When A Deaf Child Wouldn’t Wake Up During A Fire, This Dog Did Something Incredible. I Have Tears!

17 Jul

By Caroline

A 13-year-old boy is alive today thanks to his hero best friend, who woke him up in the middle of the night when the two were home alone. Ace the Pit Bull’s quick thinking saved the young man who is deaf and could have perished in the flames, as the two were home alone.

Indianapolis, IN Fire Department Captain, Rita Reith, told Mail Online that 13-year-old Nick Lamb was sleeping without his hearing aids when the fire broke out. To wake up the sleeping child, Ace licked Nick’s face until he jumped up to find his home filling up with smoke. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Kids, Touching


Every Night, This Junkyard Dog Risks Her Life To Feed Others. Her Story Is A Lesson For All Of Us.

17 Jul

By Caroline

A once homeless dog turned true friend for a poor community in Brazil was caught on camera doing an unbelievable good deed. Lilica was abandoned outside of a junkyard in the city of San Carlos in Sao Paulo inland, where she was taken in and quickly became a favorite of the junkyard’s owner and some of the children who live there.

The villagers say that this street mutt has a kind soul and that you can see in her eyes that she is different from the others. When Lilica became pregnant and had 8 puppies, it was a joyous time for …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


30 Dogs Spent Their Lives Trapped In Cages – Until Now. Watch Them Play Outside For The FIRST TIME!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This video might seem pretty generic at first glance but what is really happening in it is monumental.

Watch as a group of 30 dogs that were rescued from a puppy mill by the National Mill Dog Rescue in Arizona get to experience what it’s like walking on the ground for the first time.

These beautiful dogs, who spent their entire lives in cages, are now free from the heartbreaking world of constant breeding. The National Mill Dog Rescue, which focuses their efforts on bringing new beginnings to these poor dogs, will give them the chance to finally find happiness and comfort …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


Hilarious! My Dog Would NOT Stop Whining – Until The Other One Completely Shut Him Up.

17 Jul

By Jessica

Oh man, we’ve all been there! Have you ever had one of those friends who just won’t stop talking, no matter what? She can be a great person, but sometimes you just want to yell at her to “cool it!”

This dog knows exactly how you feel, and he has something to say to his friend who just won’t stop with all the whining! I have to admit, this made me laugh out loud!

Please SHARE this hilarious moment!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Two Years After Adopting Her, This Rescue Dog Did The Most Adorable Thing!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Here is something that is guaranteed to make you smile, Gracie the happiest dog in the entire universe! I mean, just look at her smile!

Now what in the world could make this pup so happy? How about getting adopted into a forever home after living in an animal shelter in Los Angeles.

Gracie’s family took her in at the age of one, and one day she just whipped out this hidden talent and now she can’t stop!

According other owners, all Gracie does now is smile and they couldn’t be happier with their newest member of the family!

Enjoy! Please SHARE this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


[Caught On Camera] Look What My Dog Stole Right Off The Table!! He’s So Sneaky!!

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Maymo, the most adorable Lemon Beagle in the entire world, is at it again and this time he shows us one of his favorite foods: cabbage!!

In todays installment, Maymo gets daring and snags a head of his favorite veggie right off the table and goes to town.

I seriously can’t get enough of this dog, I can watch him for hours on end! He’s the perfect combination of sneaky, adorable, curious and hilarious!!

Enjoy! Please SHARE this this hilarious video with your friends!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


He Just Came Back From War And Was Suffering From PTSD, But This Pit Bull Ended Up Saving His Life.

17 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Coming back home after fighting a war is an harrowing experience for any soldier. It can feel downright impossible to get back to the sense of “normalcy” you once knew.

Many soldiers trying to readapt to civilian life but are feeling alone and like they have no where to turn.

David Sharpe was one of those soldiers. After returning home from deployments to Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan he started experiencing high anxiety and recurring nightmares. His anger and fear was so bad that he soon became confined to his Virginia home. Sharpe was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

A friend convinced and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


This Furry Teaching Assistant Takes Stress Out Of A UK Classroom. These Photos Melt My Heart!

17 Jul

By Caroline

Meet Flossie! She’s a ten-month-old Cockapoo who just landed a new job working at a school in the U.K. Flossie was brought into the classroom by teachers to help support young kids, while learning to read. The Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix has become a huge hit with the secondary school children, many who have already shown improved literary skills within the first few weeks.

Studies have revealed that children feel more comfortable reading to pets, because they do not judge or correct like adults do when a mistake is made. The Hylands School in Chelmsford, Essex works in the 6th grade and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


This Is What Happens When An Abandoned Baby Pig Meets A ‘Vicious’ Rescue Pit Bull.

17 Jul

By Amy


A tiny piglet named Pigalina has decided she has a new best friend — a rescued Pit Bull puppy named Levi! While she’s only three-weeks-old, Pigalina has become fascinated with Levi, and shows zero fear when it comes to getting right up in his face and snuggling in. The playful interactions were captured by owner Melissa Susko at her PIGS Animal Sanctuary in West Virginia.

After being rejected by her litter, Pigalina will now live among the other animals on Melissa’s farm. I have a feeling Pigalina will be taken care of quite nicely… she has a bodyguard for life

Please …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


This Puppy’s Legs Will Shock You. But When You See His INCREDIBLE Transformation, You’ll Cry Tears Of Joy.

17 Jul

By Amy

Crosby was abandoned in a park in the dead of winter when he was just a small puppy. Frightened and alone, he also faced another kind of adversity: his front paws were severely deformed (hence the reason he was abandoned, one can only assume).

The lonely pup was eventually discovered, and place in an animal shelter — then, eventually, a loving foster home who decided to do whatever they could to help Crosby. They chose the least invasive procedure: putting casts on his legs in hopes they would straighten. What happened next must be seen to be believed.

NO dog should have …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching