This Woman Is Deaf, And So Is Her Dog. You’ll Be Blown Away By What They’re Doing.

25 Jul

By Amy

Talk about a match made in heaven, this story is almost too good to be true. 8-week-old Springer Spaniel Alice was abandoned and brought into a rescue shelter. When the staff realized that Alice was deaf, they figured it would be especially tricky to find her a home.

Then, in what could only be described as a fateful meeting, a deaf couple stopped into the shelter, looking for a family dog. All it took was a few moments with Alice, and they knew this pup was their soul mate.

Now that she’s settled into her new home, Mark and Marie teach Alice …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Touching


As Soon As I Put The Cover On The Pool, THIS Happened! OMG!!

24 Jul

By John

Slip ‘N Slides will always be the best summer toy, whether you’ve got two legs or four. But these pups decided that the normal lawn version just didn’t quite cut it, and came up with THIS instead. I can’t get over how much fun they’re having running and sliding around. They couldn’t possible be any happier!

It’s fun videos like this that make me thing Boxers are some of the best pups around! They’re great with kids, and they sure do know how to cut loose! I just can’t believe they don’t rip through the cover.

If you think these best …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Watch This Puppy’s ADORABLE Attempts At Arguing His Way Out Of ‘Time-Out!’

24 Jul

By John

Just like their two-legged counterparts, sometimes the four-footers need to be sent to time-out. It certainly doesn’t mean we love them any less. It just means they need a moment or two to think things through, especially when they’re so young. Like Bentley, who wouldn’t stop nipping at his family’s feet! My dog does that too, and it hurts!

I can’t help but want to hop in this “Fortress of Puppytude” with this little cutie though. He’s just so adorable! If it meant I’d get to go to time-out with him, I might try to bite an ankle or two, too! …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Puppy Placed In ‘Time-Out’ For The Very First Time! I Can’t Help But Say ‘AWW!’

24 Jul

By John

Just like their two-legged counterparts, sometimes the four-footers need to be sent to time-out. It doesn’t mean they’re in trouble. It certainly doesn’t mean we love them any less. It just means that they need a moment or two to think things through. Like Bentley. Nipping at ankles is not something puppies should do!

I can’t help but want to hop in the “Fortress of Puppytude” with this little cutie though. He’s just so adorable! If it meant I’d get to go to time-out with him, I might try to bite an ankle or two, too! Let’s just hope that he …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


You’ll Never Believe What This Dog Does With The Woman. UNREAL!

24 Jul

By Alex

There are so many negative opinions about Pit Bulls, but dog lovers around the world know that Pit Bulls can be as loving, fun and amazing a pet as any other breed. In fact, when Pit Bulls are raised in a loving home with a loving family, they can be a devoted member of the family and a loving partner.

We’re not sure who the woman is in this video, but if I could meet her, I would give her a big hug. Not only has she trained her dog to be an incredible dancer, she also …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Proof Dogs Are The Most Loyal Friends In The World. This Broke My Heart!

24 Jul

By Caroline

Michael Mason was driving along when he spotted something tragic, but also very inspiring. A stray Pit Bull, now known as Herman was standing over his injured female friend, who appears to have been hit by a car. Mason snapped a photo, which has since made the dog a hero on the internet.

While there are still many people who claim that this breed is dangerous, this unbelievable photo proves that it is bad owners who give the breed a bad name. Herman’s friend passed away, but this loyal dog remained by her side. Herman was picked up by Atlanta’s Fulton …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


Everyone Says Her Face Is ‘Horrifying,’ But When You See How One Man Treats Her, You’ll Be Brought To Tears.

24 Jul

By Jessica

Ten years ago, Rusty was driving down the road and saw what he thought was a plastic bag, but it turned out to be a puppy in a ditch on the side of the road. Rusty took the puppy to the vet, but even the doctors weren’t convinced they could save her. Rusty wouldn’t give up on her, though, and took her home, even after the skin on her face started to fall off (most likely because she got into some chemicals while she was out on her own).

Naming her Lucky, Rusty has loved and cared for her since, sometimes …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


My Dog Found A Mouse In Our House But What He Did With It Will Make You Laugh!!

24 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Maymo the Lemon Beagle, one of the Internet’s favorite dogs, is back and this time he wants to show us one of his favorite toys: a mechanical mouse!

This adorable Lemon Beagle is always so full of energy! Remember when he stole the cabbage? Or when he came face-to-face with a spider? It seriously makes my day anytime he puts a new video out and this one does not disappoint!

In todays installment, Maymo gets a little wild with his new you, so much in fact that the batteries run out. Once his mouse goes dead you have to see the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


These Dogs Know Exactly What Pure Bliss Looks Like. This Made My Day!

24 Jul

By Caroline

If you’re a dog owner, you already know that there is one thing ALL dogs love more than anything else in life… well, bacon, of course… but also cruising around with the window down!

For whatever reason, I’ve NEVER seen a dog who doesn’t love taking a joy ride in the car with his or her head sticking out the window. How can you blame them? There really is nothing like that rush of wind blowing in your face as your speeding down the highway. Of course, you can’t do this while driving, but just thinking about it takes me to …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


Our Dog Has Started To Demand THIS Every Night! So Adorable!

24 Jul

By Jessica

This Australian Cattle dog is one of the cutest little things ever, but she is also very impatient! When she wants belly rubs, she wants them right now, and she wants her owners to know it!

These types of dogs are really smart, and have a lot of energy, so if you’re going to bring one home, make sure you have a lot of time and attention to give them! And make sure you’re ready for their strong independent streak!

Does your dog ever make it obvious he or she wants your attention? My dog likes to follow me around the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog