When You See What This Dog Has In His Mouth, Your Jaw Will Drop. Amazing Rescue!!!

09 Jul

By Caroline

A black Labrador retriever named Jax is a true hero today after he spotted and saved a tiny bird drowning in a lake. Jax was with his dad, who hadn’t seen the newborn bird fighting for his life, until Jax jumped in the water and darted toward him. Jax spotted the baby bird struggling to stay afloat and didn’t hesitate to go in after him!

Jax is truly an amazing dog! Many animals may have even eaten the tiny creature, but not Jax… his kind deed is a wonderful example for all living things. I’m so impressed by the kindness this …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: birds, Dog


My Dog Does This To My Son Every Single Day, And It’s SO Wonderful.

09 Jul

By Amy

Have you ever seen a bond like this one? A boy and his dog, to the tenth degree! Shimmer the Italian Greyhound has a favorite person in the whole wide world, and that’s her brother Isaac. She is so excited to see him wake up before school, and come home from school — it’s that whole “separated” thing in between she can’t stand! They’ve started a daily tradition of endless cuddles and kisses, and it completely melts my heart. Big bro is so kind and sweet with her, and he has to be… look at her little legs!

Looks like these …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Kids


We Noticed Our Dog Was Gaining Weight… So I Walked Into The Kitchen And Made A Surprising Discovery!

09 Jul

By Amy

Molly the dog’s parents started to notice she was getting a little…. hefty. But they didn’t know why, because they weren’t feeding her any differently! One day, mom walked into the kitchen to make a shocking discovery — Meggie the cat had been feeding her treats the entire time!! OMG! Watch as the cat goes into the dog treat canister and continuously paws treats, one by one… no wonder Molly is packing on the pounds!

What a sneaky, yet very helpful, friend! HA!

Please SHARE this funny clip!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Funny


My Puppy Likes To Sleep In The Weirdest Place, I Just HAD To Record It!!

09 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This is what Erin Keever walked in on today, her adorable little puppy Moki sleeping, soundly, on the central air conditioning ducts!

Look at her, enjoying the comforts of the cool, refreshing air conditioning – ears flapping in the breeze!! I just can’t get enough!

Erin said when the mercury starts to rise, Moki moves from vent to vent around the house seeking out cool air. This has to be the best commercial for air conditioning I have ever seen.

Oh my sweet Moki, I can totally relate! Once temps hit 90-degrees in the summer, this is all I want to do …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


THIS Is Why God Made A Dog. Here’s A Video Every Dog Lover Should See!

09 Jul

By Amy

Regardless of our religion, dog owners can all agree on one thing: our dogs are our angels. This video will take you on an emotional (and hilariously honest) journey to explain why God made a dog. It made me laugh and it made me cry, all at once!

The bottom line? God put dogs on this earth to show us what pure, unconditional love really means. These animals simply make life better… and thank God for them!

Please SHARE this video with all the dog lovers in your life!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


Every Time I Miss My Puppy, I Watch This Beautiful Video. Nothing Makes Me Happier!

09 Jul

By Caroline

If you are lucky enough to have a young child or baby animal in your life, you know how wonderfully special the tender moments with them are. You know they need to grow up eventually, but at the same time you NEVER want them to! This pet parent wanted his beautiful Golden Retriever puppy to stay forever young, so he decided to record special moments from the first year of his life. I guarantee the result will make you smile!

From new pup just starting out in the world to an almost fully grown adult, we see life through the eyes …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Just Walked In On My Son And My Dog Doing The CUTEST Thing! I Just Had To Record It!!

09 Jul

By Erin Lynch

OMG!!! Can this video get any more adorable!? When this mom walked in on her two kids hanging out on the couch watching a movie with her two dogs she couldn’t believe what she saw.

That’s right, her young son Ryder and her Bulldog Rosco were simultaneously dozing off for a nap! They can’t keep their eyes open, this is just too funny!

I love how her daughter, Riley, has no idea the hilarity that is going on right next to her! I can watch this video all day long!

Enjoy and please SHARE this hilarious video!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Kids


Most Adorable Video Ever! Puppy Has The Time Of His Life At The Farm!

09 Jul

By Jessica

Winkles the Shar Pei puppy lives at Serendipity Farm, and loves every minute of it! When he’s not running through the grass with the chickens he’s sniffing around with the pigs, or even trying to play with a very surprised kitten! I almost laughed out loud at :55 because Winkles just looked so mesmerized!

It must be so nice to have all that space to run around in, and all those friends to play with! Winkles definitely has a great life!

Please SHARE this puppy’s happy playtime!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


My Dog Met A Girl With Special Needs At The Park… What Happened Next Is Priceless.

09 Jul

By Amy

Darwin is an amazing pup, and what he did for an incredible girl put a HUGE smile not only on my face, but on hers as well! While Darwin and his mom were out enjoying an awesome day at the park — swimming, playing and running — the absolute best part of the day happened just as we they were leaving. A girl with special needs and her caregiver asked if they could pet Darwin. Mom was more than happy to oblige them, and the footage that shows this wonderful meeting completely melted my heart. This girl could not have …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


Life Through My Dog’s Eyes Is Such An Adrenaline Rush. This Footage Is Incredible!

09 Jul

By Caroline

When David Alpert bought his new Go Pro video camera, the extreme sport lover never expected he would be using his new toy to film his dog, but I’m so happy he did! David got the genius idea when he went for a swim himself and decided that he wanted to see life through his dog, Chase’s eyes.

David strapped the waterproof camera to Chase’s collar and took him out for some fun in the pool. The most amazing part of this video is seeing exactly how fast dogs can swim! I’m not the fastest swimmer myself, but Chase can paddle …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog