22 Tiny Babies And Their Big Best Friends. #14 Makes My Heart Melt!

22 Jul

By Caroline

To me, all animals are special, just like every little baby is different and unique! However, when it comes to snuggling with a big dog or a little one, I say, the bigger, the better! Even though big dogs can be a little scary looking to kids, I think they make the very best babysitters a little one could ask for.

In the adorable photos below, you’ll see precious tiny babies with their big, lovable guard doggies! There are SO many benefits to raising your kids with a pet in the house. Animals help teach responsibility, compassion, confidence and they even …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


I FINALLY Let My Dog On The Bed… And His Reaction Was PRICELESS!

22 Jul

By Amy

Meet Pepper, an adorable little baby who has never been allowed on his owner’s bed.. until now! Woohoo!!

I could watch him go round and round all day! I wonder how long it took until he actually got tired and fell asleep. I remember when my dog was just a puppy, she would do the same thing. Especially after taking a bath, she would run around in circles and rub up against everything. What a riot! An adorable riot, of course. AWW!!

Does your dog (or cat) do anything like this? Please SHARE this cutie pie with others!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


Watching These Two Best Friends Will Melt Your Heart!!

22 Jul

By Erin Lynch

OMG, I want this dog in my house right now! Seriously, can anything be cuter than watching this adorable little girl cuddle up to what many would consider the sweetest and the most patient St. Bernard ever!?

I don’t know about you, but it looks to me like Lila might have found a best friend in her grandparents dog Lucy! Just look at the way these two look at each other!

Please SHARE this amazing video with your friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Babies, Dog, Heartwarming


This Greyhound Spent His Life As A Racing Dog And For The First Time He Finally Gets To Play!!

22 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Well, this has to be one of the happiest dogs I have ever seen and rightfully so! This adorable little guy is Nitro, who is more than happy to be home, running free in his backyard, since he is no longer spending his life at the race track.

According to the track kennel handler, Nitro never wagged his tail and was miserable for the first couple of years of his life.

Now with his new owner, Dan Swede, Nitro is a 100 lbs. of pure muscle, he loves to run, and can finally take long naps with his legs stretched out!!

Please …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


He Was Used As Live Bait And Left To Die. His Face May Shock You, But He’ll Steal Your Heart.

22 Jul

By Amy

When Oogy was just a puppy, he was tied to a stake and used as bait for dog fighting. As you can see, the entire left side of his face including most of his ear was torn off. He was left to bleed to death and later found by police and taken to the animal hospital where Diane Klein, the Office’s Director of Operations, simply refused to allow the dog to die. With the help of everyone on the staff somehow, beyond any calculation of the odds, Oogy survived! After that, an amazingly loving family stepped in and adopted him, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


I Walked Out On My Deck And Found My Dogs Doing This In The Pool, I Couldn’t Believe It!!

22 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Meet Lucky and Daisy, two Golden Retrievers who know exactly how to spend their summer: at the pool!

Not only is this video hilarious, but man, these two doggies are just two cute! I love how these two are just chilling out on the pool, napping the summer away, all without a care in the world!

Daisy might be my favorite, you can tell the last thing she wanted to do was wake up for the camera!

Enjoy and please SHARE this video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


What This Pit Bull Did For His Injured Soul Mate Brought Me To Tears. Unbelievable Story!

22 Jul

By Caroline

I’ve never been touched like I have from this story of a Pit Bull and his unbreakable bond with his Chihuahua “soul mate”. The homeless duo was discovered near Savannah, Georgia in July 2014, when people in the neighborhood reported seeing Joanie, the Pit Bull, carrying her tiny friend, Chachi the Chihuahua inside her mouth.

When animal control officers arrived to find the best buddies, Joanie would put down Chachi from time to time to lick the Chihuahua’s badly infected eye. A veterinarian removed Chachi’s infected eye and the two had to be separated, so he could heal properly. They couldn’t …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


These 17 Huskies Are Getting Ready For Their FAVORITE Part Of The Day! I Can’t Believe What They Do!

22 Jul

By John

Hey, just because there’s no snow on the ground right now doesn’t mean there won’t be in a couple of months, and these pups know that this is no time to ease up on the training! This is how you keep 17 sled dogs in shape for the winter in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

I can’t believe how well trained they all are! Just like me when I get within 200 feet of dark chocolate, these pups are drooling at the mouth when they see dinner being served…. but not a single one makes a move until it’s time to eat. You …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


This Puppy Walked Up To A Man At Work. What Happened Next Nearly Broke My Heart.

22 Jul

By Alex

It’s never too late to help a dog in need. Whether they’re newborns or the oldest dog in a kennel, they’re all better off when we lend them a helping hand. But let’s face it, most of our attention goes to the pups. And for good reason. They’re cute, can’t look out for themselves, and we want to protect them from the harsh world before anything bad happens.

But what should we do about the ones that don’t get rescued? The ones who’ve lived out there in the harsh world, maybe their entire lives? How can we help them? Well after …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming


She Was Abandoned, Weak And Deformed. Wait Until You See Her Now! She’s A Miracle!

22 Jul

By Caroline

She hops like a rabbit, leaps like a kangaroo and walks upright like a human does. Meet Faith, the two-legged wonderdog, who was born with a birth defect, but overcame all that was against her. She serves as inspiration for every time I want to say “I can’t” and her beautiful spirit is an amazing reminder of all that we can overcome.

When Faith was born, her mother dog tried to smother her, as sometimes animals do this when their babies are deformed and weak. When this homeless puppy was found, veterinarians did not have FAITH. They doubted her ability to …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching