This Tiny Dog’s Genius Tricks Blew Me Away. I Can’t Believe This Sweet Girl!

30 Jul

By Caroline

Meet Misa Minnie, an adorable 1.5-year-old Yorkie who is proof that training a pup with positive reinforcement can have some pretty awesome results! This little one is such a good girl, she makes my heart melt.

Although Minnie is still just a little girl, she is wise beyond her years! On her owner’s YouTube channel, Misa Minnie plays soccer, closes a door, she makes a sad face, and even prays… all on command!

Misa Minnie has a pretty nice life in Southern California, where she is trained at home and works as a therapy dog for children and adults in hospice. So …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


No One Believes My Dog Scratches Like This – Here’s PROOF!

29 Jul

By John

Oh, silly pups. It’s the goofy things you do sometimes that make us love you that much more. Like this little tail-wagger with an itch he just can’t scratch. That is, until he comes up with this brilliant plan!

I’ve got to hand it to him for finding a creative solution! This may just be the best way to scratch a back that I’ve ever seen. I may even try it next time I’m outside and my spouse isn’t around to gt that spot right between my shoulder blades. Probably not, though. Because things like this are only cute when a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny, General


Dad And Dog Play The Blues! This Is AWESOME!

29 Jul

By Rachel

This dog loves to sing the blues with his Dad, and even though I may have a better singing voice than this pooch, singing the blues takes soul — something this dog has plenty of! Dad must have been quite surprised the first time he sat down to play his harmonica and heard his dog crooning along, almost on key!

He has got to be the cutest thing ever. I love his passion and desire to sing along. These two make a great duet! Don’t you agree?

Please SHARE this dog and his blues!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog, Funny


When You See What These Dogs Can Do Your Jaw Will Drop!!

29 Jul

By Erin Lynch

So there are your average dog tricks like fetch, rollover, sit, stay and shake. Most of our furry best friends have either mastered these or are well on there way.

Then there are the big boys, the ones who make those tricks look like child’s play. These are the dogs that go above and beyond. These are the tricks that make our jaws drop and blow our minds.

You have to meet the nine dogs that you won’t believe actually exist!

Enjoy and please SHARE this video.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


My Dog’s Reaction To This Disney Movie Is PRICELESS! I Can’t Believe What Happened At 1:30!

29 Jul

By Amber James

Everyone is a critic, but this little pug took it to a whole new level when his owners turned on the classic Disney film, “Homeward Bound.” For those who haven’t seen the film, three pets (two dogs and a sassy cat) escape from a California ranch to find their owners in San Francisco. So when this pug got to the final scene in the film, his reaction was priceless.

No spoilers here, but this dog is clearly a sucker for happy endings! This is such a heart-warming video as the dog spins around and barks with joy. How cute is that?!

Please …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


After Surgery My Dog Couldn’t Climb The Stairs Without Help, Then Something Incredible Happened!!

29 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Meet Lucy, an adorable pup who had somewhat of a rough start in life. This sweet angel was born with a scar on her head, due to a cyst at the base of her hair follicles on her scalp.

If the cyst was left untreated, the doctor said it could become cancerous, so Lucy’s family made the decsion to have the surgery. When she came home she had to wear the “cone of shame,” making it nearly impossible to climb the stairs.

Not one to shy away from a challenge, Lucy finally figured out how she could climb the stairs even …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


He Laid On The Floor Next To This Puppy And The Most AMAZING Thing Happened!

29 Jul

By Jessica

Shih Tzu dogs can be very friendly, smart, and outgoing, and this little puppy certainly exhibits all that behavior! Even though they can be a bit needy and even a little wild when they’re puppies, Shih Tzus are usually personable dogs that are very loyal to their owners.

…Which is very apparent in this video, where a little Shih Tzu puppy is so happy to play with his owner that he just can’t contain himself! This entire video had me smiling from ear to ear, and you can tell they both love each other so much! What’s better than a bunch …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Knew No One Would Believe Me When I Told Them What My Dog Likes To Do…Now I Have Proof!!

29 Jul

By Erin Lynch

I know that Jack Russell Terriers are working dogs, known for their tenacity and strong hunting instincts, but this pup just took that to a whole new level!

Instantly after hearing his owner say “go in the tree” this little fella wastes no time and within seconds is sitting pretty several feet up in the air. I have never seen anything like it!

It’s absolutely amazing the power and strength this little man has in order to climb up the tree trunk. The Jack Russell is definitely a beautiful breed all their own!

Please SHARE this amazing video.

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Pups And Their Army Dad Reunite, Prove Even Small Dogs Have HUGE Hearts!

29 Jul

By John

There’s no denying that seeing a soldier come home and being greeted by his or her fur babies stirs up some “Awwww” type of feelings in all of us. I, for one, can’t get enough of them. And I think this is one of the cutest ones I’ve ever seen.

These two little dachshunds missed their dad so SO much. It’s obvious by the big-time greeting they gave him after he was away serving our country. Now they just have one request: “serve us up some belly rubs, dad! We missed you!”

Please SHARE this happy reunion with friends and family!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


This Dog Is Teaching A Little Boy How To Heal Himself! This Is AMAZING!

29 Jul

By Jessica

After intense brain surgery that caused him need physical therapy to get his motor skills back on his left side, this little boy was given a task that truly motivated him: giving food to an eager pup! Using a few treats, this medical team was able to convince their little patient to feed the therapy dog behind him, allowing him to practice his motor skills while also having a fun time!

I love therapy dogs for the very reason that they give people something to focus on when they’re going through a difficult medical issue. And when it comes to kids, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog