My Dog Puts Up The Most ADORABLE Fight! I Can Never Say No To Her, And THIS Is Why!

22 Jul

By Erin Lynch

If Charlotte was my dog, there is no way I could ever stick to my guns and make her go to crate! Those kisses, those cuddles and her big brown eyes! I don’t think anyone can say no to this adorable German Shepherd, could you?

Although sweet little Charlotte eventually obeys her owner, we have to give it her some credit for putting up the most adorable fight! (And please note, she’s in her crate for potty training purposes… she usually sleeps in bed with Mom!)

Enjoy and please SHARE this video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


A Stray Wandered Into This Man’s Work, Begging To Be Rescued. What Happened Next Is AMAZING!

22 Jul

By Caroline

It’s no secret that older dogs tend to get the shaft when people go to adopt an animal from their local shelter. People tend to think they can only “save” puppies, who have yet to experience life and can often still be trained. However, no dog should be put aside. Many times, it’s the elderly dogs who need our help the most, but yet they are least seen by human beings.

This heartwarming story about a dog named Toothless shows that it is never too late to help save a life. Even though a puppy my be in your life longer, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


I Heard A Commotion In Our Backyard And Couldn’t Believe What My Dog Was Attacking!!

22 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Just in case you weren’t sure why this breed was called a Boxer, this little guy has no problem showing you…on a piece of wood!

Can you imagine hanging out in your kitchen and then all of a sudden hearing your dog barking like crazy and attacking something, only to find out it was this?!?!

This video is just too much but I can watch this all day long!

Enjoy and SHARE this hilarious video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


My Dog Thinks He’s Human! You Won’t Believe What Happens When I Play This Video!!!

22 Jul

By Caroline

I’ve been seeing a lot of “singing dogs” around the internet these days, but how many of these crooning canines have a favorite artist and song that they love to howl along to?!

This video has me cracking up! Meet Badger – a dog who is very fond of Buddy Greene and his distinct Americana sound. Every time Buddy Greene plays from speakers anywhere in the house, Badger comes running and as you can see in this hysterical video, he sings along. In fact, Badger knows the song SO well, that all he needs to do is hear the talking in …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Hero Dog Was Born To Save People! You Have To See What He Does In The Water!

22 Jul

By Jessica

Newfoundlands love the water, and Bilbo is no exception! His owner is a lifeguard, and because of that, Bilbo spends most of his time running and swimming, which is exactly what he was made for! Newfoundlands were bred to live their lives on boats, helping sailors who may have fallen overboard. According to Steve, Bilbo’s owner, Bilbo can carry him for hours in the water, a testament to just how natural these dogs are when it comes to swimming!

With webbed feet, a powerful tail that acts like a rudder, and a waterproof coat, Bilbo is the perfect dog for a …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Pets in the News


Scared, Neglected Stray Cries Tears Of Joy When He’s FINALLY Rescued! This Is INCREDIBLE!

22 Jul

By Amy

Kramer is an adorable Dachshund/Terrier mix that had been living in an empty baseball field and parking lot for several weeks. He was starving, dehydrated and emaciated, surviving on scraps left for him by nearby workers. Finally, a rescue organization found Kramer and this video shows his rescue. He was very scared and hesitant at first, keeping his distance and not allowing anyone get close to him. At 4:30 though, Kramer finally begins to show his true colors, and you can hear him crying tears of joy and thankfulness for this woman, his new hero.

But the ending to this story …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


I Saved This Shelter Dog’s Life. Now You Have To See What My Best Friend Does To Repay Me! Hysterical!

21 Jul

By Caroline

Murdock is a two-year-old mixed breed who was saved from a high-kill shelter around one-and-a-half years old. Since he was a street stray, the dog knew no commands and was untrained. A few months and a whole lot of love later, Murdock is a new dog… and he has the tricks to prove it!

When I first saw what Murdock’s pet parents taught him to do, I could not believe my eyes! Sure, many dogs are well trained in the art of fetching a stick or a ball, but how many dogs do you know who can run to the fridge …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Adopted Dog In First Car Ride Is The Happiest Dog In The World!

21 Jul

By Jessica

Moose is enjoying one of the best things in the world if you’re a dog: A nice long car ride! This is Moose’s first ever ride after being adopted from the shelter, and I think it’s safe to say that he’s one happy dog! It’s not a bad car to have his first trip in, either!

I love watching dogs enjoy the simple things in life – it helps to remind me to do the same!

If Moose makes you smile, please SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


[Caught On Camera] I Found My Dog Doing The Craziest Thing In My Backyard When No One Was Looking!

21 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This dog probably thinks he’s pretty stealth! Something tells me he thought all he had to do to cool off without getting in trouble on this hot summer day was to slowly slink into the pool – barely making a sound – while his owner’s are away!

He even goes as far as doing the slowest and quietest dog shake I have ever seen!

Sorry pup but you are BUSTED! I love how they caught the whole thing on camera!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


A Wolf Strolled Onto Our Property And My Dog Did Everything He Could To Protect Us – A Must Watch!!

21 Jul

By Erin Lynch

OK, this has to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time! How cute is this Vizsla named Rasta?

After going for a run on a local golf course, Rasta stumbles upon what appears to be a wolf walking through the middle of the green. Rasta steps dead in her tracks and begins to stalk this wild beast, only to be surprised by what she actually encounters in the end!

This entire stalking, even though the video is cut down to 2 minutes, lasted 6 minutes in all!

Please SHARE this hilarious video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny