuary in West Virginia, and we can’t handle how adorable these two are together. We could watch this video all day.

Enjoy and please SHARE this adorable video.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


Tiny Piglet Rejected By Its Litter Befriends A Pit Bull. OMG, I Can’t Handle All The Cuteness!

30 Jul

By Amber James

After being rejected by her litter, tiny piglet Pigalina has made an unlikely friend. The three-week-old teacup piglet became fascinated with her owner’s pit bull terrier and claimed the four-week-old rescue dog Levi as her best friend. Aww!

The playful interactions were captured by owner Melissa Susko at her PIGS Animal Sanctuary in West Virginia, and we can’t handle how adorable these two are together. We could watch this video all day.

Enjoy and please SHARE this adorable video.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals