She’s Been Wanting This FOREVER, But She Had A Complete Meltdown. Hysterical!!!

14 Jul

By Caroline

Leann Conner posted this unbelievably adorable clip to her YouTube page and wrote that the video is of her 8-year-old daughter, who just received the surprise of a lifetime for her upcoming birthday! I never thought someone else’s “happy” tears could make me cry, also, but it just happened!

All this little cutie wanted for her entire life was a sweet puppy, but when she finally got that wish, she couldn’t even control her emotions. How can you blame her?! I would probably lose it too if I received a little puppy like this one for my birthday. The little black …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny, Kids


He Just Wanted To Give This Puppy A Home – He Never Thought They’d Come To Find Him!

14 Jul

By Jessica

What happens when a human finds a little puppy alone in the middle of the woods, and decides to bring him home? At first everything seems fine, but when the puppy’s “family” comes to find him, the human gets a lot more than he bargained for!

I love it when people take popular movies and give them the most adorable spin! This little parody is based off the Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes remake move that just came out, and I have to say, I think I like this version better! How can you go wrong with tons of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


I Have Never Seen A Dog Do This Before, Just Incredible!!

14 Jul

By Erin Lynch

I have seen a lot of dogs, do a lot of things but this trick takes the cake!

Meet Cleo, an adorable Kooikerhondje who just can’t get enough of playing one of my favorite childhood games, Connect Four!

Haven’t heard of the Kooikerhondje? Don’t worry, not too many have. It’s a small spaniel-type breed that comes from Dutch ancestry. The Kooikerhondje is generally good natured, friendly, quiet, well-behaved, and alert, so she has an amazing temperament for training!

Look at Cleo go – it’s like she knows exactly where her opponent is going to go even before they do. This is pretty cool! …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


Hilarious! These Pets Do Not Want You To Do Yoga Right Now!

14 Jul

By Jessica

People love to post videos of themselves doing yoga on YouTube. Whether it’s to teach other people, or simply to show off how flexible they are, it’s quite common for regular people to upload themselves, and to take themselves seriously while they’re doing it. But what happens when these yogis have a pet that just wants attention while the camera is rolling?

These videos are a hilarious representation of what can happen when your dog or cat wants your attention, and doesn’t care that there’s a camera! I’m glad these videos were uploaded onto the web, despite the fact that they …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Funny


This Homeless Dog Has The ULTIMATE Comeback Story. I’m In Tears!

14 Jul

By Caroline

Billy-G was born and raised on the mean streets of Los Angeles. The six-month-old stray was spotted living downtown near L.A.’s Natural History Museum and he was sick, dirty and starving. Although he was just a puppy, Billy-G look old and weathered. He had seen it all.

Thankfully, the kind people at California animal rescue organization, Hope For Paws, spotted Billy-G and came to his rescue. Billy received a complete makeover and you can see in his eyes that the first moment he was held, he finally felt loved. Today, Billy-G has found a home and made an incredible turn around. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


This Dog Is AMAZING, I Cannot Believe All The Tricks He Can Do!!

14 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Meet Gabe, an adorable and incredibly talented Bulldog, who is showing off his skills on America’s Got Talent! What can’t this adorable dog do? He can skateboard, he can flush the toilet, have fun on a rocking chair! He’s just amazing!

This isn’t Gabe’s first experience with Hollywood stardom; in 2008 he, along with owner and trainer Cheryl Knapp, competed and won 1st place and a $15,000 prize in the 2008 Worldwide Fido Awards.

The two have also appeared together on The Late Show With David Letterman and Good Morning America! That is quite an impressive roster Gabe!

We can’t wait …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Talent


They Thought This Baby Lamb Wouldn’t Make It, Until She Stepped In And Loved Her!

14 Jul

By Jessica

When this lamb was orphaned, people at this farm weren’t sure what was going to happen to her. Would she be taken in by another sheep? Would she be able to adjust? They shouldn’t have worried, because almost overnight, the farm dog decided she was going to be this lamb’s mother.

The two went everywhere together, and the dog never let her little lamb out of her sight! It just goes to show that animals know the truest form of love! If there is someone who needs it, they’ll give it, without hesitation! What a beautiful story!

Please SHARE this adorable pair!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


Photographer Chronicles A Beloved Dog’s Last Day On Earth. I Couldn’t Get Through This Without Tears.

14 Jul

By Caroline

A Texas photographer chronicled her dog’s last day on earth with a beautiful, but heartbreaking photo series that is pulling on people’s heartstrings around the globe. Robyn Arouty is a photographer and animal rescue advocate in Houston, TX, who joined her friend Jordan Roberts for moral support, when she had to put her beloved dog Duke to sleep on July 7th.

Jordan and her husband rescued Duke right before they had their first child. He was their original baby and they were heartbroken when Duke was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone tumor, a year after his adoption. One of …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


I’ve Seen Dogs Do A Lot, But I’ve NEVER Seen This. HYSTERICAL!!!

14 Jul

By Caroline

I can not stop laughing at this clever canine! I’ve seen a ton of hysterical dog videos in my day, but I’ve honestly never came across anything like the pooch in this laugh out loud clip!

Not only has this little doggie taught himself to “play” piano, he sings along too. It looks to me like this family is very musical and their pup picked up on the tune, but don’t call him tone def! To this pup, everything is music to his hears. This video is so much fun!

If you love dogs, please go ahead and SHARE this video with …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


My Dog Isn’t Allowed On The Bed – Look What Happened When I Caught Him!

14 Jul

By Jessica

Harvey the Golden Retriever was not allowed on the bed, but one day, while his owner was washing the sheets, he jumped up! When she caught him, she started filming, and what follows is a discussion with the cutest, most stubborn dog ever! The face Harvey gives her at :13 made me laugh out loud! I’m having a good time right here, he seems to be saying, so let me be!

Do you have a dog who knows he’s not supposed to do something, but tries to sneak it in anyway? When a dog gets comfortable, he can be the hardest …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny