I Was SO Nervous When This ‘Vicious’ Dog Started Barking At The Sheep… Then THIS Happened!

27 Jul

By Amy


There are certain breeds that come with a stigma — Pit Bulls, Rottweilers and Dobermans are often considered potentially dangerous and vicious. In this video, we see a Rottweiler suffering from a bad image: an aggressive, brutal, and dangerous dog … yet many Rottweiler owners praise these dogs for their loving and gentle nature.

This Rottweiler doesn’t know what to make of this strange creature before him. It certainly doesn’t smell like a dog… or look like a dog! What I thought would be an aggressive interaction quickly turned into a sweet moment between two very different animals. By the end, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Farm Animals, Heartwarming


Just Touching This Puppy Mill Dog Made Her Freeze Up In Fear, But Wait Until You See What Happens!

26 Jul

By Alex

The kind people at the ASPCA rescued Tyra from a Puppy Mill in Kentucky. She spent the majority of her life living in a jail cell, used only for production of puppies, and nothing else. She has never known love, or tender touch from a loving human. Her transformation into a loving dog is an incredible sight to watch. If you’re a dog lover, you will surely understand the plight of Tyra.

Here is what the video description had to say: In the days after the ASPCA rescued Tyra from a Kentucky puppy mill, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


Happiness Is A Corgi On A Slide! I Can’t Get Enough Of This Pup!!

25 Jul

By John

I don’t think I’ve seen anything cuter than this little goober all day long! His name is Buddy and he’s one slide-loving Corgi, that’s for sure! He didn’t need any encouragement from his pet parent at all when he got to the playground… he was ready to go!

I love how he didn’t even waste his time with the “little kid” slides. Nope. Not Buddy. He’s going straight to the top! And just like I have to do with my kids, Buddy’s parents have to tell him “one more time.” Ha!

Enjoy and SHARE!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, General


OMG! Dog Passes Out From Excessive Joy After Meeting Her Mom!

25 Jul

By Alex

Unless you’ve felt the love of a dog, you will never truly understand what happens in this video. This pup’s mom was away for 2 years, and today, they are finally reunited. The sounds this dog makes are just heart wrenching as you can feel the true joy that she is experiencing as she sees her “momma” again. To be fair, 2 years is nearly 14 years in dog years! I would be crying too if I hadn’t seen my mom in 14 years and was reunited!

The family stated in the video that the doggie was …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Shouldn’t Laugh At What Happens, But I Can’t Help It! This Pup LOVES Ice!

25 Jul

By John

Chicken. Cheese. Dog Biscuits. Happy dogs loves all kinds of treats, but I’ve never seen one go this crazy for a piece of ice! Have you?

As soon as he hears the freezer door open, he just can’t control himself. And slippery hardwood floors don’t bother him in the least. He’s determined to grab a snack ASAP! I was worried he hurt himself after sliding on the floor, but it didn’t phase him a bit. Only one thing’s on his mind!

Thanks for watching! Please SHARE with others!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


When I Saw What This Dog Could Do I Just Had To Record It, This Is Nuts!!

25 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Alright, it’s official…I just found the coolest dog in the entire world!

Check out this adorable beagle who is all about getting fit, having fun, and enjoying the outdoors. Can you believe this little guy? I don’t think I have ever seen a dog do anything like this. He never misses a beat!

You also have to love his adoring eyes – never once leaving his owner’s face. You can tell these two total BFFs!!

Please SHARE this awesome video.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


My Pit Bull Approached The Baby, I Can’t BELIEVE What Happened Next! Oh My GOD!

25 Jul

By Amy

Okay, we can all go home now — we’ve officially found the most adorable video of all time. 10-week-old baby Eisleigh and 8-week-old Pitbull puppy Clyde already have the most beautiful relationship, it’s like their genuine twins! They absolutely adore one another!

The moment I saw the puppy approaching the baby, I didn’t know what to expect. But this video is so short, and my curiosity quickly turned to a feeling of elation when puppy climbed right in next to his best friend, snuggled in close and saw Eisleigh light up in complete comfort. OH MY GOD. Cutest moment, ever. Can …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog, Heartwarming


I Tried To Toss My Dog A Treat. What Happened Is HILARIOUS!

25 Jul

By John

Some dogs aren’t great at rolling over. Some can never get the frisbee before it hits the ground. But if there’s one thing every pup is supposed to be able to do, it’s catch a tasty treat mid-air!

Except mine. She tries her best, but just can’t seem to get the hang of it. Actually, I think this is just her strategy to get more snacks! She thinks if she keeps missing, I’ll keep trying to teach her. I’m so proud of her for trying, and there’s a lesson here for all of us: stick with something long enough, and you’re …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny, General


He Was Thrown Away Like Trash. When You See Him Today, You’ll Cry Tears Of Joy.

25 Jul

By Jessica

Some of the images here may be very disturbing to see — but rest assured, the ending is a happy one, and it’s worth it. Patrick the dog was severely abused in the beginning of his life. He wasn’t fed, wasn’t cared for, and was tied to a railing for almost a week before someone wrapped him in a trash bag and stuffed him down a garbage shoot. The garbage truck was just about to take him away when someone stepped in and realized there was a living creature in among all the trash.

After Patrick was rescued and taken to …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


When This Dog Was Found All Rescuers Could See Was A Black Nose, You Won’t Believe What He Looks Like Now!!

25 Jul

By Erin Lynch


While driving down a busy street in Montreal, an anonymous driver spotted a dirty, matted and starving animal desperately in search for food.

That driver contacted the Quebec Society for the Protection of Animals who took the dog in, got him cleaned up, and couldn’t believe what they found.

A bath, a haircut, some food, and a lot of TLC revealed that this filthy animal was in fact a beautiful Cavalier King Charles.

Thank God for the good samaritan, if it wasn’t for them who knows where this sweet dog would have ended up.

Pictures of this transformation are below and please note …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching