We Do This Every Year For Our Dog’s Birthday – He Loves It So Much!

11 Jul

By Jessica

Lambeau the dog just turned 13, so what does he get? An ice cream cone for his birthday! Every year, his family gives him a cone, and every year, he loves every minute of it! While ice cream might not be the best thing for a dog to eat on a regular basis, once in a while, I’m sure it’s okay! Especially if it’s something that happens once a year!

Everything in moderation, right, Lambeau? And besides, look how much he enjoys it! Thirteen years of being a good dog is definitely worth a treat!

Do you spoil your pet on their …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


You Won’t Believe What Is Under This Pile Of Puppies, This Is Too Cute!!

11 Jul

By Erin Lynch

CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!! OMG this clip is just absolutely adorable!

Watch as 10, that’s right, 10 Golden Retriever puppies swarm their mama, Bella, with nothing but love and kisses!

Bailey, Benny, Charlie, Cooper, Jack, Maebe, Ranger, Sammy, Sawyer and Tucker are all just too much for me, I can’t take it!

You can tell there is no place else Bella wants to be than with her babies! What an amazing mom! Every family should be this happy!!

Enjoy and SHARE this video today!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Every Day, He Comforts His Dying Dog Like This. So Beautiful!

11 Jul

By Jessica

David Unger and Shep have been best friends since David adopted Shep from a shelter 19 years ago. But in dog years, 19 is a long time, and so Shep is feeling the aches and pain of age. When David realized how much pain his best friend was in, he decided to try something: He would take Shep in his arms and walk into the water by his house, letting his dog feel weightless, and therefore pain free.

Shep would fall instantly asleep once the two were in the water, so David started to do it everyday, sometimes for hours. …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


A Sleeping Baby Was Left Alone With A Dog For One Minute, And This Is What Happened.

11 Jul

By Amy

This video might as well be a photo, because… well, you’ll see. It’s so cute how the dog ends up trying so hard to stay awake, and the sleeping baby is simply precious!

One YouTuber was quick to judge this video, saying, “Dangerous, never leave your baby unattended with a dog.” But another commenter quickly corrected this and said, “Never leave your baby unattended with a dangerous dog.” I completely agree with the second comment, and this video should prove exactly why. There is so much good that can come from the bond between baby and dog.
Please SHARE this adorable pair!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


These Pups Were About To Get Their Treat, Until THIS Happened. HILARIOUS!

10 Jul

By John

It’s a lucky dog that gets an entire link of sausage as a treat. It’s a greedy dog that tries to do something like this! I can’t help but laugh a little bit though. I didn’t see this coming at all.

I thought these were the three most patient pups of all time… who would have thought that one of them would be planning the ultimate heist? I’ve got to hand it to him though. When he decided to make his move, he made it FAST! The other pups didn’t know WHAT to do!

Please watch and enjoy! And don’t forget …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny, General


A Dog Got Into A Cheetah Enclosure, But What Happened Next Stunned Everybody!

10 Jul

By Jessica

We’re not sure where this footage is from, or how exactly this dog got into a cheetah enclosure, but this amazing video shows a dog and a cheetah actually playing together! None of the zoo workers seem particularly concerned, and the cheetah isn’t running at full speed after the dog, so we can only assume this happens all the time and these two are good friends!

I always love to see two animals bond, even when they’re not the same species. It proves that animals don’t judge a book by its cover, and can love each other no matter what!

Please SHARE …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog


Faithful Dog Helps An Elderly Couple In The Most Amazing Way. SO Beautiful!

10 Jul

By Amy


Dogs are the most loyal, faithful creatures in the world! It’s always great to see pets helping their owners, but this one is especially amazing. Over in Chile, an elderly couple is preparing to build a fire, but they need a little assistance. A little “muscle,” if you will… and who else but the family dog is right by their side to help them bring in firewood! One by one, this pup is more than happy to help Mom and Dad, who aren’t as strong as they used to be. Is this the sweetest sight, or what?! Now they can …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


Whenever My Dog Hears A Police Siren, He Does The CRAZIEST Thing! Here’s Proof!

10 Jul

By Jessica

A lot of dogs howl when they hear a police siren, but this Golden Retriever takes things a step further by sounding like the siren itself! When I started watching this video, I thought I was going to hear something I’ve heard a thousand times before, but this dog’s howl is truly one of a kind!

Does anyone know why dogs howl when they hear noises like this? Is it because it hurts their ears? Can they hear something us humans can’t? I’ve always wanted to know!

Please SHARE this unique pup!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


EVERY Kid Needs A Dog! Summer’s Best Feel-Good Video Proves It!

10 Jul

By John

If there’s a combination of three things that guarantee a good time, it’s a little boy, his best furry friend, and a puddle. And I don’t think there’s ever been a better combo of the three than in this precious video.

This has to be the most patient pup in the world. He knows that no boy in the world can resist the temptation of a good puddle to splash in, and just stands there so patiently waiting for his friend to finish. The song just makes the whole thing perfect! Watching this makes me want to take an extra-long …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Kids


Rescue Dog Was Too Scared To Come Out Of Her Shell, So Mom Did Something Amazing!

10 Jul

By Amy

Rescue dogs make the greatest pets, but sometimes due to their traumatic pasts they need a little extra serving of love and care. Lucy’s mom was more than prepared to put the time needed into bringing comfort and happiness back into her new daughter’s life.

At first, Lucy was scared and reluctant to let anyone get close to her. She was very closed-off, and rightfully so. After weeks of picking her brain as to how to get Lucy to start opening up, she started playing the hand slap game with Lucy and her adorable paws, by laying on her stomach in …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog