You Won’t Believe What This Dog Was Caught Doing Red Handed!!

21 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Uh oh! Looks like someone just got busted big time!

This is what happens when mom leaves her mischievous golden Retriever alone for 10 minutes! All she had to do was make a quick late night stop at the pharmacy! What could go wrong, right?

A lot apparently! What a naughty boy! I bet you he has no idea how he got busted!

Enjoy and please SHARE this with someone who needs a laugh today!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Abandoned Pit Bull Nearly Dies From Dog Fighting, Now He Finally Gets His Second Chance!

21 Jul

By Amy

When this video begins, we see a group of men waiting for a very special delivery — Radar, a Pit Bull who was abused and used in a dog fighting ring outside Philadelphia and that was left for dead on the side of the road. As soon as the plane landed, Radar’s new life began, and it started with months of care and rehabilitation led by a man named Chris and his wonderful rescue organization.

Radar will most likely be used as a therapy dog in the future — instead of being used for evil, he’ll be used for nothing but …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


If You’re A Dog Lover, This May Just Be The Cutest Thing You’ll Ever See In Your Life.

21 Jul

By Alex

This may easily be the cutest and most adorable video that you’ll see today.

Please SHARE this with friends and family if you agree!

If you have a fun video like this, and want us to feature it on our site, please upload it to Youtube, and send us a link to, we’d love to hear from you!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


The World’s First Waterpark For Dogs Completely Blows My Mind. I NEED To Go Here!

21 Jul

By Caroline

In Barcelona, Spain, a five-star dog resort is opening for dogs and their owners who wanted to escape the hot, hot heat! A new water park lets pooches cool off in style this summer, as dog-loving entrepreneur Federico Cano just opened a humongous five-star resort for dogs! While most people put a lot of effort to keep animals out of the pool, this family fun spot is all about getting pets wet and wild.

The Resort Canino Can Jane in Barcelona is getting international press coverage after vacationers can’t get enough of the canine water park, which is inarguably its biggest …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


200 Dogs And Cats Were Living In A Nightmare. Their Incredible Rescue Left Me Speechless.

21 Jul

By Caroline

The growing animal abuse problems in the United States are both terrifying and shocking. The amount of dogs and cats that come from puppy mills or off the streets just can’t match up to the number of potential adoptive parents, but as we can see in the following video, there is hope.

The Humane Society of the United States saves thousands of animals in dangerous, even deadly, situations each year. The following video from the HSUS is not one for the faint of heart. In this video, we see more than 200 dogs and cats living in an extreme and horrific …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Touching


A Vicious Coyote Attacked This Tiny Homeless Dog. What Happened Next Restored My Faith In Humans!

21 Jul

By Caroline

Meet Roadrunner, an adorable, tiny Chihuahua, who was brutally attacked by a vicious coyote. While the majority of dogs who get attacked by these animals do not survive, Roadrunner was a different kind of dog. This sweet, tiny animal chose not to give up and did everything in his power to stay strong!

After the brutal attack, Roadrunner was brought to a shelter to be cleaned up, but they could not afford the surgery to save this tiny dog. The Chihuahua had a punctured lung and broken ribs, so luckily an organization called Doggie Protective Services stepped up to the plate …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Touching


Dog Caught Cheating On Treadmill During His Exercise. At 0:09, You’ll Laugh out Loud!

21 Jul

By Caroline

There is zero denying that animals are exactly like us sometimes! Take this adorable Sheltie who just figured out a genius way to cheat on his workout, for example. This genius doggie realized that by running with his front legs only, he can give the back ones a rest.

Talk about a sly dog! His owner caught on eventually and told him to stop slacking off. We’ve all been in this dog’s position at one point in life. This is EXACTLY why I need a personal trainer every time I work out. I could not stop laughing at this hilarious clip!

If …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Every Afternoon I Catch My Cat And Dog Doing The Cutest Thing, Proof That They Really Do Love Each Other!

21 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Before you watch this video, I need to warn you that this might exceed the maximum limit for cuteness allowed online! Meet Maeby, a Siberian Husky, and her adorable kitty BFF Farina.

According to their owner, whenever the weather gets a little chilly, the first place Farina heads for when it’s time to take a nap is with Maeby. As in, curled up right inside of her, to ensure she stays as warm as possible.

Now this is real love! I love how Maeby doesn’t even flinch during this love fest! I think these two are the cutest best friends! What do …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


We Decided To Enter Our Dog In A Race. He Didn’t Win, But He Still Made Everyone Cheer!

21 Jul

By Jessica

The most adorably named “Anderson Pooper,” a Weinerdog with a disability, recently competed in the Star 101.5 Weinerdog Races at Emerald Downs. While Anderson didn’t exactly win, he had the entire audience cheering for him, and considering he was the only pup with wheels for legs, I’d say he did pretty well! He may not have been first, but at least he completed the race, which was more than a few of the other dogs did!

He was so excited to get over the finish line to nab some treats, I had to watch him run twice! What an adorable dog …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


In 3 Minutes, This Video Saved A Life. When You See Whose, You’ll Be SO Touched.

21 Jul

By Amy

A man came home from work one day to find a stray dog that had been laying in his yard in the rain. So, he made a temporary home for him in the garage, and decided to make this video and put it up online in the attempts to show this dog to the world, and ultimately find him a good home. As soon as you meet the dog, that comes bounding over to him in excitement, your heart will melt. He could not be sweeter, more gentle and more wonderful.

And guess what? His plan totally worked! Because of this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching