Get Me To IKEA! This Genius Campaign Shows How Homeless Dogs Fit Into YOUR Home.

16 Jul

By Caroline

If you stop by an IKEA showroom any time in the near future, you may be surprised to find something even more adorable than assembly-required tables and their famously quirky contraptions. The Animals Lovers League Shelter and Save Our Street Dogs Shelter recently teamed up with the Swedish furniture giant to create Home For Hope, a new collaboration created to help homeless dogs find loving families.

IKEA uses their smart design to help remind people that there are countless homeless canines living in shelters who need their help. The furniture company created life-size cardboard cutouts of photographs of homeless dogs and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


AWW, Puppy REFUSES To Wake Up From His Nap In The Most ADORABLE Way!

16 Jul

By Jessica

Charlie the Beagle puppy does not like to get up in the mornings, and this video is proof! There’s nothing cuter than the noises his makes to signify his desire to keep sleeping on the warm bathroom floor, and even his owners can’t help but laugh as they try to get him to come out! “Just five more minutes!” he seems to be saying!

I wonder if they eventually just let him sleep a little longer? When you’re as cute as Charlie is, it’s probably easy to get your way!

Please SHARE this funny dog!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


She Was Hiding Where No One Expected, But Her Loyal Dogs Never Stopped Looking!

16 Jul

By Jessica

“Where is she? Where did she go?” After only a few minutes, these two lovable boxers excitedly found their owner, even though she was somewhere no one expected!

This is such a perfect game to play with my dogs, I can’t believe I’ve never thought of it before! All you have to do is stand in the room with them, make them sit, leave the room and hide, and then have someone else tell them to find you! Their senses of smell makes this game really fun for them, and even if you hide somewhere unexpected (like in this video), they …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


Does Your Dog TRULY Love You?! Here’s How I Found Out For Sure!

16 Jul

By Caroline

You may not need a test to know that your canine companion loves you until the end of time, but here are five fun reminders of why your pooch is your #1 fan!

Gregory Burns is a neuroscientist and author who came up with a test to determine canine loyalty without using an MRI. Burns came up with five ways to test your dog’s unconditional love. Billy Higgins of the Wall Street Journal put Burns’ five questions to the test with his adorable three-year-old yellow Labrador.

Put your own pup to the test and let us know what you think! SHARE …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


NOTHING Makes This Dog Happier Than Helping Her Deaf Brother! Look What She Does For Him!

16 Jul

By Amy

These two black labs, Buffy and Benson, are the best of friends. Benson is deaf, so when it’s time for the dogs to go inside, Buffy has to fetch Benson. This is their routine, every time they go outside. It warms my heart to see how happy it makes Buffy to help Benson on his way back home. I love watching them run back together, smiling and joyful.

What a pair of kind, sweet dogs! And what an amazing owner for teaching Benson this helpful, sweet trick.

Please SHARE this wonderful moment caught on camera!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


This Dog Isn’t That Good At Playing Fetch, But At 1:00 You’ll See Why It Was All Worth It!!

16 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Kiwi is pretty horrible at playing fetch, so much in fact that his owner decided to capture his clumsiness in action!

Even though this adorable Yorkie failed over and over again, I promise you, at the 1:00 mark, you’ll be so proud of this sweetheart!

This video is proof that if you keep trying and never give up, all that hard work will pay off!

I have to thank his owner because the dramatic music only makes this moment that much better.

Enjoy! Please SHARE this with your friends.

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Unbelievable! Dog Gives Birth To Green Puppies, This Is Amazing!

15 Jul

By Alex

Puppies come in all different colors. Green is not usually one of them. But when Aida Vallelado Molina–who breeds hunting dogs with her father-saw the litter her favorite Golden Retriever gave birth to, she realized green puppies is exactly what she had. At least the two smallest pups in the litter, anyway.

Doctors aren’t sure what led to the green coloring in the two puppies. She even tried washing it off, but it couldn’t be done. None of the other puppies in the litter have the pigmentation. Unfortunately only one of the two green puppies has survived. Even though they don’t …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog, Pets in the News


A Homeless Man Was Dying Alone In The Woods. What His Loyal Dog Did Next Stunned Me!!!

15 Jul

By Caroline

An Australian shepherd mix named Buddy became a hero after he delivered a note that saved his owner’s life. His owner was a homeless man who lived in the woods with his pet. They only had each other, so when the man fell very ill and immobile, the only thing he could do was send his loyal companion for help.

This story proves just why canines are known as “man’s best friend”. Buddy ran off and delivered the note to a woman walking her own pet around nearby railroad tracks. The woman delivered the note to police, who eventually found the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Touching


You Won’t Believe What His Dog Does To Him EVERY Time He Sleeps! Oh My God! You Have To See This!

15 Jul

By Amy

In a video entitled, “My dog is a nap jerk,” we get to see what happens to a young man named Garret every single time he goes to take a nap with his adorable Border Collie, aka, the Nap Jerk in question. You see, Garret’s dog loves to cuddle with him sSO much, that he makes it impossible to drift off into sleep! Good thing this is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen, or I’d think Garret would go crazy. Sometimes, too much cuddling isn’t a good thing.

Okay, that’s not true at all. There’s no such thing …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


We Made Our Daughter’s Biggest Wish Come True – Her Reaction Made Me MELT!

15 Jul

By John

Getting a puppy is a pretty big deal no matter how old you are. It’s an especially big one when you’re just turning four, though, and that puppy is your very first pet! Just before Madalyn’s 4th birthday, she got the surprise of her (admittedly) young life. The way she reacted made me certain she’s ready for such a big responsibility!

I love seeing little kids with puppies… just knowing how much time they’ll have together and how they’ll be there for each other for years to come makes me feel so happy and thankful for the dogs that I’ve had …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Kids