Dog Argues With Dad To Get Out Of Bedtime… And It’s Absolutely ADORABLE!

25 Jul

By Erin Lynch

One of my favorite things about the Siberian Husky breed is how talkative they are. It’s just an amazing trait that you can’t find in a lot of other dogs.

Huskies like to “talk” when they are happy, hungry, playful, and even when they are upset. Just take this adorable Husky for example, it’s pretty clear that the last place he wants to go is in his bed!

According to his owners, they have a mat on the floor where the Husky is trained to go whenever he needs to stay out of there way for a bit. He knows what this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Everyone Ignored This Shelter Dog, Until A Miracle Saved Her Life. This Is Amazing!

25 Jul

By Caroline

When dogs are brought to shelters, they have often been living on the streets in terrible conditions. Matted, dirty fur, fleas, wounds and diseases often come with these sweet animals who have nothing in life.

This is exactly what happened to Bailey, a tender and loving dog who had been brought to a high-kill shelter, where she didn’t stand much of a chance. Many times, potential adoptive parents go for younger puppies or dogs who look cleaner and healthy.

A simple makeover of a haircut and bath completely changed Bailey’s life forever. Shortly after her lifesaving makeover, Bailey was finally adopted and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


When This Dog Swims, He Makes His Whole Family Laugh! I’m Cracking Up!

25 Jul

By Jessica

Doug loves the water, and even though he’s not the most graceful dog in the world, he loves to swim so much that he’ll spend hours in the water splashing around. But don’t worry — Doug is save, and very happy in the water!

His Mom says, “We don’t let him get more than 15 feet away from us, and we only let him swim when there are a few people around. You can hear her call “Arthur” at the beginning – that’s me, she wanted to let me know he was going in so I could stay close. If his …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


World’s First Doggie Gym Is ALREADY Full Of Members!

25 Jul

By John

And I thought having two pups was perfect! Having a couple of tail-wagging snuggle buddies is great, but can definitely be time consuming – especially when it comes to making sure they all get enough exercise. Imagine having a couple of dozen!

To help his English and American Bulldog pups stay healthy, this man opened up a doggie gym. They all decided to sign up for a membership together just to stay motivated. I think it’s working! They also go on daily walks through the woods and even swim and fish together. I think they’re LOVING life!

Be sure to SHARE these …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


I’ve FINALLY Seen It All. Can You Believe This Dog Is A Professional Pool Player?!

25 Jul

By Caroline

Just when I thought I’ve seen it all, I find Halo. Halo is a dog with a unique talent. He plays pool like a boss and he’s probably way better than you or I. This pool-playing pooch might just teach you a thing or two about the game, so watch carefully!

While most dogs have the time of their life in an actual pool, splashing around with no cares or worries in the world, this adorable pooch has learned the game like a pro. Even though Halo can’t hold a stick to play, he is more than capable of using his …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Talent


This Husband Just Woke Up His Wife With The BEST Surprise Ever! I’m SO Jealous!

25 Jul

By Caroline

Listen up, men… take notes! This guy knows how to win some serious husband points! Rich’s wife Sara just might be the luckiest woman in the world. Rick knew his wife loved French Bulldogs and she had been bugging him for a pet forever, so he decided to do something wonderful for her!

As Sara lay in bed sleeping, Rich surprised her with a new little baby that she had previously wanted to adopt. Rich set it up so that the animal shelter told Sara that someone else had already adopted the dog. Little did she know, her husband was the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


When You See What This Lion Does To This Tiny Dog, You’ll Be Shocked!

25 Jul

By Jessica

At the GW Zoological Park, there is a very strange friendship going on – Bonedigger, the lion, who was rescued as a cub and brought up in a house, has become particularly fond of some wiener dogs, and one wiener dog in particular: Milo. Even though Milo is small enough to be a tiny snack for Bonedigger if they were in the wild, these two have become best friends, and if you watch the video all the way to the end, there’s even footage of Milo cleaning Bonedigger’s teeth with his tongue!

As a cub, Bonedigger came to the Zoological Park …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Orphaned Piglet And Dog Form Unbreakable Bond – This Is Adorable!

25 Jul

By Jessica

Tabitha the piglet was all alone on the side of the road, her umbilical cord still attached, when Wendy Valentine, who runs the Hillside Wildlife Sanctuary, came across her. Wendy picked Tabitha up and brought her home, where her pug dog, Susie, immediately took an interest in her. Wendy kept Tabitha in a box while she hand fed her to make sure she survived, but Susie kept coming up to the box, and soon became inseparable with the little pig inside!

Today, the two spend all their time together, and Tabitha looks to Susie as almost a mother figure. Susie has …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Farm Animals


My Dog Kept Disappearing In The Middle Of The Night. So I Went Downstairs, And Found THIS!

25 Jul

By Amy

When Mom woke up in the middle of the night, she began to notice that her smaller dog had been sneaking away from her usual spot on the bed. One night, she decided to do a little late-night investigating around the house. She walked downstairs, and finally figured out where the little girl was disappearing to — this tiny Chihuahua, who is smaller than this Great Dane’s head mind you, had been comfortably planting herself right on top of her big sister, where she was ready to resume her snooze! And the frog PJs KILL me!!!

Is this not the CUTEST …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog


Kids Threw Rocks At Him, But All This Pit Bull Ever Wanted Was Love. I’m In Tears!

25 Jul

By Amy

To some, this Pit Bull may be scary and intimidating. To others, he’s the sweetest and most loving dog imaginable.

The incredible Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws makes another amazing rescue here when he and his friend Jackie meet Buddha, an injured Pit Bull living on the streets of a tough neighborhood in Los Angeles. Buddha was living in an abandoned lot with no one to turn to, and things were so horrible for him that neighborhood kids threw rocks at him — which caused a serious injury to his shoulder. Without medical care, the wound got infected and formed …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching