This Army Veteran Wasn’t Sure If His Military Buddy Would Remember Him…What Happens Next Brought Me To Tears!

15 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This story simply melts my heart! These two soldiers spent 5 years and 100 missions together in Iraq detecting roadside bombs, but when Sergeant Jason Bos had to retire due to a back injury in 2012, they went two years without seeing each other.

Bos wasn’t sure if he would ever cross paths with his best friend and constant companion, a chocolate Lab named Cila, ever again. But fate intervened when Bos found out that Cila was going to retire from her service too. With the help of the American Humane Association and Mission K9 Rescue, Cila was flown from …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


[Caught On Camera] I Can’t Believe My Beagle Taught Himself To Do This! Hysterical!!!

15 Jul

By Caroline

I can not stop laughing at this clever canine! I’ve seen a ton of hysterical dog videos in my day, but I’ve honestly never came across anything like the pooch in this laugh out loud clip! This hilarious beagle has a sneaky little secret. Whenever his mom and dad leave the room, he hits the keys and starts practicing his musical talents!

Not only has this little doggie taught himself to “play” piano, he sings along too. This doggie give a whole new meaning to howling the blues, but don’t call him tone def! Practice makes perfect and to this pup, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


[Caught On Camera] I Can’t Believe My Dog Taught Himself To Do This! Hysterical!!!

15 Jul

By Caroline

I can not stop laughing at this clever canine! I’ve seen a ton of hysterical dog videos in my day, but I’ve honestly never came across anything like the pooch in this laugh out loud clip! Meet Tucker, a one-and-a-half-year-old Schnoodle (I love this Schauzer/Poodle mix!), who has a sneaky little secret. Whenever his mom and dad leave the room, he hits the keys and starts practicing his musical talents!

Not only has this little doggie taught himself to “play” piano, he sings along too. His mama says he puts on about 3-4 performances a day, but don’t call him tone …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


‘Vicious’ Pit Bull Takes A Bullet To The Head To Save The Lives Of Innocent People! AMAZING!

15 Jul

By Jessica

Rico is a gentle, 10 month old pit bull puppy who is described by his owner as being sweet and shy. But one night, while Rico was sleeping in the back of a t-shirt print shop, three armed men came in intending to rob the place. When they went into a back room looking for a safe, Rico startled them, and one of the thieves shot Rico point blank in the head. But Rico didn’t fall down – instead, this usually shy pup attacked the three thieves until they got so scared they ran away. The very next day, this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog


This Hero Dog Was Shot In The Head, But That Didn’t Stop Him From Saving Their Lives!

15 Jul

By Jessica

Rico is a gentle, 10 month old pit bull puppy who is described by his owner as being sweet and shy. But one night, while Rico was sleeping in the back of a t-shirt print shop, three armed men came in intending to rob the place. When they went into a back room looking for a safe, Rico startled them, and one of the thieves shot Rico point blank in the head. But Rico didn’t fall down – instead, this usually shy pup attacked the three thieves until they got so scared they ran away. The very next day, this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Animals in the news, Dog


This Puppy Was Going To Be Put Down, But Then Something Happened And His Life Changed Forever!

15 Jul

By Erin Lynch

When members of The Mia Foundation heard about this adorable puppy named Mick who was born with Swimmer Puppy Syndrome, they knew they had to do something and they had to do it fast. Sadly, most puppies who are born with these health issue are euthanized due to the extensive and expensive treatments and therapies they have to endure.

For most dogs like Mick suffering from Swimmer Puppy Syndrome, they are born with weak rear muscles in their legs and they not only have severe difficulty standing but they appear to be paddling their legs, much like a turtle, in an …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


My Clever Dog Had A Bad Problem, So We Made Her This! BEST. INVENTION. EVER.

15 Jul

By Caroline

Say hello to Bella! This beautiful Belgian Malinois truly lives up to her name, but according to her owner she has a nasty little secret! Like many dogs, Bella is an overeater, who can’t keep her pace when her mama puts food in her bowl. She’ll eat anything in sight! Bella’s mom came up with the genius toy in this video to teach Bella how to slow it down for snacks and keep her happy pup busy and satisfied!

Bella’s owner says “I’ve had this toy made for Bella because she eats too fast when I put food in her bowl. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


He Was Abused And Neglected – But Ever Since We Adopted Him, He Does The Most AMAZING Thing!

15 Jul

By Jessica

Frank the Dachshund had some very hard first years. He was abused, neglected, and spent most of his time outside and alone. By the time he was finally adopted by a loving family, he was completely deaf, probably due to an infection that went untreated. After lots of love and care, Frank went from a dog who was afraid of everything and who never wagged his tail to one of the happiest dogs around!

How do we know that Frank is happy now? Well, you have to see the way he sleeps!

This video is proof that adoption is one of the …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


This Is How My Four ‘Kids’ Welcome Me Home, Every Time!

15 Jul

By Amy

This man is truly loved by his ‘kids’ — four wonderful, beautiful dogs who greet their best friend after he’s been gone all week. When he arrives, they know they’ll soon be going for a ride in the beloved truck he drives for work!

The dark Golden Retriever is Maxie, the lighter one is Maya. The Australian Shepherd is Fidget and the mutt is Corduroy. Notice how the Shepherd acts just a little differently than the rest of the pack — he spins, and spins and spins in joy! How wonderful is this moment caught on camera?!

Please SHARE this adorable video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


This Is What Happens When A ‘Vicious’ Pit Bull Meets A Tiny Kitten.

15 Jul

By Amy

There are many people out there who think Pit Bulls should be a breed of the past — but it’s videos like this one that show the other, much more different, side.

Mom brought home the most adorable kitten I’ve ever seen, and the kitten was blessed with a (very) big sister — the family Pit Bull. This video captures the earliest encounter between the two new siblings, and well… you just really have to watch it. All I can say is, these are two of the biggest sweethearts, and we need more videos like this one to dispel the stigma …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Company News, Dog