I Walked In On My Baby And My Dog Doing THIS In The Hallway!!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

If this video doesn’t make you smile than I don’t know what will!

How cute is baby Ashton playing his favorite game with his adorable best friend Max, a Cavalier King Charles? I am not too sure which part I find cuter, Ashton’s giggles or just how gentle Max is.

For some reason I can envision these two playing this game for a very long time! I wonder who tires out first?

Enjoy and please SHARE this adorable video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


Dog Rescued From A Puppy Mill Nightmare Finally Enjoy His First Snuggle EVER! AMAZING!

17 Jul

By Caroline

Noisette is one of 132 dogs and four exotic birds who was rescued from a criminal breeding facility in early July, 2014. The small French Bulldog is thought to be somewhere in between 1 and 3 years old. Anne Wuhrer, who has since taken in the dog, says it’s taking a while, but Noisette is “gradually adjusting” to life outside of the filthy cage she knew as home. When the dog was rescued, she was dehydrated with bad eyes and teeth. She was suffering from malnutrition, anemia, and was covered in dirt, fleas and feces. She was also terrified and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


Rescued From A Puppy Mill Nightmare, I Teared Up When This Dog Finally Accepted His First Snuggle.

17 Jul

By Caroline

Noisette is one of 132 dogs and four exotic birds who was rescued from a criminal breeding facility in early July, 2014. The small French Bulldog is thought to be somewhere in between 1 and 3 years old. Anne Wuhrer, who has since taken in the dog, says it’s taking a while, but Noisette is “gradually adjusting” to life outside of the filthy cage she knew as home. When the dog was rescued, she was dehydrated with bad eyes and teeth. She was suffering from malnutrition, anemia, and was covered in dirt, fleas and feces. She was also terrified and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


This Dog Is Dying Of Cancer. To Say Goodbye, Her Family Does Something Every Day That Will Bring You To Tears.

17 Jul

By Amy

The second I started watching this, I was brought to tears. What an incredible story, incredible family and most of all, incredible dog.

Marsha, an American Bull Dog mix, was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Her mom Judy immediately fell in love with her after the two met at the Humane Society in Colorado, where Marsha was battered and broken from a life of neglect and abuse. Judy knew something was special about Marsha, and she quickly adopted her into her forever family. The same day Marsha was adopted was the same day her new family learned of her cancer — …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Pets in the News, Touching


What I Caught My Puppy Playing With When We Left Him Alone Is Hilarious!!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

OMG!!! Meet the most adorable puppy ever named Peppa – who I am pretty sure just found her new favorite toy!

Watching this month-and-a-half-old French Bulldog Pug mix play with this door stopper is absolutely hilarious!

What is it about these things that can make dogs and cats lose their minds? Whatever it is, I can’t get enough!

Enjoy!! Please SHARE this hilarious video with your friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Dog’s ‘Happy Place’ Is Absolutely ADORABLE… And It’s Hysterical To Watch!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Every dog has their own little quirk. Some like to make random objects their favorite toys, some like eat strange food, and others, like Sara the Golden Retriever, like to relax in the most random of places.

Sara’s most favorite place in the whole world is at the park, but it’s exactly where that makes Sara a little different. You see, Sara loves swings.

Sara’s owner, Eric Lanier, says she been riding in the swings for about 4 years and goes absolutely crazy whenever he tells her they are going to the park!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


You Are Not Going To Believe What Makes This Dog So Happy, It’s HILARIOUS!!!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Every dog has their own little quirk. Some like to make random objects their favorite toys, some like eat strange food, and others, like Sara the Golden Retriever, like to relax in the most random of places.

Sara’s most favorite place in the whole world is at the park, but it’s exactly where that makes Sara a little different. You see, Sara loves swings.

Sara’s owner, Eric Lanier, says she been riding in the swings for about 4 years and goes absolutely crazy whenever he tells her they are going to the park!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


My Heart Broke For This Lonely, Injured Puppy – But Wait ‘Til You See What Happened To Her Next!

17 Jul

By Amy

An adorable puppy fractured both of her front legs after she fell two stories off a house — the Michigan Humane Society rushed to rescue this poor pup, who may or may not have had a home to begin with.

Luckily, the ending here is a happy one, though the beginning is tragic. After being rescued, Flutter found her loving home with a woman named Esther, who saw Flutter’s story on the news and jumped at the chance to bring her home. These days, Flutter is safe and sound, and as happy as can be!

Please SHARE this wonderful rescue!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


I Can Watch This Dog Do This For Hours, I Am Cracking Up!!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Reason number 3,455 why I love dogs: they are just so goofy!

Look at this adorable guy, he is so proud of the stick he found that he wants to take it with him everywhere. However, there is one little problem with his plan, he can’t get it through this gate!

I love how he tries and tries even though he just can’t seem to figure this one out! I love his determination!

Enjoy and please SHARE this video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


I NEVER Knew These 41 Facts About Dogs! #32 Can Save Your Life!

17 Jul

By Caroline

Did you know that Pablo Picasso’s best friend was a Dachshund named Lump or that The Beatles’ loved canines SO much that they put a subliminal dog whistle in “A Day In The Life”?!

These are two of the 41 fun facts about dogs featured in this very informative video from Mental Floss. I never knew so many of these fascinating true facts, like why exactly poodles have such strange haircuts (#15) or that some breeds can sniff out life-threatening diseases (#18). Dogs are truly best friends to us humans for many different reasons, but all of these facts just remind …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog