You’ll NEVER Believe What This Dog And Her Owner Do Together. WOW!

23 Jul

By Caroline

Jack Russell terriers are well known to be fast runners, but I could not believe my eyes when I watched this video of Lily and her owner.

Tiny pup Lily packs a whole of energy into her small body, but as you can see in this video, she has no problem keeping up with the “big dogs”. After Lily was adopted in 2009, her mom and Dad quickly realized that there was something very special about the tiny, energetic dog.

Dad is a professional mountain bike rider and Lily’s favorite thing to do is to join him on his rides. She quickly …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Talent


Rescue Dog Saves The Life Of A 4-Year-Old Boy! Their Story Will Completely Touch Your Heart

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

They say we find our soul mates in the most unlikeliest of places and that certainly is true for 4-year-old Lucas and his best friend Juno. The two came into each other’s lives when both their worlds were beginning to take a turn for the worse, whether the two knew it or not.

You see, Lucas was diagnosed with Sanfilippo syndrome, which is an inherited, metabolic disease caused by the absence or malfunctioning of an enzyme needed to break down sugar. As the disease progresses, children like Lucas will soon lost the ability to speak, eat and walk. It can also …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Kids, Pets in the News, Touching


I Have Never Been Jealous Of A Dog Until I Saw THIS! He Gets To Do The Coolest Thing Everyday!!

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Meet the dog that is living the summer that I have been dreaming of since I was a 7-years-old.

What is better way to spend your summer vacation then by swimming, going down an epic water slide, and getting some sun? Nothing and clearly this dog knows it.

His owner says this Doberman Pinscher can do this for 30 minutes straight if they let him. Who could blame him? He’s only having the greatest time of his life!

Go ahead, relive your childhood dreams through this pup, and then SHARE this amazing video with your friends and make them jealous.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Whenever It Rains, Our Dog REFUSES To Go Outside – This Is Hilarious!

23 Jul

By Jessica

Jasper the Corgi is not always the biggest fan of going outside. And while some dogs would just stand there and let themselves be lead out the door, Jasper has a creative way of staying in! He just rolls over and over every time someone tries to put a leash on him!

I love it when I see dogs who seemingly have a sense of humor! Jasper doesn’t just bite or bark, he rolls over slowly, as if to say, “no wayyyyy. I just want to chill here, thanks!”

Does you dog ever do anything funny when he or she don’t want …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Watch How Mom Wakes The Puppies Up For Dinner! Have You Ever Seen Anything More Adorable?!

23 Jul

By Jessica

Is there anything cuter than Pug puppies? I think we can all safely say no, and when you have a bunch of them all sleeping together in a row of snuggles, all you want to do is squeeze their little faces! Could things get even cuter? Of course they can!

If there’s anything more adorable than a bunch of sleeping pugs, it’s a bunch of sleeping pugs who suddenly wake up in sync! If you want to wake them up for dinner, this is the best way to do it. How funny is it that they all wake up at the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


At :37, My Dog Jumps Out Of The Boat And Does Something That Blows My Mind! WOW!!

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

One of the things that I love about dolphins is their social and docile nature. Not only do these aquatic beauties live and travel in groups ranging from two to 40, they can give off that “happy to see you” vibe with almost every other species that they come across in the water. It’s amazing to see their reaction even with animals that they would normally never come across out in the open waters — like dogs! Would you have thought these dolphins would have been so welcoming to this adorable and brave dog who decided to take a dip …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Wild Animals


I Can’t Believe What These Dogs Are Doing – I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It!

23 Jul

By Jessica

Every year, there’s a very special surf event on Imperial Beach in California – a surf contest for dogs! Dogs from all over compete for awards in how well they can stay on a surf board, and according to their owners, these dogs love every minute of it!

It’s amazing to me that there are dogs that can balance on a board, while some people could find that impossible! Some of the dog owners even hire professional surf instructors to make sure their dog nabs a first place award!

While some people might watch this video and think that this isn’t …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


One Day Your Dog Will Die. Every Pet Owner Should See This.

23 Jul

By Caroline

It’s the sad truth that no pet owner ever wants to think about. No matter what the circumstances are, no one was to lose their best friend, but unfortunately, one day it will happen.

“One Day Your Dog Will Die” – is a poem and video by Paul Royale that hopes to ignite better relationships between dog owners and their loyal best friends. This touching video inspires you to ask yourself if you are the best possible dog owner you can be.

My favorite part is when they say that dogs are “forever a child”. I’ve never heard this before and to …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


These Kids Wanted To Give Their Parents Something Special And The Way They Did It Had Me Dancing In My Seat!!

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

After having a rough couple of years filled with “loss, love, and hope” these five awesome kids decided to give their parents something so unbelievably precious for Christmas: a puppy!

With a gift so amazing, there clearly is only one way to present this pup to their parents and obviously it was to reenact The Lion King’s epic “The Circle Of Life ” scene!

I can’t stop laughing at this, not only am I so incredibly grateful it was caught on tape but I am also secretly wishing I was with this family over the holidays!

Please SHARE this hilarious video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Rescued, Deaf Pit Bull Is The Most Loyal Service Dog I’ve EVER Seen. At 2:25, He Touches My Heart!

23 Jul

By Caroline

The look on this white Pit Bull’s face is all the proof you need that two days can feel like an entire lifetime when your best friend is away.

While Cotton’s daddy was away for drill weekend with the Oregon National Guard, this loyal service dog waited patiently by the door. He watched and he waited, until his daddy finally returned.

Shanti Kearns posted this wonderful video on YouTube and wrote that she got Cotton, a registered service dog and rescue pup, for her husband after his return from Afghanistan in 2009.

Service dogs have done wonders for military heroes who often return …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching