Dog Sees Her Army Mom For The First Time In Months, Their Reunion Is AMAZING!

29 Jul

By Amy

I’ve seen a lot of dog/soldier reunions in my day, but I think this one is my favorite yet! Amanda has been away from her family for six months, and her family includes Daisy, an adorable Beagle who has been missing Mom like crazy.

As soon as Amanda walks in the door, you can tell Daisy was sleeping… but her nap is quickly interrupted by the best surprise she was dreaming of — and her dream finally came true! Daisy is OVER THE MOON happy to see her Mom, and I couldn’t help but smile and tear up at this level …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


This Dog Loves Yoga! Watch How He Copies His Owner Exactly! Amazing!

29 Jul

By Jessica

I love it when people find ways to get their dogs involved in their favorite exercise! In this adorable video, one very good looking yoga instructor and his little Chihuahua want to guide viewers through one of the most adorable yoga sequences ever!

Even though there aren’t a lot of complicated moves going on here, it’s still a very entertaining yoga video to watch. I love how the dog’s owner waits for him to notice that they’re changing moves – I wonder how he got his Chihuahua to be so in sync with him? Maybe someone was signaling to him off …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Came Home And Couldn’t Believe What My Dogs Did! I’m Speechless!

29 Jul

By Amber James

When the humans are away, the dogs will play! This Pug and Doberman won’t let anything get in the way of their playtime — not even a locked cage.

In this hilarious video, the Doberman tirelessly tries to free his four-legged friend from his cage, after their owners have left for the day. In less than 30 seconds, the Pug is free to run around the house and play with his pal. These two pups are so smart and prove that anything is possible when you work together.

Enjoy and please SHARE this video.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Fascinating! Researchers Believe Dogs May Actually Be Able To Tell Time!

29 Jul

By Jessica

In this fascinating video, there is evidence that dogs may actually be able to tell time – a construct that, theoretically, only humans should be able to understand.

Researchers took a family of two people and their dog. In the week-long test, they watched how Jaz, the dog, would routinely seem to know when his male owner was coming home, almost down to the minute. They wanted to know how he did this, so one day, they had the owner’s wife take a few of his shirts, and scatter them around the apartment. After doing this, her husband came home …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Every Time I Try To Garden, My Dog Does The Most Hilarious Thing!

29 Jul

By Erin Lynch

If you’re ever wondering why his garden never grows, I think I might know the answer!

One of his adorable 3-year-old German Shepherd’s favorite thing to do in the world is to play with the hose! He loves it so much that whenever he is watering his garden, this pup whines incessantly until he sprays the hose at him!

He is having so much fun!! It makes me think that this dog just might love a backyard bath too!

Enjoy and please SHARE this video.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


You Won’t Believe What This Snoring Pup Does To My Baby! I Can’t Stop Laughing!

29 Jul

By Caroline

I’ll bet this father had no idea just how much joy his adorable 6-month-old daughter would bring the world! Over 1.3 million views later, this precious clip still rules! This video has it all – cute baby, check! French Bulldog, check! Laughs, check, check, check! The baby can not help but crack up at her sweet puppy friend, who is in a very deep sleep and can not be stopped from snoring.

The little one is hysterically giggling! I bet she’s NEVER heard snoring before and thinks the pup is just making crazy noises. Whatever her reason is, this little one’s …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog, Heartwarming


I Tried To Push My Dog Down The Slide… What He Did SHOCKED Me!

29 Jul

By Caroline

I’ve never met a dog who doesn’t love going to the doggie park. It’s like Disney Land for pets… one place they ALWAYS seem to let loose and run wild. The Doberman Pinscher in this video is no different!

I can not stop cracking up! The couple in this video decided to take their pets to the park for a nice run around. When it was time to take a ride down the slide, the first dog loved a good push. The second time around, however, the dog was NOT having it! The loving pet owners thought it would be a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Walked In And Found My Cat Doing THIS To My Dog! OMG!

29 Jul

By Amy

Warning: what you’re about to see is dangerously adorable!!!! Every single day, Myrtle the cat and Stewart the dog can be found doing exactly what this video depicts: having a major cuddle session on the couch! Well, it’s more like Stewart sleeps in comfort while Myrtle does everything she can to snuggle the heck outta him! These two couldn’t be cuter if they tried!

I know some people think dogs and cats can’t cohabitate in peace — but all they need to do is watch this sweet video, and that theory is completely debunked. Now I want to bring a cat …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


This Is Why Every Child Should Grow Up With A Dog. I’ve NEVER Seen A Sweeter Pair!

29 Jul

By Caroline

The joy of having your first childhood pet is unforgettable. Whether you had a dog, a cat, a bird or a hamster, the first pet you own is always special!

Say hello to sweet Samoyed, Bear. Even though Bear is REALLY hungry, he’s being a very good sport by letting the baby boy of the house feed him one piece of food at a time.

Dogs are pack animals and many times when a new child comes into the home, they either stand up and act as the alpha dog or back down and recognize the child as higher up in the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


My Friend Said His Dog Can Actually Play The Piano. I Didn’t Believe Him – Until Now!

29 Jul

By Jessica

The first time you see this, it almost looks real! I have no idea how people do these videos with a dog head and human hands! I mean, I love watching them, but I just can’t figure out how you make it work! Does the dog sit in front? How does the person see?

Anyway, this hilarious video features a cute Shepard playing a beautiful piano waltz! It was actually pretty nice to listen to, and as an added bonus, there was a sweet dog trying to eat a few treats at the same time! Maybe that’s how they keep him …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny