This Seemed Like The Best Birthday Party….Until :12, I Can’t Stop Laughing!!

10 Jul

By Erin Lynch

What is there not to like about birthday parties? I mean, not only do you get to hang out with awesome friends and good family, but there is always amazing food and, the best part, there’s cake!!!

Apparently, not everyone at this house loves to party. Meet Chang, an adorable pup who has no problem showing his family how he feels about these festivities!

Cheer up, Chang! It’s a party!

If this video made you chuckle, please SHARE it with friends!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Can You Tell Which Dog Is Guilty?! I Am Cracking Up!!!

10 Jul

By Caroline

Someone made a HUGE mess while mom was away, but who could it be?!

Cody, Murphy and Maggie are three adorable pups who know the truth! When their mother asks nicely, “who made this mess” only two of the dogs can look her in the eye. If you have more than one pet, you know how this story goes. The truth ALWAYS seems to come out at some point!

This made me laugh so much. Poor Cody and Murphy don’t want to give their sister up, but they also are not getting blamed for the big mess. This is one of those …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


This Dog Is Taking His First Bath Ever, And His Reaction Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!

10 Jul

By Jessica

Benny the Pomeranian doesn’t quite seem to know what to make of his first bath. He might be enjoying it, or he might be totally confused. Either way, his reactions are so funny I couldn’t help but laugh out loud! Those big eyes and those little feet that paddle even when they’re not in the water – how could you not love him to pieces?

Even though he seems a little out of his element, he also seems quite calm. Even though the water may be a new thing, he seems to be letting the experience wash over him completely! Some …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Knew No One Would Believe What My Dog Does To Me, I Had To Record It!!

10 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Well, now it’s easy to see why a Vizsla is commonly referred to as the “velcro breed!” Look at adorable Nell, she just can’t seem to get close enough to her owner, Heidi Corley Barto!

No matter what Heidi does, what position she tries to read her book in, or how many times she tells Nell no, this lovable pup just wants to give her sweet kisses and cuddle up! With a face like that, how can you turn down cuddle time?

This is pretty common behavior of the breed, they usually thrive on attention and interaction from others. As you …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


My Dog Is TERRIFIED Of My Rescued Duckling – I Shouldn’t Laugh But It’s TOO Funny!

10 Jul

By John

Sometimes I just don’t understand what the heck is going on through my dog’s head. He’s brave enough to growl at the the mailman, he’ll try to chase anything he sees on his afternoon walks, and he’ll jump from heights that would put a person in the hospital.

But then he’s scared of a little baby duck. I know I probably shouldn’t be laughing so hard at my furry friend, but really? A duckling? I could understand if it was a full-grown ostrich.

If your pup has any unexplainable fears, let us know in the comments… and please SHARE this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: birds, Dog, Funny, General


Cop Kills ‘Vicious’ Pit Bull – That Turned Out To Be A 2-Year-Old Lab Puppy! DESPICABLE!

10 Jul

By Jessica


Does this dog look “vicious” or “dangerous” to you? A cop in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, certainly thought so, and ended up shooting and killing him after an altercation. Arfie the two-year-old black lab was sitting in a van when a cop walked up next to it, concerned there was a reported child predator inside. When Arfie sensed the officer approaching, he jumped up against the window and started barking. The officer claimed he thought the lab was a “vicious” pit bull, and shot off a round of gunshots. Arfie later died from his injuries.

Whether Arfie was a pitt bull or …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Animals in the news, Dog


My New Puppy Is OBSESSED With The Most Hysterical Thing! You Have To See Her!!!

10 Jul

By Caroline

I’ve never met a dog who didn’t love a good rub down. Belly rub, back rub, a scratch behind the ears… it’s pretty well known that every doggie has his thing. I thought I’ve seen it all, but what the adorable little nugget in this video enjoys is definitely a first in my life!

Adorable English Bulldog puppy Agnes is only 13 weeks old, but she already knows exactly what she enjoys in life… and it’s absolutely hysterical! Somehow Agnes’ owner, Nikolaj Kavallar, discovered that Agnes loves a good rub down with one of those big utility brushes. Normally, people use …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


My Cat Thought She Was Going To Get Away With THIS, At :55 She Couldn’t Have Been More Wrong!!

10 Jul

By Erin Lynch

For the most part, cats can be pretty sneaky animals that have the skills of a ninja when it comes to going undetected. Now, unfortunately Meeko doesn’t seem to have those skills!

Watch as this 6-year-old Ragdoll tries to walk past her much bigger brother Tank without disturbing him. Now, in Meeko’s defense, Tank the Great Dane is four times her size and has ears the size of her head! Although that doesn’t seem to stop her from tip-toeing through the kitchen! Just wait until around the :55 mark where she couldn’t get any more busted!!

Nice try Meeko and thanks …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Funny, Touching


Oh. My. GOD! This Dog Is Guaranteed To Put A Smile On Your Face, I’ve Never Seen Anything Like Him!

10 Jul

By Amy

No matter how many times I watch this, I just can’t get enough! Benny has a very complex relationship with bath time. On one hand, he looks a bit hesitant just like many other dogs. On the other hand, he’s more ecstatic than any dog I’ve ever seen! He seems to love getting pampered in the tub by mom, the smile never once leaves his face! These classic facial expressions throughout the clip’s entirety are unreal. Like, he’s so cute and funny, he doesn’t even look real. SO adorable, right?! I LOVE Benny!

Please SHARE this hilarious video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


I Caught My Dogs Doing The Most Hysterical Thing. You Need To See This!

09 Jul

By Caroline

This video was originally submitted to America’s Funniest Home Videos, but has since become an internet sensation… and for good reason! I can not stop laughing at these two dogs! The little pup has the right idea. Why swim all the way across the pool when you can hitch a ride on your big brother?!

The little dog seems to be the boss of this house! I think it’s hysterical that these two work together as such a great team. I bet these two would make great surfer dogs. With the little one’s balance and the yellow Labrador’s swimming skills, they …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny