WOW! A Tiny Dog Was About To Be Killed By Coyotes, But This Grandma Did Something Unbelievable!

23 Jul

By Caroline

She may not look scary, but this gutsy grandmother was just scary enough to put herself at risk and scare off dangerous intruders. When her neighbor’s dog Roxie was approached by 5 coyotes, unlikely hero Dolores “Dolly” Jefferson came to the terrified animal’s rescue.

The coyotes, who were about four times the size of tiny Roxie, got scared when 84-year-old Dolly approached them and started yelling. Dolly’s son came outside when he heard the commotion and helped make the vicious coyotes scatter. Even though Dolly may look past her prime, her quick-thinking helped her become a hero.

Roxie, a 26-pound Egyptian Pharaoh …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Touching


[Caught On Camera] I Couldn’t Figure Out Who Was Stealing My Food, Now I Know!!

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Let’s face it, dogs love food! It doesn’t matter if it’s their favorite biscuit, a bully stick, or whatever you are eating at the time. They don’t care, they just want it! Which is why it can be so tough for dogs to have the self control they need in order to stay out of trouble!

Just take this little adorable Cocker Spaniel for example. You can tell by how he keeps looking over at the door, to see if anyone is coming, that he knows that he’s not suppose to be doing this, but the urge for this piece of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


WOAH!! You’re Not Going To Believe What We Caught Our Neighbor’s Dog Doing On Camera!!

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Now this is what I call a serious dog trick! Can you imagine walking out onto your backyard only to find your neighbor’s dog doing, what is arguably, the best dog trick you have ever seen!?!

Watch as a couple of guys film their neighbors dog playing “keep up” with a ball and then, amazingly, balancing that ball on it’s head for 20 seconds! This is just incredible!

All I want to know is, how did he learn how to do this??

Please SHARE this amazing dog trick with your friends!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


A Helpless Dog Was Drowning In An Icy Lake. But Wait Until You See This ASTONISHING Rescue.

23 Jul

By Amy

What you’re about to see is nothing short of incredible. A gorgeous Doberman Pinscher named Diablo is alive and well today, thanks to two St. Louis firemen.

Diablo had reportedly gotten loose while out walking his family on a snowy day, when he saw a goose and made a run for it — which resulted in him falling through thin ice and scrambling to stay alive. Stan Baynes and Demetris Alfred, of the St. Louis Fire Department’s Rescue Squad 1C, came to the scene. After a harrowing 25 minutes spent on the ice, Diablo was finally safe in Dad’s arms.

Amazingly, photographer …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


A Helpless Dog Was Drowning In An Icy Lake. But Wait Until You See This ASTONISHING Rescue.

23 Jul

By Amy

What you’re about to see is nothing short of incredible. A gorgeous Doberman Pinscher named Diablo is alive and well today, thanks to two St. Louis firemen.

Diablo had reportedly gotten loose while out walking his family on a snowy day, when he saw a goose and made a run for it — which resulted in him falling through thin ice and scrambling to stay alive. Stan Baynes and Demetris Alfred, of the St. Louis Fire Department’s Rescue Squad 1C, came to the scene. After a harrowing 25 minutes spent on the ice, Diablo was finally safe in Dad’s arms.

Amazingly, photographer …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


THIS Is What Happens When A Cat Is Adopted And Raised By A Dog.

23 Jul

By Amy

Meet Toffee — a very special cat to Reine and her entire family. Reine found Toffee under some rocks in front of her house during a storm in August of 2012. As soon as Toffee entered the family, they were in for a huge surprise — the family dog, Rufus, immediately adopted and began treating him as if he was her very own baby — going so far as to breastfeed and train him! (Rufus is a boy’s name, but she is in fact female!)

Just watch as these two cuddle, play and tease one another like only real family members …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


It’s A Love Story About A Laboratory Chick And Disabled Rescue Dog. And It Will Make You Cry Tears Of Joy.

23 Jul

By Jessica

Penny and Roo are soul mates — unlikely soul mates, yes, but soul mates nonetheless. They were both saved days before they were supposed to be put down. You see, Silkie chick Penny was a lab chicken and was about to undergo a bunch of painful and dangerous tests when Alicia Williams, who worked in the lab, asked if she could take her home. Williams took Penny to the Duluth Animal Hospital, where she worked. Soon, Penny was feeling happy and healthy again, living at the animal hospital like it was her home.

Roo was rescued soon after, after a Good …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, birds, Dog


An Open Letter To The Person Who Took My 12-Year-Old Dog To A Kill Shelter.

23 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Almost a year ago Jamie White wrote an open letter to the previous owners of her newly adopted 12-year-old dog named Cocoa. After reading that letter, my jaw dropped and my heart sank.

The pain in my chest was not only because Cocoa’s owners had her for all of her life but than decided they could no longer keep her after moving into a new, no pets allowed apartment. It was also because I adopted my own dog from a kill animal shelter and there is not a moment that goes by where I don’t wonder why …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


After My Run, I Needed A Cold Drink – Good Thing My Dog Was There To Help!

23 Jul

By Jessica

Jack has a new trick that is one of the best tricks he’s ever learned! He not only knows how to run to the fridge and open it all by himself, but if you say “water,” he know to run over and grab you a water bottle! What a good trick for a dog to know on a hot summer day!

I love how eager Jack is to show off his trick and to bring his owner the water bottle – dogs just want to make us happy, and that’s one of the best things about them! Their love is unconditional!

Please …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Watch What This Dog Does After She’s Rescued From A Puppy Mill. It’s Incredible.

23 Jul

By Amy

In the days after the ASPCA rescued Tyra from a Kentucky puppy mill, she was afraid of everything. When their animal behavior team touched the tiny Papillon during an evaluation, you can see her completely shut down, frozen with fear. One glimpse of a child-size doll sent her reeling in terror. She was even too scared to eat.

After a few months of treatment, however, the behavior team evaluated Tyra again. The results were thrilling, and they caught it all on tape. The difference is like night and day!

More people need to see the power of animal rescue, and the horrible …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching