Grandpa Opens His Birthday Present, He NEVER Expected A Surprise Like THIS!

29 Jul

By Rachel

Sometimes, the biggest surprises come in the smallest packages. For this beloved Grandpa, this statement could not ring truer! As his whole family came together to celebrate his birthday, a regular round of singing, “Happy Birthday” ends in the best way ever. Out comes a special box with a wonderful surprise inside! His reaction is absolutely priceless! He must be such a sweet, loving grandpa. How wonderful of his grandchildren to surprise him in this way! I wish I received a surprise like this!

Please SHARE this precious clip with your friends and family!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


They Thought It Was A Garbage Bag At The Bottom Of A Ditch. What Happened Next Is Absolutely Incredible.

29 Jul

By Amy

In 2013, Renee and her family found a stray dog in terrible condition. One look at the dog, and it was clear it had been so badly neglected that it was barely recognizable as a living creature. What unfolded next completely touched my heart — by the end, I was a mess of tears, in the best way possible.

Here’s Renee’s story:

“Renee, another stray dog’s turned up!” called the hotel owner, Jan, just as Mark, Scout and I were settling in for the night. “Tom’s got him over by the restaurant.”

Grabbing a flashlight and a leash, Scout and I …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


This Is What Happens When A Pit Bull Raises A Kitten.

29 Jul

By Amy

Lukah and Dexter are described by their parents as “twins from different species” — and when you see them in action, you’ll completely understand why. These two are cut from the sloth cloth… inside, of course. Tiny kitten and big Pit Bull may look completely different, but their hearts are aligned, and it’s such a beautiful, touching and sweet sight to see!

Pit Bulls may get a bad rap, but it’s clear that there are no bad dogs… only bad owners. He could not be more gentle around this little baby girl. And I LOVE their matching bandanas!! They are so …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, Heartwarming


He Brought His Dog On Stage And SHOCKED The Entire Audience!

29 Jul

By Amy

Christian Stoinev is a “hand balancer” who can do some pretty incredible things with his body, and sheer strength. Christian made his circus debut at age six, standing on the shoulders of his father in a free-ladder balancing act. His parents taught him all basic circus disciplines, and over time, Christian became a proficient unicyclist and hand balancer. Here, in his awesome performance on America’s Got Talent, Christian decided to shake things up, and bring out a mystery guest to help him impress the judges: who else but his dog, Scooby! These two are great together, and you won’t believe …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Talent


Born Without Eyes, This Amazing Dog Overcame His Blindness On His Own. I’m In AWE!

28 Jul

By Caroline

If you are reading this, chances are good that you can see. Can you imagine a world where you know nothing but blinds from the time you were born?

This is reality for darling dog Rowan, who was born without eyes and shocked everyone in his life by overcoming his blindness and discovering his own way of getting around. Rowan’s owner and his veterinarian could not believe this dog discovered a way of getting around using only his mouth.

Despite being unable to see, Rowan amazingly taught himself to use echolocation to get around. Echolocation or bio sonar is the same technique …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Thrown From A Moving Car, This Dog Broke His Back, But Not His Spirit. I Can Not Believe His Story!!!

28 Jul

By Caroline

On April 4th, 2013, a motorist made a shocking discovery on Southern California’s Interstate 10. Trapped between the East and West-bound lanes was a small Jack Russell Terrier, scared, injured and alone.

The dog had been thrown from a moving vehicle and left for dead, but the dog, now known as Frogger, had a much greater will to survive than his previous owner had thought. Frogger suffered a broken back from the accident, but he survived and after his spinal surgery, he will walk again… because, this dog does not give up!

Today, Frogger undergoes physical therapy and walks with assistance …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


This Dog Was Found Scared, Chained Up, Starving And About To Enter The World Of Dog Fighting, You Won’t Believe Where He Is Now.

28 Jul

By Erin Lynch


When The Humane Society of the United States and The ASPCA joined forces last summer to swoop in on what will later be known as the second-largest dog fighting raid in history, nothing could have prepare them for what they were about to find.

After a three-year investigation, the organizations seized 367 dogs in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Thirteen search warrants were executed and 10 suspects were arrested and later indicted on felony dog fighting charges.

According to the Humane Society, the conditions of these properties were heinous. There were animal remains on some of the properties, there were sick and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Pets in the News, Touching


I’ve Never Seen My Son Laugh Like This Before! Every Child Needs A Dog Like This In Their Lives!

28 Jul

By Jessica

On warm summer evenings, nothing is better than relaxing outside, and once this little boy discovered a hose in his back yard, he realized another thing summer is good for: playing in the water!

These two have been best friends since the little boy was born, and you can see how much they love each other in this video! Discovering just how much his doggie friend likes the water, and likes playing with him, makes this little one laugh so hard, watching it just makes you smile!

Whenever you’re feeling stressed, going outside is one of the best things in the world! …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Babies, Dog


HYSTERICAL! I Wondered Why My Cat NEVER Used Her Cat Door… Now I Know!

28 Jul

By Amy

When these two Huskies would sneak off, their pet parent wondered what baby boy Smokey and girl Darling Darla were always up to. Turns out, they had discovered their new favorite game, and it involved standing on opposite sides of the cat door. Watch them in action — I couldn’t stop laughing!

Don’t worry, there’s no mean teasing going on, and no dog was left out in the cold… they play this game all the time! The only one “left out in the cold” is the cat, who now has to come in through the window when her door is occupied …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Adorable Puppy Can’t Get Back Up! AWW, Cutest 60 Seconds EVER!

28 Jul

By Amber James

Get ready to put this cute puppy video on repeat! In the clip, the adorable french bulldog is too adorable for words, as he learns some new tricks with his owners. But the cuteness overload takes over when the pup playfully rolls on his back — and can’t seem to figure out how to get back on his feet!

For nearly a minute, the roly poly puppy tries in vain to get back up and gives an adorable little growl as he swings from side to side. This poor little guy needs a little nudge and helping hand but provides …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny, Heartwarming