I Can’t Believe What They’ve Trained Their Dog To Do! This Is Pure Genuis!

17 Jul

By Jessica

Have you ever had this experience? Your dog comes in after a rainy day, and suddenly there are muddy paw prints all over your rug? He’s a dog, so you can’t just train him to wipe his feet – or can you? These people certainly did, and I love it! It’s such a cute, polite trick to train a dog to do!

I bet your pup will be the envy of the entire neighborhood if you were able to get him to wipe his feet like this – and no one will mind if he comes in to say hi!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Looked EVERYWHERE For My Dog, But Never Expected THIS!

16 Jul

By John

Here’s an undeniable fact: most pups hate bathtubs. There’s too big of a chance they’ll actually have to get a bath while they’re in one. But at least for this little Golden Retriever, there’s no better place in the world!

I’ve never seen a pup play around like that in an empty bathtub. I wonder what it is about it that he likes so much… for a little while he looks like he’s actually trying to swim with no water! I think he’s just trying to give a hint: “Take me to the lake! It’s hot outside and I want to …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


What?!? I Never Knew Any Of These Crazy Facts About Sleeping Animals! 4 Is My Favorite!

16 Jul

By John

An 8-month-long nap? That sounds like my kind of nap! I seriously never knew any of these facts about sleepy animals, and I’m not sure what I liked more: learning the facts or seeing these adorable little fur babies at their cutest! Actually I am sure… did you see that second little puppy fall asleep?!?

I thought the first fact about the duck was the most fascinating. How can they shut off half of their brain for sleep? Do they alternate which half shuts down? I think I’m going to do some research about that, but first thing’s first; these little …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog, General, Wild Animals


What This Paint Store Is Doing For Shelter Dogs Will Melt Your Heart!!

16 Jul

By Erin Lynch

It’s not uncommon to walk into a few establishments and find an old dog hanging out inside and trying to get belly rubs from all the customers.

However, there is one business, Mountain Paint, in Asheville, North Carolina that is taking that notion and turning it completely upside down. You see, this paint store has started taking shelter dogs in, one by one, to live at the store in hopes of getting them adopted.

Right now they have Dexter, the second shelter dog brought in from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, who was placed up for adoption after his owner moved into …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Pets in the News


He Was Destined To Spend His Life In A Shelter – Then Two Heroes Decided To Change All That.

16 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Last August Lauren Olson had one of the most impulsive decisions of her life, to adopt a dog she found online.

This dog had been living in a shelter and with an age approximation of 6-8 years-old, this Golden Retriever’s time was running out. Sadly, not too many people out there want to adopt an older dog, but Lauren took a chance.

She headed down to the Animal Haven shelter in the SoHo section of NYC and adopted Dakota! And lucky for us, Dakota’s first day was filmed and turned into one of the most adorable videos I’ve seen.

Taking just one …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


This Senior Dog Was Thrown Away And Sentenced To Die! What Happened Next Brought Me To TEARS!

16 Jul

By Jessica

Barabas arrived at the SOSD shelter in Singapore when he was on the verge of death. His owner failed to treat the huge head wound on Barabas’ head, and instead scheduled to have him put to sleep. Even though he was a senior dog — scared, injured and completely unsocialized — one of the doctors at the shelter decided to show Barabas unconditional love, rather than putting him down. With his support, Barabas became a happy, positive dog once again.

Through the rest of Barabas’s short life, he had many challenges, but the man who fostered him never once gave up …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


They Found 10 Babies Struggling To Swim Across The Bay. What Happened Next Is AMAZING!

16 Jul

By Amy

Oh my goodness, what a sight to see — and what an incredible rescue! While out on the bay, a group of boaters spotted something swimming in the waters. As they moved in closer, they realized what they were looking at: 10 young Sitka Blacktail deer trying their hardest to swim across the bay together! It looked as though their journey would be a complete success, until two of the babies began to struggle. Instead of just passing them by, the boaters knew they needed to bring this family back together.

They rescued both babies, bringing them onto their boat and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching, Wild Animals


Our Dog Stole Our Baby’s Toy, But Did Something So Cute I Can’t Be Mad! Awww!

16 Jul

By John

It’s tough being a pup with a new baby in the house… all of the baby’s toys make great chew toys, too! At least Charlie thinks so. When he stole one of our daughter’s toys, she immediately started crying, and Charlie knew he did something wrong.

The way he tried to “apologize” made my heart completely melt. Not only did he give her her toy back, he shared a few of his favorites with her as well. What a sweetie! I’m pretty sure Charlie’s going to make a great big brother to this little one, don’t you agree?

Be sure to SHARE …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Babies, Dog, General, Touching


What This Dog Is About To Do Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!! This Is Just Too Funny!

16 Jul

By Erin Lynch

OMG and this video is the perfect example of why I think dogs might be the greatest things on this planet of ours!

They are loving, they are energetic, and as this video definitely proves, dogs are not afraid to get a little goofy!

I can’t stop watching this one, this dog is having the time of his life!

Get ready to smile and please SHARE this hilarious video!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


What A Sweetheart! I’m Blown Away By What This Dog Is Able To Do!

16 Jul

By Jessica

Dogs love to learn, and to please their owners, and so when this girl kept repeating the words “I love you!” to her sweet dog, he kept trying to copy her – until finally, he was able to! Wait until you hear it, it really sounds like he says “I love you” right back!

Please SHARE this sweet talking dog!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog