When You Figure Out What This Puppy Is Looking At, Your Heart It Gonna Melt. This Is Precious!!

24 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Let’s face it, dogs are like our children. We love them unconditionally, we will do anything we can for them, and we try to capture as many of their “firsts” as we can on camera. So, it’s not at all surprising that this beautiful Siberian Husky named Laika was recorded when she got to experience her first snowfall.

Given the name of this breed, it’s pretty easy to tell where they are from and that one of their favorite things to do is play in the snow. But no one could have predicted just how beautiful Laika looks where she gets …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


When Our Kitten Attacked A Giant Doberman I Did NOT Expect This!

24 Jul

By John

Sophie the cat must have been feeling pretty brave. Or maybe she was feeling a little silly. Either way, she was definitely wanting to mix it up a little with Bishop. Lucky for her, Bishop has to be the most patient Doberman of all time!

Her little play-attack at :15 made me laugh out loud. Does she really think she could win? I’ll give her points for being brave, that’s for sure. And I’ll give Bishop an extra treat for playing so sweet! Anyone who thinks Dobermans are “vicious” animals has never seen this – if they had, they’d be much …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Funny, General


We Just Gave Our Adorable New Puppy His First Bath, And His Reaction Was Priceless!

24 Jul

By Jessica

Bentley the puppy had been out for a nice walk with his owners when a bigger dog suddenly came up and peed on him! Bentley didn’t seem to care too much, but his owners did, so they had to give him his first bath ever. As you can see in the video, Bentley isn’t too sure he likes what’s going on – in fact, he really doesn’t seem to like baths – but his owners are so gentle with him and it’s over before he knows it!

I love how they turned this video from something regular into something truly entertaining …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


A Dangerous Dog Was Sentenced To Death… But An Unlikely Hero Saved His Life Just In Time.

24 Jul

By Erin Lynch


By looking at Rex the German Shepherd today, it seems pretty inconceivable that not too long ago he was deemed a harm to society and scheduled to be put down by local officials.

That’s right, this sweet German Shepherd, whose closest friend in the world is a Goose named Geraldine, was once so dangerous that he even would attack those who fed him. It would take two people to feed Rex, one to throw the ball into his enclosure and another to distract him. He would constantly bark and grow at those who were trying to take care of him.

It was …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


You Won’t Believe Why This Officer Pulled Him Over. Every Dog Owner Should See This.

24 Jul

By Amy


It’s so very, very true: No one sees you like your dog sees you — and if we all acted the way our dogs see us, we’d probably be even greater versions of ourselves. This classic adoption ad is genuinely funny, and I had no idea what to expect when the police officer wandered up to the driver. It definitely made me laugh though, as soon as he opened his mouth!

HAHA! What do you think his poem said?! Probably something “super cool!”

In all seriousness, the message hear couldn’t be more true, and it makes me want to give my dog …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Dog Drives Down The Street When Suddenly… Wait, What?! This Is Hilarious!

24 Jul

By Erin Lynch

In this hilarious ad, two adorable dogs are driving down a snowy road, only to be the targets of a mysterious snowball attack! Who dares to launch a snowball straight into the windshield?! Guess you have to watch to find out!

When I first saw this I had to do a double take – I wasn’t sure if I was seeing things clearly!

Subaru has been coming up with some pretty witty commercials as of late, and since half of all Subaru owners are dog owners, it only makes sense that this car company appeals to a pet-friendly audience!

Enjoy and please SHARE …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


He May Only Have Two Legs, But He Has The Most AMAZING Heart!

24 Jul

By Caroline

Go, Turbo, go! This little guy might be tiny, but what he lacks in muscle, he more than makes up for in spirit. This tiny two-legged Chihuahua is making major strides on the internet in an effort to become mobile. After a couple dropped the newborn at The Downtown Veterinarian in Indianapolis, IN, the animal hospital has been recording his progress on Facebook and in only a few days, Turbo has gained a ton of fans.

I can’t think of a better name for this tiny pup! At only four-weeks-old, he has already shown great progress in overcoming his disability. Born …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Touching


No One Wanted This 11-Year-Old Dog… This Video Proves Why Adoption Is AMAZING.

24 Jul

By Amy

Meet Iroh — a senior dog who needed a loving home. Unfortunately, older dogs have a much more difficult time being adopted. People tend to favor younger dogs who can be more easily trained or are “cuter,” or they just don’t want to face the potential for higher medical bills and medical issues that tend to come along with aging pets. Finally though, Iroh met his soulmates at the shelter, and was brought into his forever home.

To celebrate their one-year anniversary with Iroh, his parents decided to make a video chronicling their first trip around the sun with their newly …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


What This Dog Is Able To Do BLEW Me Away. Can Your Dog Do This?

24 Jul

By John

At first, I didn’t know what was going on with these two, but I stuck with it and it was definitely worth the view. How in the world did she train her dog to dance with her like this? Some of the things they’re able to do together in this routine blew me away.

At :54, I was really impressed. My dog’s current tricks: Sit. Stay (lasts for 3 seconds). Shake. And if I hold a treat and circle it the entire way around his body he’ll spin. We’ve only been working on that one for two and a half years. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


You May *Think* You Know This Dog’s Trick, But You’re In For A Surprise! Just Wait Till :24!!

24 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Alright, so there are dog tricks and then there are epic dog tricks and this one is pretty insane!

This video has everything a great dog trick needs: a patient dog, an adorable assistant, a biscuit, and even a surprise twist! That’s right, just when you think you know what is going to happen, at the :24 mark your jaw will drop and your mind will be blown.

Not only am I left wondering how they did this, but I also want to know how long it took these two to master this trick! It’s pretty impressive!

Enjoy and please share this awesome …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Funny