I Set Up A Hidden Camera To Record How My Dog Eats. I’m Dying Of Laughter!

18 Jul

By Jessica

This Corgi gets so excited every night at dinner time, he just can’t hide it! Whether it’s just a few pieces of kibble, or a waterfall of food, this Corgi is so happy to eat, he has to dance! As a matter of fact, he gets so excited, he dances all the way behind the counter, taking his food with him!

I love watching happy dogs, and this is one of the happiest! The simple joys of life!

Please SHARE this hilarious Corgi!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


THIS Is Why Rescue Dogs Are Gifts From God. Every Dog Lover Should See This.

18 Jul

By Jessica

The Humane Society of Utah wants people to know just how loving adopted animals can be! In this super sweet video, they’ve recorded a few adopted dogs and the families that took them in, and the love we get to witness is just palpable! Doggie kisses in slow motion are the cutest things in the world!

This is such a good reminder of how important it is to consider adoption. The animals will be so thankful, and a thankful animal will absolutely love you forever! There is nothing like the unconditional love of a pet!

Please SHARE this sweet video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Family Sets Up Hidden Camera To See What Their Dog Does Home Alone! The Results Are AMAZING!

18 Jul

By Jessica

This is CLASSIC. Have you ever wondered what your dog does when you’re at work? How does he entertain himself for hours? Does he sleep all day? Walk around the house waiting for you to come home?

Maybe. Or maybe he sneaks outside and has a little fun! I mean, A LOT of fun!

This is definitely an important video to pass on to everyone you know who has a dog. After all, they need to know what kind of adventures their pets are getting themselves into while they’re away!

Enjoy (I know you will) and place SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Boy And His Rescue Best Friend Are EXACTLY What Love Looks Like! They Make Me So Happy!

18 Jul

By Caroline

This is the story of a boy, his dog and their more than 30K followers on Instagram! Adorable toddler Carter and his best buddy Toby have a very unique relationship that their parents love to document and share with friends. Word quickly spread about the boy and his precious bond with the family pet he’s known since before he was born.

Parents Devin and Jake Crouch rescued Toby in 2011 and began documenting him the next year when their virtually inseparable bond started and Toby would lie next to Devin while she was pregnant. Since birth, the pair developed a special …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Is The Most Patient Dog On The Planet! I’ve NEVER Seen Something Like This!

18 Jul

By Jessica

Clark the dog has more discipline than most people I know! How many dogs can not only keep a treat on the edge of their nose, but keep it there for 15 seconds while their owner talks to them? Clark doesn’t move or blink – he’s completely focused, waiting for his owner to say the magic words!

This is one well trained pup!

Does your dog have this kind of patience and skill? What kind of amazing tricks can he or she do? Let us know and please SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


My Dog Does This To My Baby EVERY Morning… And It’s SO Adorable!

18 Jul

By Amy

This mom has not one but two babies who need her loving care, but it looks as though one of them — an older Dachshund/Pug mix — has taken on quite the motherly role in helping to take care of the other baby — a 6-month-old baby girl!

Bug the dog loves nothing more than to help her wake up her sister from nap times every morning. As soon as she gets mom’s “okay,” But runs into the baby’s room, kisses her endlessly and even hops into the crib to make sure all is good. There is such love here between …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


This Puppy Does The Funniest Thing! I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It!

18 Jul

By Amy

Thirteen-week old Landseer pup Dethan has a strange habit. Instead of drinking from his water bowl, like many other dogs would do, this little guy likes to… well, he likes to do everything but drink from it. The only problem is that he’s a bit too big to fit inside, which for him would be ideal. Instead of trying to keep him from pursuing his interests, Dad decides to help ‘ol Dethan out but upgrading his water bowl — and the results are nothing short of hilariously adorable.

I love how Dethan’s oddness is embraced by his family!

Please SHARE this funny …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Ha! I Can’t Stop Smiling At This Happy Fellow! He LOVES This!

17 Jul

By John

There aren’t too many things pups like more than having the wind blow in their face while they’re riding to their favorite dog park, and I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog that loved it more than this! This is Pilatus, a Weimaraner, and his pet parent put a camera on top of the roof just to see what his best buddy looked like with his head poking out the sunroof.

Just look at those cheeks flapping in the wind! Someone’s in doggie heaven right now… he just can’t get enough of it! Maybe it’s …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


After Mourning Their Dog For 17 Months, This UNBELIEVABLE Reunion Made My Heart Melt.

17 Jul

By Caroline

A New Jersey dog who went missing just days before Hurricane Sandy devastated Jersey’s coastline in fall of 2012, was thought by his family to be long gone. When a search for their beloved pet came up unsuccessful, they assumed Wesley had been killed by a car accident or an animal in the woods. The last thing they expected was for him to turn up after the storm.

A mind-blowing 17 months later, the Cruz family received a phone call that their dog had been found wandering about 20 miles from their home. Wesley the lucky Lab had put on 25 …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


We Couldn’t Figure Out Why Our Dog Kept Sneaking Into The Barn… Until Now! Look What We Found!

17 Jul

By Amy


Time after time, the family dog would disappear from the house, and they’d quickly find him after he’d sneak away into the barn where the horses are kept. One day, it all clicked into place — it turns out these two have a secret love affair and deep-rooted relationship that they kept hidden from the family AWW!! Have you ever seen such a sweet moment between a dog and horse?!

It’s as clear as day that this friendly, kissy guy loves her canine companion more than anything in the world, and the feeling is mutual. Look at that expression …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals, Heartwarming